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Bruno Faël was born in Sacile (Pordenone) on the 29th of january 1935. He started painting very young and in 1962, in Treviso, he held his first personal exhibition whith figurative and landscape works.
It was in 1972 that he decided to change his style and, even if he didn't rejects his previous works, he brought into evidence the colors and the lights with which he created new and beautiful figures.
Since then his career has been a following-up of exhibitions and prizes. Among the numerous exhibitions we like to mention the ones in Padua, Treviso, Conegliano, Ravenna, Rome, Mestre, Udine, Milan, Venice, Genova, Parma, Bassano del Grappa, Portofino, Verona, in Italy and abroad New York, Zurig, Berlin, Boston, Antibes, Nice, Lugano.
Pierre Restany wrote about Bruno Faël: "Faël paints with no hidden purpose: he has nothing to prove or to demonstrate about his poetic work. His message is only energetical, it is a deep organic constitutional impulse. His painting is pure energy and represents his spontaneous contribution to the great transmission of the cosmic energies in the free circulation amidst from the planetary and interplanetary space. Faël's sensitiveness operates like a sponge or an electrostatic magnet. It is a transmitter-receiver and Faël's artistic bent corresponds to this phenomenon of respiratory type. It is useless to ask him what he intends to paint, or for whom o for what. His answer should be frank: 'I paint, that's all' ".
His last exibition include some important works coming from "Palazzo Foscolo" in Oderzo (TV), from the exhibition held during the '98 Carnival of Venice and from the latest Sicily and France's happenings.
These works are rich in colours ad are made through a variety of materials like leather and cork so as to create shades and effects of remarkable impact. The spectator is hardly but pleasantly struck by this optic harmony which permeates the whole room in which Faël's works are.

Uccelli sull'albero - 1997 - Oil on canvas, cm 30x40

Gallo guerriero - 1996 - Oil and cork on canvas, cm.60x80

Composizione - 1997- Oil on canvas cm.80x60

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