Procedure di Recovery di una Password del Bios Dimenticata

by A.C. (23/08/2000)

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  Step 1: Uso delle Master Password    
  Step 3: Decodifica di una Password Decrypt / Cancellazione CMOS:
  1. Procedura Software
  2. Procedura Hardware
  Step 3: Consigli e Trucchi riferiti a singoli modelli di pc per disabilitare la Password D'Avvio e la Password di Accesso al Setup Bios    



Master Passwords

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Ringraziamenti a :
- Eleventh Alliance
- Ankit Fadia
- Elf Qrin (
Si noti che il tasto associato al simbolo "_" nelle tastiere americane corrisponde al simbolo "?" in alcune tastiere europee; percio' -- per esempio -- occorre digitare AWARD?SW anziche' AWARD_SW quando si usano tali tastiere . Si ricordi , inoltre, che le password sono Case Sensitive.    
Produttoere Bios/ Produttore PC

Master Password

Procedura Generica Premere alcuni tasti, preferibilmente ins, del , left Shift, right Shift, or F1. Accendere il pc e rilasciare i tasti quando il BIOS termina il test della memoria.  
Phoenix Bios phoenix    
Ami Bios A.M.I
Award Bios %äåâÿòü (Password in Cirillico)
(Password in Cirillico)
Award SW
award sw
Award SW
lkw peter
Advanced Integration Advance    
Amptron Polrty
Biostar Biostar
Compaq Compaq
Concord last
Crystalview Crystal
CTX International CTX_123
CyberMax Congress
Daewoo Daewuu
Daytek Daytec
Dell Dell
Digital Equipment komprie
Enox xo11nE
Epox central
Freetech Posterie
Iwill iwill
JetWay spooml
Joss Technology 57gbzb
Leading Edge MASTER
M Technology mMmM
MachSpeed sp99dd
Magic-Pro prost
Megastar star
Micron sldkj754
Micron xyzall
Micronics dn_04rjc
Packard Bell bell9
Quantex teX1
Research Col2ogro2
Shuttle Spacve
Siemens Nixdorf SKY_FOX
SuperMicro ksdjfg934t
Tinys tiny
Toshiba 24Banc81
Vextrec Technology Vextrex
Vobis merlin
Zenith 3098z
ZEOS zeosx
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Decodifica Password / Cancellazione CMOS:

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Ringraziamenti ad - Elf Qrin (

Se non potete accedere al pc (password d'avvio), andate allo
Step B/Procedura B-3

Se invece avete accesso al vostro pc, potete provare le seguenti procedure per tentar di decifrare la password o invalidare i contenuti della ram CMOS in cui essa *potrebbe* esser memorizzata.

Step A] Decodifica Password

Scaricate "CmosPDW" e"Bios310" dalla sezione "Utilities"-->"Bios Utilities". Lanciate tali tools sul vostro pc : non tentate ancora di cancellare la CMOS!

Se non riuscite a decodificare la password con CmosPWD , tentate di scoprirla usando il "brute force attak" contenuto nell'utility "Bios310" .

Invalidare la CMOS RAM : Procedura Software

Step B] Cancellazione Cmos

Se il "brute force" attak non ha funzionato e se la password non e' memorizzata nella eeprom di sistema , potete tentare di invalidare i contenuti della ram cmos, usando varie procedure sia hardware che software.Qualunque sia il metodo usato , quando si cancellano i contenuti della CMOS non solo la password , ma anche tutti gli altri parametri bios di configurazione verranno resettati ai valori di default; quando effettuerete di nuovo il boot per la prima volta dopo un cmos-reset , dovrete entrare nel menu' di configurazione del setup bios e risistemare tutti i parametri di configurazione. Potete usare anche Bios310 per effettuare il backup dei dati cmos, ma non so se esso salva anche la password: provate.

Procedure B-1] Cancellazione della CMOS tramite uso del DEBUG

Usate il comando MS-DOS DEBUG in ms-dos puro (non in una shell di windows). Una volta avviato debug, digitate i seguenti comandi interni:

( per bios AMI/AWARD )

O 70 17

O 71 17


( per bios PHOENIX )

O 70 FF

O 71 17


( per bios Generici )

O 70 2E

O 71 FF


Nota la prima lettera e' una "O", non il numero "0". Le stringhe che seguono la "O" sono numeri esadecimali.

Procedure B-2] Cancellare la Cmos usando "CmosPWD /k " o "Bios310"

Scaricate ed usate queste due utilities dalla sezione "Utilities" -->"Bios Utilities" .

Invalidazione della CMOS RAM : Procedura Hardware

Procedura B-3] Cortocircuitare o Aprire il jumper "Cmos Clear"

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Cercate sul manuale della mainboard lo speciale jumper "clear cmos" o "reset cmos" e cortocircuitatelo (chiudetelo) o apritelo secondo quanto indicato.

Procedura B-4] Rimozione della Batteria che alimenta la Cmos

Se non riuscite a trovare il jumper "clear cmos" , provate a rimuovere la batteria della cmos (in alcuni modelli di mobo la batteria e' saldata all'interno della RTC ) . In alcune mobo la batteria ha la forma di un bottone (sui vecchi pc essa invece si presenta come un piccolo cilindro blue saldato sulla motherboard; in tal caso dovete dissaldarla e risaldarla). Lasciate la batteria scollegata per almeno 15-30 minuti o piu', quindi reinseritela: i contenuti della cmos dovrebbero esser stati canncellati.

Procedura B-5] Cortocircuitare i pin del chip

Un altro modo per cancellare la CMOS RAM prevede la messa in cortocircuito di due pins del BIOS chip (<ndr> RTC chips ..? ) per qualche secondo. Potete usare un pezzetto di filo elettrico . Assicuratevi che il pc sia spento prima di effettuare questa operazione.

CHIPS P82C206 (square)

Cortocircuitate i pins 12 and 32 oppure i pins 74 and 75.

5v 75--|                   |
       |                   |
       |                   |
       |       CHIPS       |
   1 * |                   |
       |      P82C206      |
       |                   |
       |                   |
        |                 |
        |                 | 5v
        12 gnd            32

OPTi F82C206 (rectangular)

Cortocircuitate i pins 3 and 26 .

    80              51
81 -|                |- 50
    |                |
    |                |
    |      OPTi      |  
    |                |
    |     F82C206    |
    |                |
     ||           | |
   1 ||           | | 30
      3           26

Dallas DS1287, DS1287A
Benchmarq bp3287MT, bq3287AMT

I chips Dallas DS1287 , DS1287A, ed i chips compatibili Benchmarq bp3287MT e bq3287AMT hanno la batteria inserita all'interno del proprio contenitore. La batteria ha una durata di circa 10 anni. Le mainboard che usano tali chips in genere non hanno altre batterie addizionali . Quando la batteria si scarica, occorre sostituire l'intero chip (<ndr> in realta' , spesso, la batteria e' saldata a due pins del chip: facendo molta attenzione e' possibile dissaldarla e sostituirla. Spesso, pero', il contenitore plastico esterno del chip e' sigillato con materiale siliconico).
La CMOS RAM puo' esser cancellata sul chip 1287A e 3287AMT cortocircuitando i pins 12 e 21.
Il chip1287 (e 3287MT) si differenzia dal chip 1287A per il fatto che la CMOS RAM non puo' esser cancellata. In caso di problemi come la perdita di una password , il chip va sostituito. (In tal caso sostituite il chip 1287 con un chip1287A). Inoltre il chip Dallas 12887 e 12887A sono simili ma possiedono una capacita' di memorizzazione doppia.

     1 -| *  U     |-  24 5v
     2 -|          |-  23
     3 -|          |-  22
     4 -|          |-  21 RCL (RAM Clear)
     5 -|          |-  20
     6 -|          |-  19
     7 -|          |-  18
     8 -|          |-  17
     9 -|          |-  16
    10 -|          |-  15
    11 -|          |-  14
gnd 12 -|__________|-  13

NOTE: Sebbene siano chips da 24-pin,
sui chips Dallas possono mancare 5 pins,
essi sono pins non usati.

Dallas DS12885S
Benchmarq bq3258S
Hitachi HD146818AP
Samsung KS82C6818A

E' un chip rettangolare di tipo DIP a 24-pin, in genere inserito in un socket. Il numero sul chip deve terminare con la cifra 6818.
Sebbene tale chip sia pin-compatible con il Dallas 1287/1287A, esso non ha batterie all'interno del socket che lo contiene.
Cortocircuitate i pins 12 and 24.

 24          20                   13
|                                  |
|             DALLAS               |
|>                                 |
|            DS12885S              |
|                                  |
 |                                |
 1                                12

Motorola MC146818AP

Cortocircuitate i pins 12 and 24. Potete anche provare a cortocircuitare i pins 12 and 20.

     1  -| *  U     |-  24 5v
     2  -|          |-  23
     3  -|          |-  22
     4  -|          |-  21
     5  -|          |-  20
     6  -|          |-  19
     7  -|          |-  18
     8  -|          |-  17
     9  -|          |-  16
    10  -|          |-  15
    11  -|          |-  14
gnd 12  -|__________|-  13

  Se le precedenti procedure non hanno cancellato la password, allora essa e' contenuta nella EEPROM di sistema!! Guardate la sezione successiva.    
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Consigli e Trucchi riferiti a singoli modelli di pc per disabilitare la Password D'Avvio e la Password di Accesso al Setup Bios

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Ringraziamenti a:

- Christophe GRENIER

- IBM Thinkpad informations service

Nota : CmosPWD tool molto potente: scaricatelo dalla sezione "Utilities" --> "Bios Utilities"

Produttore Modello Suggerimento  

......IN COSTRUZIONE.....finiro' la traduzione appena possibile......

Generico Generico Premere alcuni tasti, preferibilmente ins, del , left Shift, right Shift, or F1. Accendere il pc e rilasciare i tasti quando il BIOS termina il test della memoria.  
COMPAQ LTE 5300 notebook there is a reset jumper on the motherboard  
DIGITAL PC300, Phoenix 4.0 Rel 6.0,0 cmospwd /k works  
Fujitsu ICL passwords are stored in EEPROM  
Hewlett Packard   Passwords are often (always) stored in EEPROM
There are reset jumper on some model
IBM PS/2 Aptiva Holding both mouse buttons down at power-up until the first "beep", then releasing the buttons.....which might also reset other Bios settings such as Rapid Resume and the like.  
Thinkpad TP 770 Get eeprom 24c01 contents and run cmospwd on this file  
Thinkpad TP 765D Read eeprom 93c46
Don't try to kill the cmos!
IBM Thinkpad Series Power-on password L40SX Use jumper J23  
CL57 connector J12
. | . .
. | . .

or use connector J13 (2-pin connector)

Notebook N45SL
To service a computer with an active, unknown, power-on password, do the following.
1. Power-off the computer and unplug the power cord.
2. Remove the battery pack.
3. Remove the math coprocessor access panel.
4. Locate the two override pins on opposite sides of the socket.
5. Install a jumper wire between the pins.
6. Install the battery pack.
7. Power-on the computer and leave it on until the LEDs blink and the computer locks up.
8. Remove the jumper wire.
9. Press and hold the lid switch, then power-on the computer.
N51XX 1. Power-off the computer and unplug the power cord.
2. Remove the bottom cover and the battery pack.
3. Locate the override connector on the system board.
4. Install a jumper over the pins 1.
5. Power-on the computer to erase the password.
6. After POST completes, remove the jumper. Otherwise, you will not be able to reset a power-on password
Model P70, P75 To service a computer with an active, unknown, power-on password do the following.
1. Power-off the computer and unplug the power cord.
2. Remove the system-unit cover.
3. Short the two pins 1 together.
With the pins shorted, power-on the computer. This erases the power-on password. Remove the short after POST is finished.
ThinkPad 2609-240 Short the jumper JP1  
ThinkPad 2610
ThinkPad 365C 365CD 365CS 365CSD 365E and 365ED (2625)
The following procedure disables user and supervisor passwords.
1. Power-off the computer.
2. Disconnect the AC Adapter.
3. Open the keyboard and remove the battery pack.
4. Remove the Mylar cover. See FRU Removals and Replacements
5. Locate the S2 switch block on the system board.
6. Set Switch 1 to Off.
7. Wait 30 seconds.
8. Set Switch 1 to On.
9. Replace the Mylar cover.
10. Replace the battery.
11. Connect the AC Adapter.
12. Power-on the computer.
13. Go to a DOS full screen.
14. Press Ctrl+Alt+F11 to access the setup screen and reset the passwords.
ThinkPad 2600-310 / 310D / 310E / 310ED Use switch SW2 near CPU socket (second bit switch couting from the lowest side)  
ThinkPad 355x - IBM 2619
ThinkPad 360x - IBM 2620
ThinkPad 370C, 750x, 755C, 755CS - IBM 9545
How to Disable the Power-On Password:
1. Power-off the computer.
2. Open the keyboard and remove the battery pack and the diskette drive.
3. Remove the attachment holder.
For Models 355x and 360x, see >> '1115 Standby Battery'
For Models 370C, 750x, 755C, and 755Cs, see >> '2105 Standby Battery'
4. Install a jumper on the power-on password connector -1- at bottom left side of the system board.
5. Reinstall the diskette drive and the battery pack.
6. Power-on the computer and wait until the POST ends.
7. Verify that the password prompt does not appear.
8. After the service check is completed, remove the jumper
ThinkPad 710T (2523) To disable the power-on password:
1. Power-off the computer.
2. Remove the backup battery cover.
3. Locate the security switch beside the backup battery.
4. Move the slide switch to the opposite side.
5. Power-on the computer.
730TE (2524) Use the following procedure to disable the power-on password if needed.
1. Power off the system.
2. Remove the Pen Compartment Cover and the Sub Battery cover.
3. Identify the security pin wich is located beside the sub battery.
4. Power on the system while making a short-circuit between the two security pins with a regular screwdriver's flat tip.
(9546, 9547) How to Disable the Power-On Password:
1. Power-off the computer.
2. Open the keyboard, and remove the diskette drive or CD-ROM drive and the battery pack.
3. Install a jumper on the power-on password connector on the left side of the FDD connector.
(See 'Password Connector' for location.)
4. Reinstall the battery pack and the diskette drive/CD-ROM drive.
5. Power-on the computer and wait until the POST ends.
6. Verify that the password prompt does not appear.
7. After the service check is completed, remove the jumper.
TP 300 (2615) To override a password , do the following.
1. Power-off the computer.
2. Remove the access panel.
3. Remove the battery pack.
4. Remove the top assembly (do not disconnect any cables).
5. Connect a jumper to the two pads (R39) at the side of the math coprocessor socket.
6. Reinstall the battery pack.
7. Power-on the computer. Keep the computer on until the LEDs blink and the system locks.
8. Remove the jumper.
9. Press and hold the reset switch, then power-on the computer.
10. Power-off the computer.
11. Replace the top assembly and the access panel.
TP 350, PS/Note 425 (2618) Remove the cmos battery 5 minutes  
(2625 365X, XD) How to Disable the Power-On Password
1. Power off the computer.
2. Open the keyboard and lift the right-most section of the insulator sheet.
3. Push out the small door on the right side of the base cover.
4. Apply a short across the Power-On Password Jumper Pads.
5. With the jumper tool in place, power on the computer to clear the password.
6. Remove the jumper and power off the computer.
7. Power on the computer and verify that the password has been cleared.
2635 380-385 1. Power off the computer.
2. Turn the computer upside down, loosen the DIMM cover screw, remove the DIMM cover, then power-on the computer by applying a short across the power-on password jumper pads 315
TP 380XD, 385XD, 380Z - 2635 A. Power off the computer.
B. Turn the computer upside down, loosen the memory-slot cover
screw, and remove the memory-slot cover.
C. Short across the power-on password jumper pads
D. Power on the computer and wait until the POST ends.
E. Reinstall the memory-slot cover, and turn the computer right side up.
ThinkPad i-Series 1400 - 2611 1. Turn off the computer.
2. Unplug the AC Adapter and remove the battery.
3. Remove the keyboard and the thermal plate.
4. Move the password switch (SW2, switch 2) from OFF to ON to bypass the password.
Note: SW2 has four switches, the second upper switch (switch 2) is the password bypass/check switch.
Turning the switch to the left (ON position) is "bypass password", the right (OFF position) is "check password".
5. Plug in the AC adapter and turn on the system.
6. While the ThinkPad logo is being displayed, wait for a beep before pressing F1 to enter the BIOS Utility.
7. Select "System Security" from the BIOS Utility main menu and press Enter.
8. Set the "Power-On Password" setting to "None" to clear the password.
9. Save and exit the BIOS Utility.
10. Turn off the system and unplug the AC Adapter.
11. Move the password switch from ON to OFF to enable the password function.
12. Reinstall the thermal plate and keyboard.
13. Reinstall the battery pack and plug in the AC Adapter.
ThinkPad - 2621 - i Series 1400/1500 If only the power-on pasword is set, do the following to remove it:
1. Power off the computer.
2. Remove the battery and the AC Adapter.
3. Remove the backup battery (RTC) 20 minutes or use the screw driver to touch the backup battery (RTC) 1 sec.
4. Put back the backup battery (RTC).
5. Power on the computer and wait until the POST ends.
6. Verify that the password prompt does not appear.
ThinkPad 390/i Series 1700 - 2626, 2627 390E - 2626
ThinkPad 390X / i 1700 - (2624, 2627)
A. Power off the computer.
B. Remove the battery pack and AC Adapter.
C. Remove the backup battery (RTC) for 20 minutes or use a screwdriver to touch the backup battery (RTC) for 1 second.
D. Put back the backup battery (RTC).
E. Power on the computer and wait until POST ends.
F. Verifty that the password prompt does not appear.
ThinkPad 500 (2603) 1. Power-off the computer.
2. Disconnect all cables attached to the computer.
3. Remove the memory card access panel and memory card (if installed).
4. Power-on the computer.
5. Locate the two pins labeled PAD1-2 on the system board (in the memory card access area).
6. Short the two pins together.
7. Press Ctrl+Alt+F3 to access the System Parameters Setup Menu.
8. Press Esc.
9. Press F5 to reset the parameter to their default values.
10. The System Time, System Date, and Password (if required) parameters need to be set manually.
11. Press Esc, then F4 to save the values, exit the Setup program, and reboot the computer.
12. If a memory card was removed, power-off the computer and install the memory card.
13. Install the memory card access panel.
ThinkPad 510 (2604) 1. Power-off the computer.
2. Disconnect all cables attached to the computer.
3. Remove the memory card access panel and DRAM card (if installed).
4. Power-on the computer.
5. Locate the two pins labeled PAD1-2 on the system board (see 'System Board Connectors').
6. Short the two pins together.
7. Press Ctrl+Alt+F3 to access the System Parameters Setup Menu.
8. Press Esc.
9. Press F5 to reset the parameter to their default values.
10. The System Time, System Date, and Password (if required) parameters need to be set manually.
11. Press Esc, then F4 to save the values, exit the Setup program, and reboot the computer.
12. If a DRAM card was removed, power-off the computer and install the DRAM card.
13. Install the memory card access panel.
ThinkPad 560, 560E (2640) 1. Power off the computer
2. Remove the frame
3. Flip the keyboard over as shown in the figure
4. Jumper the two password jumper pads (R364 or R39) located on the system board
5. Power on the computer to clear the password
6. Replace the keyboard and the frame
When replacing the frame, make sure that the frame fits correctly in place. If it is not in place, the click buttons of the TrackPoint III cannot be pressed. 7. Replace the screws
8. Power on the computer and wait until the POST ends
9. Verify that the password prompt does not appear.
The hard disk password is stoed on the hard disk.
ThinkPad 560x (2640-560 - 60x, 70x) 1. Power off the computer
2. Remove the frame
3. Position the keyboard over as shown in the figure
4. Jumper the two password jumper pads (BIT-X) on the system board
5. Power on the computer to clear the password
6. Replace the keyboard and the frame
When replacing the frame, make sure that the frame fits correctly in place. If it is not in place, the click buttons of the TrackPoint III will not work.7. Replace the screws.
8. Power on the computer and wait until the POST ends.
9. Verify that the password prompt does not appear
ThinkPad 560Z-2640 1. Power off the computer.
2. Turn the computer upside down.
3. Loosen the DIMM socket lid screw -1- , and remove the DIMM socket lid.
4. Short the power-on password jumper pads (R522).
5. Power on the computer and wait until the POST ends. The password is cleared.
6. Reinstall the DIMM socket lid, and turn the computer right side up.
7. Verify that the password promp does not appear.
8. To reactivate the password, set the password again.
ThinkPad 570 - (2644) 1. Power off the computer.
2. Remove the DIMM cover on the bottom side of the computer.
3. Short-circuit the two password pads.
4. Under the short-circuit condition, power on the computer and wait until the POST ends.
After the POST ends, the password prompt does not appear. The power-on password is removed.
5. Reinstall the DIMM cover.
Model 765D-9546, 765L-9547 1. Power off the computer.
2. Open the keyboard, and remove the battery pack and the diskette or CD-ROM drive.
3. Instal a jumper on the power-on Password connector on the left side of the FDD connector.
4. Reinstall the battery pack and the diskette drive/CD-ROM drive.
5. Power on the computer and wait until POST ends.
6. Verify that the password prompt does not appear.
7. After the service check is completed, remove the jumper.
TP-770 - 9548/49 1. Power off the computer.
2. Remove the DIMM cover.
3. Short-circuit the two password pads or put the jumper (pads near the top of the cover).
4. Under the short-circuit condition, power on the computer and wait until POST ends.
After the POST ends, the password prompt does not appear. The power-on password is removed.
If a jumper has been used for short the password pads, then remove the jumper.
5. Reinstall the DIMM cover.
Siemens Nixdorf PCD-4ND You can clear the password of this phoenix 1.03 with "cmospwd /k"  
Scenic Mobil 700 "cmospwd /k" works! Phoenix Note BIOS v4.0  
Toshiba Ols laptops Hold down left shift key when you start it up  

To reset the password of a Toshiba, you can use KeyDisk. (see CmosPWD tool)
If this doesn't work, you can try to build the Toshiba Parallell loopback.
To make a simple device that you connect to your parallell port, a lot of Toshiba computers remove the password when you boot it up.
The device, named "loopback" by some, could be made out of any parallell wire with 25pins connectors (db25). You should connect these pins: 1-5-10, 2-11, 3-17, 4-12, 6-16, 7-13, 8-14, 9-15, 18-25.

A db25 looks like:

Note: The "KeyDisk Creation Utility" is contained in "CmosPWD" tool (downloadable from "Utilities"--> "Bios Utilities" section ). However. to manually create a Toshiba Keydisk, take a 720Kb or 1.44Mb floppy disk, format it , then use a hex editor such as Hex Workshop to change the first five bytes of the second sector (the one after the boot sector) and set them to 4B 45 59 00 00 (note that the first three bytes are the ASCII for "KEY" :) followed by two zeroes). Once you have created the key disk put it into the notebook's drive and turn it on, then push the reset button and when asked for password, press Enter. You will be asked to Set Password again. Press Y and Enter. You'll enter the BIOS configuration where you can set a new password

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