

3 Luglio 2008
Thanks to several warnings concerning the Utility §SPL2PDF, I finally decided to correct some errors. Thanks to all.


March, 6 2008
After a long time, and many engagements, I've been able to update this site with a fantastic utility that allows the creation of PDF format files in iSeries enviroment. How many of you have had this particular need and how many of you have downloaded not properly working utilities? Surfing the web I've run across this site UZAEMON's Homepage where I've found two very interesting utilities. These two utilities were occasionally not working as I expected, and I managed to solve the problem creating a single command (§SPL2PDF), simply correcting some mistakes in the program and using some program items supplied from the site, so I want to clarify that I did not completely come up with this stuff. What I've done was meant to make sure that nobody in the web could have the chance to steal and earn money from somebody else's work (as sometimes happens). Thanks for the support and the advices you gave me till now.


February, 10 2004
Up today, they are available the Utilities for version 5 of the OS400. Moreover, they have been implemented the utility of System, like you will have way to see in the documentation section. I wish to say THANK YOU to all the people who have sped up me and asked quetions, and sorry for the delay.


September, 3 2002
After receiving many notes (I wish to say THANK YOU to all!), we added the missing Message File to the AGENDA/400 procedure. For those who have already downloaded AGENDA/400, you need ONLY a new download of the Message File (the new one!) and add it to the Agenda's library.