Federico Mestrone
View In English Leggi In Italiano “ú–{Œê‚Å
Born in Turin on the 23rd March 1973
Via Cardinale Garampi, 139 ♦ 00167 Rome ♦ Italy
Tel. +39 06 6272610 ♦ Fax +39 17822 52844 ♦ Mobile +39 347 7351369
EMail: federicomestrone@tiscali.it

Since Nov 2001

Alia S.a.s. di Luca Michele Lella

Network Administrator and Delphi Analyst
Administration of a 4-PC LAN with one RedHat 7.2 Linux server and Windows 2000/XP clients: internet connection sharing, sharing of files and printers, remote SSH access.

1999 - 2000

IchiBan Nihongo Gakko

Passed the 3rd level of the Japanese Proficiency Test (336/400)

1993 - 1994

St. Giles School of English

Obtained a TEFL Certificate (Teacher of English as a Foreign Language)

1992 - 1994

University of Brighton

BSc (Hons) European Business with Technology [first 3 yrs]
The course was based in Brighton and at the Politecnico di Torino (Turin)

1987 - 1992

Liceo Scientifico "M. Curie"

Pinerolo (TO)
Maturita Scientifica (56/60)
Corresponding to British 'A' Levels in Calculus, Natural Sciences, Technical Drawing, History, Philosophy, Italian Literature, Latin, English.