Le Interviste del Boss

Introducion of Journey to Nowhere - The Saga of the New Underclass
by Bruce Springsteen
from the Book Journey to nowhere - The Saga of the New Underclass
by Dale Maharidge Photography by Michael Williamson

Journey to Nowhere - The Saga of the New Underclas; Introduction

by Bruce Springsteen

"I had completed most of the Tom Joad record when one night, unable to sleep, i pulled this book down off my living room shelf. I read it in one sitting and I lay awake that night disturbed by its power and frightened by its implications. In the next week, I wrote Yougstown and The New timer. Dale Maharidge and Michael Williamson put real lives, names, and faces on statistics we'd all been hearing about throughout the eighties. People who all their lives had played by the rules, done the right thing,and had come up empty. Men and women whose work and sacrifice had built this country, who'd given their sons to its wars and then whose lives were marginalized or discarded. I lay awake that night thinking: what if the craft I'd learned was suddenly deemed obsolete, no longer needed. What would I do to take care of my family? What wouldn't do?
Whitout getting on a soapbox, these are the questions Dale Maharidge and Michael Williamson pose whit their words and pictures. Men and women struggling to take care of their own in the most impossible conditions and still moving on, surviving.
As we tuck our children into bed at night, this is an America many of us fail to see, but it is a part of the country we live in, an increasing part. I believe a place and a people are judged not just by their accomplishments, but also by their compassion and sense of justice. In future, that's the frontier where we will all be tested. How well we do will be the America we leave behind for our children and grandchildren"

B. Springsteen
16 dicembre 1995

from the Book Journey to nowhere - The Saga of the New Underclass
by Dale Maharidge Photography by Michael Williamson

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