Problems about therapy of the acute cerebral ischemia

Alberto Marcialis
Cattedra di Chirurgia Vascolare, II Università, Napoli


Achieving the resolution of a clinical picture of acute cerebral insufficiency by a thrombolytic treatment is a topic of evident scientific value and of undeniable practical and therapeutic meaning. This topic, which for several years has been regarded under both a clinical and an experimental point of view, gives some hints, worth of careful reconsideration. The remark which is at the base of the use of the thrombolytic drug in the reminded conditions, is that over 80% of cerebral focal ischemic attacks comes from an athero thrombotic occlusive disease, on which an action of the thrombolytic drug can just be guessed.
In this context, the points to be underlined can be so summarised:

The surgical treatment of recanalisation qualifies itself as a presidium of opposed applied sign, but with the same aims as the thrombolysis in the achievement of the same target, i.e. the remission of neurological symptoms after an episode of acute cerebral ischemia. It deals with a topic which has by now its own history - the first intervention of carotid recanalisation for an acute disease dates back to 1953 - by the need of the detection of elements and criteria of sure indication, to avoid uncertainties which repeatedly come to observation and to support an interest on the base of certain data.
The surgical recanalisation in emergency of the internal carotid artery can be considered in a series of clinical conditions, characterised by cerebrovascular insufficiency, but with not exactly superimposable symptomatic characteristics, i.e.:

The analysis of the most important and significant case statistics suggests the following remarks: