All the
informations about PSYCHO


Psycho explained: why Psycho is such a great film. Framed version.

General informations; the complete cast.

Don`t you even know the plot ?

Amazing TRIVIA about the film.

What does the Master think about Psycho (Interviewed by François Truffaut in 1962).

A beautiful essay on Psycho written by Robin Wood.

Psycho, Magill's Survey of Cinema. If you don`t have the time to read the essay...

"Psycho: an analytical essay" written by Joanna Stevens.

John W. Hall`s "Touch of Psycho? Welles' Influence on Hitchcock." At Bright Lights.

Behind The scenes at Psycho, by Janet Leigh. Reviewed by Torey L. Lightcap.

Behind The scenes at Psycho, reviewed by Jesse Garon.