24Cxx version 1.0 - Copyright (C) 2000 Luca Ferretti Follows the schematics of the slightly modified Ludipipo (by Ludwig Catta) PIC programmer and the i2c e2prom adapter. The pin numbers on the left side of the schematic are referred to a 9 pin serial connector. TxD ---*----------------------------+ (3) | | | --- --- -*- electrical connection | | | | | | | 2k2 | | 10k --- 1N4148 --- | | |\ | | -|- no connection *-------| >|----*--------+ | | \ | |/ | | | | \----\ | | | ^ \ | + | | / \ 47u --- 14 | | 4 / \ 5V1 --- +----------+ ----- | | Vdd Vpp | | | | | +----------+ | | 5 | | | 24CXX | GND ---*---------------*----| Vss | 1| |8 (5) 22k | | +----| A0 VCC |------>Vdd ----- 12 | | | 2| |7 RTS ---------| |----------| RB6 | *----| A1 WC/ |----+ (7) ----- | | | 3| |6 | ----- 13 | | *----| A2 SCL |----|->RB6 DTR ---------| |----*-----| RB7 | | 4| |5 | (4) ----- | | | *----| GND SDA |----|->RB7 2k2 | | PIC | | | | | CTS ------------------+ +----------+ | +----------+ | (8) | | Vss<-*--------------------+ WARNING: On the programmer is also present Vpp, if you use this instead of Vdd in the adapter you can IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE your e2prom ! You can cable this on the same board of the programmer (the preferred choice if you DIY) or build a socket adapter over a small piece of pref board using an 8 pin socket and two pin strips that will be connected to the programmer in piggy back, this should give you an idea : Top view Side view +----------------------------------+ | o o o o o o o o o +---------+ | _______ | | O O O O | | | | <--socket | | | | ==||||||||=========== <-- pref | | O O O O | | |||||||| <-- pins | o o o o o o o o o +---------+ | +----------------------------------+