Italian website on nature and naturalistic photography

Copyright   ©1997 - 2003  ARDEA  


About us                


( Associazione riconosciuta dalla Regione Lazio - Legge 36/93 - decreto 672/94 )

Ardea is a non profit-making association, the members of which contribute to photographic research and documentation on the environment. The Ardea association, set up in 1992 by a group of naturalist photographers, is considered a reference point for naturalistic photography. The photographic archives contain more than 50,000 slides of top quality which are at present being transferred to CD-ROMs.


The Ardea photographers considered it opportune to privilege Italian nature, collaborating with parks to produce thematic and monographic CD ROMs on Italian and Lazio Nature Reserves. Among its photographers, Ardea has established groups of specialists in macrophotography, underwater photography, photographs of the environment as well as classicial hunt photography. Research in this field is also covered (birdwatching, survey of fauna, etc.).


Meetings are normally held every two weeks at headquarters, for further information contact the association via e-mail.

Associazione Ricerche Documentazioni Etologiche e Ambientali
Via Fosso del Poggio 81
00189 - Rome -Italy

     Phone 039 338  5468173