CHIVA References in the World

José Ma Escribano and Jordi Juan

Department of Angiology and Vascular/Endovascular Surgery

Hospital General Universitari Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, Spain.


Dr. F. Passariello has updated a fine tool to follow the evolution of the CHIVA strategy. This is the third version, achieved 4 years after the former, and should give rise to an important qualitative jump. The reports and publications that discuss the CHIVA cure are becoming more abundant and of greater quality.

Our knowledge about vascular physiopatology has often grown stimulated by the development of this strategy. Ultrasonographic studies are every day better and consequently results are also better. In this sense, the teaching task of Dr. C. Franceschi has been, and still is, decisive.
The standardization of terminology has also allowed a better understanding that leads to an easier and more reliable communication of our knowledge.

Until today, very few had worried about the results of vascular surgery. It's odd how many of those who demanded results from us to validate the CHIVA cure had never checked themselves the results of their own procedures. Several coincidences have become visible through the publications / articles that have appeared in the recent years from the hemodynamic surgery field.
Yet, we don't drop our guard. Even though preliminary communications are encouraging, we are eagerly waiting for the final result of the clinical test, led by Dr. O., which compares the CHIVA cure with the Stripping method.

However, lately and thanks to the growth of the laser and radio-frequency enthusiasts, destructive techniques are a current trend. It seems clear, however, that such a load of enthusiasm can, at the most, achieve a satisfactory stripping... that is... "a la grille". Have you ever noticed all the publications and reports where we find short-term results related to the subject? ¿Has any of you tried to publish anything related to the CHIVA cure in any magazine with a remarkable Impact Factor? We have indeed gone through that experience and more than once the reviewers have answered that our deductions were not reliable without long-term results ¿Why this divergence of criteria when it comes to choosing one essay or another? ¿Is there any economic driving force that makes a science article acceptable? ¿What role does the industry play in all this?

Anyway, we are going to keep on fighting with the enthusiasm that comes from the yearning for knowing more about a vascular pathology that until now vascular surgeons rejected. Perhaps, the piece of advice from the three wise and noble young men in "The Magic Flute" could be of some help to us. They guided Tamino during the search of Pamina and told him: Be resolute, patient and keep silent; be prepared as Sarastro to guide those who wish to know the truth.