Perceptions of the United Nations

The results of a survey, shown at a press conference at the United Nations Building on 27th April 1999, have drawn attention to current perceptions of the UN. It emerged that the organisation enjoys substantial support (higher than 70% in Mexico, Brazil, Italy and the US), particularly among young people: in all countries involved in the poll, those interviewed who were younger than 29 expressed more favourable judgements than those over 65. The survey was carried out by Zogby International (US) and GfK Great Britain Ltd (GB) in 13 countries (the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Hong Kong, India, South Africa and 6 European countries) during the three first months of this year. There were two questions: "in general, what is your overall opinion of the United Nations?", and "can you name something in which the United Nations is involved?". The most quoted activity was the maintenance of peace, followed by humanitarian aid and support for economic development.

At first sight these results show that awareness of the need for supranational solutions for the problems faced by humankind (in particular the maintenance of world order) is spreading in the world, above all among young people. On the other side they show that international public opinion has no consciousness of the limits of the United Nations, paralysed by financial crises (caused by the non-payment of dues) and by the continuation of the power of the veto. The high esteem felt for the UN which has been revealed in the United States should, if nothing else, warn American politicians to pay the United Nations the fee without which the organisation has no future (a.f.).