ISVB (Ideal Society of Vascular Biomechanics) was founded in 1997 in Naples. It is a cultural and no profit association, which has as purposes scientific research, divulgation and didactics in the field of vascular diseases, with a special care to biophysical, biomechanic and physiopathologic points of view and to their link to clinical practice.
ISVB plans to be the expressive tool of people who "have no voice", but undoubtedly have ideas and are competent in their discipline, and this meaning is evident in the choice of Isaac Newton, Giuseppe Lagrange and Leonhard Euler respectively as honorary President and honorary Members.
ISVB wants to be the place of comparison and exchange between different specialities physicians and different disciplines scientists and it is exciting to look at the enthusiasm of engineers and physics who joined the initiative, becoming founder members.
The association has already produced several research projects comprised in several fields of interest, as the development of new diagnostic systems and of new medical-surgical operative techniques and the development of civic informatic services.
The intensive use of informatic tools, which the association intends to make in its didactic and divulgative opera, has great importance. The association statute indeed specifically provides the possibility of calling the meeting of members on a telematic net and to assert the right to participate and to vote telematically, by procedures which guarantee the anonymous participation and safety. In such a way members can really and steadily participate to life and to association activities, overcoming logistic and financial difficulties.
This book collects the proceedings of a homonymous Meeting, organised by ISVB in June 6th 1997 at Naples, where Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Haemodynamists, Neuroradiologists, Vascular Surgeons, Angiologists, Emergency Physicians and Engineers presented twelve studies of physiopathology, clinics and therapy of cerebral ischemia, in the meaning of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary comparison.
Further informations are available on the ISVB WEB page (