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Francesco Virgata was born at Militello Val Catania (CT), Italy, on the 13th of january 1958. He lives and works in Milan, Italy. 

As a sculptor he held his first exhibition in 1978. From 1976 to 1993 he went through various artistic experiences and analyzed every kind of materials and working methods: wood, paper, plastic, polystyrene, glassresin and every metallic support.

Since 1994 he preferred, in his works, folded and solded iron plates and rods, thanks to his extraordinary technique which allows him to use iron as it were a soft material putting on impressive shadows thats seems impossible. He performed important exhibitions in Milan, Palau (Sardinia), Carpenedolo, Bernareggio and many of his works are exhibited as monuments in Town Halls (Palau, Bernareggio) and public squares, Carpenedolo, Padova ect.. Francesco Virgata is also autor of many scenography and costumes for theatrical performances.


Important exhibition were held in 1997, in Padua and in the enchanting environment of Palazzo Beauharnais in Pusiano (Como province), where more than 15 wide works were exhibited.
The artist lab looks like the cave of an alchemist, who, in secrecy, uses his formulae to earn from the metal everything he wants. And as the alchemist transforms lead, Francesco Virgata turns iron into gold, spiritual gold, which enriches men making them greedy of this art that eventually finds its most complete meaning here.
Important sculptures, such as "The Pharaon", "The Sailing-Ship", "Far Lands", "The Acrobat", which are more than 1 metre large, catch the audience's attention, almost by magic, revealing it, little by little, their secrets and their charme, till they bewitch it.

Every work of Francesco Virgata is however planned to be realized in monumental size by the same artist in case of cities or foundations requests.


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