Castrum Legionarii of ALLIFAE, Alessandro Parisi, 1974. Click on map to reveal the monuments.
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Acilii Glabriones mausoleum Amphitheatre Impluvium from the Casa del Triclinio Roman graves Roman graves NORTH EAST walls Norman Castle (XI cen.) Porta Praetoria, Porta Beneventana, Porta Napoli Roman domus SOUTH EAST walls SOUTH EAST walls Casa dell'Impluvio Tetrastilo Casa del Triclinio Roman - samnite temple with Pronaos (Forum Area) Theatre Norman Vault (XI cen.) Porta Principalis Sinixtra, Porta Volturno, Porta Fiume Porta Principalis Dextra, Porta degli Angeli, Porta Piedimonte Cryptoporticus Porta Decumana, Porta Venafrana, Porta Roma NORTH WEST walls NORTH WEST walls SOUTH WEST walls SOUTH WEST walls