"ex omnibus partibus relucet totum"
Niccolò da Cusa - (1401-1464 )
we run properly only with:

start with a new paradigm


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.......................see..........how.........much.......the web.......can be enlarged........it's our mission..... <<<


A city for everybody, a new concept in communications between individuals, the door-to-door metropolis, the first time set up self-made editor, the very non-linear content display on the internet, the play that plays real, the way you get your business easy to find, your world just near your home, your every-second updated complete territorial database, your new yellowpages suited to the new millennium, your living suggestions on where around you, your wonderful overwriting-the-earth's surface, the most constantly updated survey tool, the best on-map messageboard ever thought and made possible by the internet, the full answer source for all your questions, the magic

From General System Theory by Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1972):

"We are dealing with emergent realities; no longer with isolated groups of
men, but with a systematically interdependent global community . It is this
level of [reality] which we must keep before our eyes if we are able to
inspire large-scale action designed to assure our collective and hence our
individual survival"


mirror you can ask everything and get satisfied in milliseconds, the Superman's super X-Ray look enabling you to get till deep into things from the sky, the first eyesight search engine, your big friend that helps you to move strolling around your metropolis from home, your personal country manager, your new way to visit your planet, your living city made by you, your monitor over what is happening nearby your home, your surroundings enlarged until never before even dreamt, your door-to-door guide to websites that shows you where they are placed on ground, your big metropolis no mind whether you live in town or lost in the country, your stay-in-touch with my world, your wonderful go-and-live similar metropolis everywhere in the world, the first time you read the world in a no-sequential way, like a book, a magazine, a movie, the first time you read all-in-one....this all, here, and even more! Stay in touch!

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