Intervista agli Alchemist

di Lord Glacial

1- Hi guys , first of all I would to know what are the agents of mind you used to create your fantastic album J !!
The desire to write heavy music that we would like to listen to and have fun playing. Sure we chuff a little pot but mainly our inspiration comes from wanting to write original heavy tunes.

2- Your influences are differents , I think you love the 70’s but , in the same time , the modern metal . What your secret to synthetized all your influences in a one stone full of madness and creativity ?
We have been together 12 years so we have evolved naturally over that time. Again we find a lot of metal these days to be very boring, cliche and unimaginative. A lot of bands are afraid to experiment but we have always experimented. We are lucky that we are 4 individuals who can keep it together and have very similar musical tastes and goals.

3- The moniker Alchemist represent your capacity of mix more form of music ? Why “Organasm” ?
??? Organasm was a song from our last record that didn't make it but we like the name. A hybrid word of Organism and orgasm.

4- What your fave bands in absolute ?
Original line up Kiss, original line up Black Sabbath, original line up Pink Floyd,& The Beatles.

5- The 7 txs remember me the structure of a Joy Division’s song with Jim Morrison voice…. , what do you think of this band ?
Never heard their music??

6- For me Australia its Psikore ,Blood Duster Segression ,Cryogenic also .What do you think of these bands ? There are others Australian’s metal bands ?
Yes we know and play with all these bands. Our scene is quite small but strong. There are many other metal bands here. We also organise the largest metal festival in Australia. Please check out Her you can get a good picture of the Aussie scene.

7- Do you like the psychedelic culture ? What do you think about the drugs abuse ? Can the drugs really open “the doors of art” ?
Yes drugs change the way you think, interpret and perceive- of course it can influence your art. Sometime we take trips and jam but that is usually a bit too crazy but we do get some good musical and lyrical ideas.

8- Please , can you light me about the lyrics (not-including in my promo) ?
We like to sing about things that interest us. Traditionally we've talked about space, existance reincarnation, drugs etc. In the future I'd like to write more about serious issues like nuclear waste and the raping of the environment. These are issues close to my heart and inspire me to write tunes about.

9- I know you exist since 1987 , can you tell me something of your past experience ? Where are your “old” albums ? What is the goal to catch up for Alchemist ?
Check out our website our entire history is there.

10- Tell me a reason to come in Australia and another reason to never come in it .
Australia is a very big and beautiful country- we have everything nature can offer- beaches, rainforest, snow fields, mountains deserts. A lovely country with no war and friendly people. A bad thing is that some of our politicians are very narrowminded and backward. Thinking about the short term, not long term future. Very stupid decisions which are often crazy.

11- What you fascinate of Europe ? Do you would to come in it for a great tour ?
We have wanted to tour Europe for ten years. We are not popular enough to get support over there and have not enough money to do it ourselves... One day soon hopefully.

12- Another influences it’s the death metal .There is a band you love ?
Autopsy, Entombed, Pungent Stench, Slayer, Early Metallica- more old school than new school.

13- Its better the 70’s rock or modern rock ?I’m 24 years old and sometime I regret to was born too late to live the 70’s ,and you ?
Old school for me. I'm 30. This new scool is just rehashed old school but inferior!

14- What your future plans ?
New recording and more touring.. Hopefully Europe and America.

15- Ok , the questions are finish but I want to make you another great great Congratulations for your immense and infinite album .Close as you want ! Thanx !!!
Thanx for your kind words. Please when we come to Italy can we sleep on your floor?? Please advertise our website for us..Rodney.