Law n. 675 of 31/12/1996 

To the senses of the Law in object for the guardianship of the privacy and in relationship to the treatment of the acquired personal data or that will be acquired in the intervened contractual relationships and/or that will intervene between our society and Your Company (or person), we inform You that: 

> the personal data are picked with the purpose to handle the connected fulfillments to the economic activity of the firm and particularly, for the obligations of law, administrative, bookkeeping and fiscal; 

> the data will be essays in permissible way, according to correctness and so that to guarantee the maximum reservation and safety. They will be recorded and preserved besides in computer and papery files; 

> the data can be communicated and/or diffused, if necessary, in the Only cases foreseen by the law to: 
- external subjects that develop specific charges on behalf of the Our Society for the maintenance of the accounting, the formation of budgets and for the fiscal fulfillments; 
- banking institutes, for the management of the collections and the payments derived by the normal commercial activities and/or from the execution of contracts in action. 

We inform besides you that for the formalization of the commercial relationships, the harvest of the personal data has obligatory nature owing course to be given to the fulfillments foreseen from the law and to the fiscal fulfillments in forces. 

We also inform you that the Holder of the treatment of the data is: 

AGRIMIELE of Spolitu Gasparino
Via G. Dessy, sn - tel. (+39) 070.842721
09047 Selargius (CA) - Sardinia/Italy
Partita IVA 02610610921
