Centro Diagnostico A Q U A R I U S


In order to make a complete global reference, we invite all researchers working in the field, pro or against chiva, to send the reference of their papers, respecting the following style guide:

(AUTHOR_NAME (complete)), (AUTHOR_SURNAME (initials)), .... :
(Title). (Magazine, year:(volume), pages).
Look at the following example:

PASSARIELLO, F.: CHIVA References in the World. Version 2.
A comprehensive on line world bibliography about CHIVA. Lagos-Agarve, Portugal 2000.

where the magazine citation is substituted by the Congress information's.

For different items like books, etc. find a similar item in the current version and follow its style.
Note the capital letters or the small caps. The difference is important to make all references homogenous.
Respect also the commas, colons, semicolons, etc.
Please, DO NOT under-evaluate the adherence to the styleguide !!!
References which will match the requirements will surely be listed in next update. !!!

If you send several references, put them in descending order of publication, i.e.: 2003, 2000, 1998, etc
If you are already listed in the references, download the page of the citations and edit the page following the style guide, so to reduce the amount of your and our work.

Remember that we won't have the time to edit everything in the references, so if you can respect the guidelines you will see your papers in the new update, otherwise it will be necessary to wait for us to make all the work in a subsequent step.

I you don't find your papers in the references, maybe you never sent us your papers or you could have been listed in the MISCELLANEA section.
Each author has a direct citation if he is listed as first author at least in two papers, otherwise he could be in the mixed group.

You can send the complete text if you want, but you must always send also the reference in the above described style.
In this case, don't worry about the link in the page: we will build the link ourselves in the final revision of the text.

The references have also other sections. You can read the current version and if you feel that you can add something useful to other people make your proposal.

Any communication or contribution must be sent to

Vasculab Secretariat

together with infos about your professional activity.