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Coming Soon
The Village
Il paese, le sue origini e le sue bellezze architettoniche.
The Traditions
Sant'Andrea has had costumes and traditions closely related to a peasant way of life which is rapidly disappearing.
Therefore, a lot of what is told in these pages no longer exists, but it is nevertheless part of our history, our roots
A Cumprunta
The cumprunta is one of the most spectacular and characteristic traditions of our village.
La chiesa matrice
Coming soon
The church of Santa Maria del Campo
Coming soon
Foto d' epoca
Coming soon
'U gau
Coming soon
A pigghiata
A theatrical production of the Passion Play.
4th of November
The honor to the fallen in the field of battle
Christmas Eve Andreolese Style
Christmas Eve Andreolese Style circa 1930's and 40's

Webmaster: Ing. Francesco  Romeo romeo.f@tin.it
Copyright © 1999 ANDREOLESI