Two City




 YESTERDAY Is TODAY. Founded from the Romans with the name of Forum Livii, a first time blooms like free Common in the XI sec . Center of the Dominion of the Ordelaffi becomes then until at 1480 o'clock, when Sisto IV grants it to the nephew Girolarno Riario. Caesar Borgia, the Valentine, in his attempt of create a State in this part of the Romagna, the conquest after a assedio.Tramontata the star of the Valentine, he/she/it/you is a part of the State of the Church until at 1859 o'clock. È one of the principal centers of the Romagna, situated in lowland on the by Emilia, surrounded from a vast and florid zone agricola. La better part of the monuments of which he/she/it/you is rich the city is databili to the town period and to the following of the dominion of the Ordelaffi. The church of S. Mercuriale, more remade times, he/she/it/you has a structure that goes up again the XII sec . Preserve a beautiful façade in bricks, enriched from hangings arcs and from a portal in marble; it is the characteristic monument of the city, which the Ravaldina Fortress must be added, also she of origin medioevale. On the city dominate the bell tower of S. Mercuriale and metal construction from Cathedral, built the first time in town period< XII sec .> and remade more times. The façade is recent, while the altars and the work scultoree is of the period rinascimentale . The civic buildings go up again also to the town period and rinascimentale , however I/they have stayed more remade times: the Palace of the Podestà (XIV sec .), the Palace of the town hall already residence of the Ordelaffi< XV sec .>, the Albertino Palace. Out the wall up are the church of S. Maria of the Graces of Fornò, that entertains the Theotokos Lady course from Durazzo from White Pietro, at first pirate and then hermit. The memories of the civilization forlivese is well preserved in the towns Museums ( tel . 32771) and in the Pinacoteca A. Saffi ( tel . 32711>.



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 YESTERDAY Is TODAY. Mail along there Emilia St. that cross it like decumano are in precedence a small center etrusco , Roman town hall with the name of Faventia becomes then. Vivacious town center, he/she/it/you reaches international fame beginning from the XIV sec . when develop the art of the ceramics so much to attribute his name to A type of maiolica (fàience). You city presents notable monuments what: cathedral, built from Giuliano from Maiano beginning from the 1474, to three aisles with altars ricchi of work scultoree , the Palace of the Podestà of ancient origin and remade more times with attached Tower of the Clock, and numerous palaces rinascimentali . The city deserves a visit also for the harvest of ceramics guards in the international Museum of the ceramics ( tel . 21240), I/ with documentation on the techniques am of the ancient workmanships I/ am of those modern. Less ricchi also if interesting the Museums: archaeological (V. Mazzini), of sacred art ( tel . 21135, of the age neoclassica < you .26493>, of the Risorgimento ( tel . 21541>, theatrical (you 21541) and torricelliano ( Garibaldi), quest'ultimo preserve tools, documents and memories of the big researcher.

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