Articles on Academic Journals / Articoli su riviste accademiche


Abrash, Merritt

1985. "A Failure of Scholarship" [review of Robinson 1984], Science-Fiction Studies # 37, 12:3, pp. 337-9.

1986. "Sparring with the Universe: Heroism and Futility in Philip K. Dick's Protagonists", Extrapolation 27:2, pp. 116-22.

1987a. "In Response to George Slusser [1987]", Science-Fiction Studies # 42, 14:2, pp. 288-9.

1987b. "'Man Everywhere in Chains': Dick, Rousseau and The Penultimate Truth", Foundation # 39, pp 31-40 [Reprinted and revised in Umland 1995b, pp.157-68].

Adamovic, Ivan

1996. “P. K. Dick: Fetak navstiveny Bohem”, Ikarie (July), pp. 45-48.

Aichele, George Jr.

1988. “Two Forms of Metafantasy”, Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, 1:3, pp. 55-67.

2006. “The Possibility of Error: Minority Report and the Gospel of Mark”, Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Approaches; 14 (1-2): pp. 143-157.

Angenot, Marc, et al.

1982. "L'Ucronie, histoire alternative et science-fiction", Imagine # 14, pp. 28-34.

Aldiss, Brian

1975. "Dick's Maledictory Web", Science-Fiction Studies # 5, pp. 42-7. [Reprinted in Olander and Greenberg 1983, pp. 97-104].

1982. "Philip K. Dick: A Whole New Can of Worms", Foundation # 26.

Attaway, Jennifer

2004.Cyborg Bodies and Digitalized Desires: Posthumanity and Philip K. Dick”, Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture; Summer, 4:3, 15 paragraphs.


Barbieri, Daniele

1996. "Simulacri, ometti, supermen e computer: Come la fantascienza racconta i presidenti americani", Ácoma # 8, pp. 51-58.

Barricelli, Jean-Pierre

1988. "Afterword: The Morigny Conference", Science-Fiction Studies # 45, 15:2, pp. 232-3.

Baudrillard, Jean

1991. "Simulacra and Science-Fiction", Science-Fiction Studies # 55, 18:3, pp. 309-13.

Beard, Steven

1997. "A Handful of Darkness", Science Fiction Classics # 3, pp. 54-55.

Benesch, Klaus

1999. "Technology, Art, and the Cybernetic Body: The Cyborg As Cultural Other in Fritz Lang's Metropolis and Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", Amerikastudien/AmericanStudies, 44:3, pp. 379-92.

Bertetti, Paolo

1998. “Mondi di minoranza: Logiche predittive e illusioni narrative”, Lexia # 15-16 (settembre), p. 10.

Bertrand, Frank C.

1981. "Kant's 'Noumenal Self' and Doppelganger in P. K. Dick's A Scanner Darkly", Philosophical Speculations in Science Fiction and Fantasy # 2, pp. 69-80.

Boonstra, John

1982. "Philip K. Dick Interviewed by John Boonstra", Patchin Review # 5 (October-December), pp. 2-6.

Bozzetto, Roger

1988. "Dick in France: A Love Story", Science-Fiction Studies # 45, 15:2, pp. 131-40.

Bradshaw, Nick

2006. “Lost in the Loop,” Sight and Sound, August; 16 (8): pp. 40-43.

Bray, Mary Kay

1980. "Mandalic Activism: An Approach to Structure, Theme and Tone in Four Novels by Philip K. Dick", Extrapolation 21:2, pp. 146-57.

Brown, J. Andrew

2007. Edmundo Paz Soldán and His Precursors: Borges, Dick, and the SF Canon”, Science Fiction Studies, November; 34 (3 [103]): pp. 473-83.

Brown, Steve

1981. "The Two Tractates of Philip K. Dick", Science Fiction Review # 39, 10:2 (Summer), pp. 11-2.

Buhle, Paul and Thomas Fiehrer

1985. Monthly Review pp. -19.

Burden, Brian

1982. "Philip K. Dick and the Metaphysics of American Politics", Foundation # 26, pp. 41-6.

Burton, J.

2008. “Machines Making Gods: Philip K. Dick, Henri Bergson and Saint Paul”, Theory Culture Society # 25, pp. 262-84.

Butler, Andrew M.

1991. Letter re. Gillespie 1991, Critical Wave # 23.

1996. “Water, Entropy and the Million Year Dream: Philip K. Dick's Martian Time Slip”, Foundation # 68, pp. 57-64.

1997. “Dick as Theorist” [Review of The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick], Science-Fiction Studies, 24: 1, pp. 172-176.

2005. “LSD, Lying Ink and Lies, Inc.Science-Fiction Studies, #96 32:2, July, pp. 265-80.

Byers, Thomas B.

1987. "Commodity Futures: Corporate State and Personal Style in Three Recent Science-Fiction Movies", Science-Fiction Studies # 43, 14.3, pp. 326-339.


Calvin, Ritch

2004. "The Real eXistenZ TransCendz the Irreal." Extrapolation 45.3 (Fall): pp. 262-79.

2007. "The French Dick: Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Philip K. Dick, and the Android", Extrapolation: A Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Summer; 48 (2): pp. 340-363.

Campbell, Laura E.

1992. "Dickian Time in The Man in the High Castle", Extrapolation, 33: 3, pp. 190-201.

Canary, Robert H.

1974. "Science Fiction as Fictive History", Extrapolation # 16, pp. 81-95.

Carter, Cassie

1995. "The Metacolonization of Dick's The Man in the High Castle: Mimicry, Parasitism and Americanism in the PSA", Science-Fiction Studies #67, 22:3, pp. 333-342.

Casimir, Viviane

1997. "Data and Dick's Deckard: Cyborg as Problematic Signifier", Extrapolation, Winter, 38:4, pp. 278-91.

Chimal, Alberto

2005. El vengador del pasado: Cinco cuentos de Philip K. Dick en el cine”, Cuento en Red: Estudios Sobre la Ficción Breve Fall; 12: [no pagination].

Cohen, Sheldon G. 1998. "Asthma Among the Famous: Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) American Author", Allergy and Asthma Proceedings, 19: 5, pp. 324-27.

Cole, Simon A.

1995. "Do Androids Pulverize Tiger Bones to Use as Aphrodisiacs?", Social Text # 42, pp. 173-93.

Csicsery-Ronay Jr., Istvan

1983. "Kafka and Science Fiction", Newsletter of the Kafka Society of America 7:1, pp. 5-14.

1993. Reply to Rickman 1993, Science-Fiction Studies # 59, 20:1, pp. 140-1.

1995. "Gregg Rickman and Others on Philip K. Dick", Science-Fiction Studies # 67, pp. 430-438.

1996. "Jr. and the Android Hunters", Science-Fiction Studies # 68, pp. 152-157.

1997. “The Wife's Story” [Review of Anne Dick's Search for Philip K. Dick], Science-Fiction Studies, 24, pp. 324-330.


De Prez, Daniel

1976. “An Interview with Philip K. Dick”, Science-Fiction Review 5, # 4, pp. 6-12.

DiTommaso, Lorenzo

1998. "A logos or Two Concerning the logoz of Umberto Rossi and Philip K. Dick's Time Out of Joint", Extrapolation, 39:4, pp. 285-98.

1999. "Redemption in Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle", Science-Fiction Studies # 77, 26: , pp. 91-119.

2001a. "Gnosticism and Dualism in the Early Fiction of Philip K. Dick", Science-Fiction Studies # 83, 28:1, pp. 49-65.

2001b. Letter "Lorenzo di Tommasso [sic] on Rossi", Extrapolation, 42:1, pp.93-6.

Doll, Susan, and Greg Fuller

1986. "Blade Runner and Genre: Film Noir and Science Fiction", Literature/Film Quarterly, 14:2, pp. 89-100.

Dowling, Terry

1981. "Reality Concealed, Paranoia Revealed: The Golden Man", Science Fiction [U of Western Australia] # 9, pp. 129-31.

1986. "The Expanded, Revised, but Not-Too-Illuminating Light of Other Days: Lies Inc.", Science Fiction # 22, pp. 21-22.

Dumars, Denise

2000. “Philip K. Dick's Imposter”, Cinefantastique, October, pp. 6-8.

Dumont, Jean-Noel

1988. "Between Faith and Melacholy: Irony and the Gnostic Meaning of Dick's 'Divine Trilogy'", Science-Fiction Studies # 45, 15:2, pp. 251-3.

Durham, Scott

1988. "P. K. Dick: From the Death of the Subject to a Theology of Late Capitalism", Science-Fiction Studies # 45, 15:2, pp. 173-86.

Duvall, Daniel S.

1998. "Total Recall: A Long, Strange Trip", Creative Screenwriting 5:6, pp. 31-4.


Ellison, Harlan

1983a. Letter, Foundation # 27.

Enns, Anthony

2006. “Media, Drugs, and Schizophrenia in the Works of Philip K. Dick”, Science-Fiction Studies, #98 33:1 March, pp. 68-88.

Esther, John

2006. Drugged and Confused: An Interview with Richard Linklater”, Cineaste: America's Leading Magazine on the Art and Politics of the Cinema Fall; 31 (4): pp. 64-65.


Fairchild, John

1989. "Upon reading an article about Philip K. Dick" [poem], Western Ohio Journal, X: 1.

Fekete, John

1984. "The Transmigration of Philip K. Dick" [review of Olander and Greenberg 1983 and Pierce 1982], Science-Fiction Studies # 32, 11:1, pp. 78-81.

Ferguson, Neil

1983. "A Man from the Future”, Foundation #27, February,

Ferrera, Juan Ignacio

1977. "Philip K. Dick et/contre la réalité”, Fiction, September, pp. 167-92.

Fisher, William

1988. "Of Living Machines and Living-Machines: Blade Runner and the Terminal Genre", New Literary History 20: 1.

Fitting, Peter

1975. "Ubik and the Deconstruction of Bourgeois SF", Science-Fiction Studies # 5, 2:1, pp. 47-54. [Reprinted in Olander and Greenberg 1983, pp. 149-59].

1983b. "Reality as Ideological Construct: A Reading of Five Novels by Philip K. Dick", Science-Fiction Studies # 30, 10:2, pp. 219-36.

1987a. "Philip K. Dick in France", Science-Fiction Studies # 41, 14:1, pp. 120-1.

1987b. "Futurecop: The Neutralization of Revolt in Blade Runner", Science-Fiction Studies # 43, 14:3, pp. 340-54.

1989. "Philip K. Dick is Dead", Science-Fiction Studies # 48, 16:2, pp. 233-6.

Fondanèche, Daniel

1988. "Dick, the Libertarian Prophet", Science-Fiction Studies # 45, 15:2, pp. 141-51.

Freedman, Carl

1984. "Towards a Theory of Paranoia: The Science Fiction of Philip K. Dick", Science-Fiction Studies # 32, 11:1, pp. 15-24. [Reprinted in Umland 1995b pp. 7-17]

1988. "Editorial Introduction: Philip K. Dick and Criticism", Science-Fiction Studies # 45, 15:2, pp. 121-30.

1991. "In Search of Dick's Boswell", Science-Fiction Studies # 53, 18:1, pp. 104-9.

1996. “A Few Personal Interventions Regarding the Recent Exchange Between Istavn Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., and Samuel J. Umland, Otherwise Known as the Great Android-Human War”, Science-Fiction Studies # 69, pp. 313-315.


Galbreath, Robert

1983. "Redemption and doubt in Philip K. Dick's VALIS Trilogy", Extrapolation 24:2, pp. 105-15.

Galvan, Jill

1997. "Entering the Posthuman Collective in Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" Science-Fiction Studies # 73, 24:3, pp. 413-29.

Garson, Charlotte; Lequeret, Elisabeth

2006. “Richard Linklater: 'En quoi la SF est devenue réelle.'” Cahiers du Cinéma, September, 615: 27.

Garvey, John

2007. A Real Gnostic Gospel: The Fiction of Philip K. Dick”, Commonweal, May 4; 134 (9): pp. 13-16.

Giani, Renato

1955. “La ‘Science-fiction’, ovvero la fantascienza”, Comunità, IX, 31, pp. 37-45.

Gilbertson, Daniel

1998. “The Terminator & Philip K. Dick.” Cinefantastique, 29: 9, pp. 52-54.

Gillespie, Bruce

1991. "Only Apparently Unreal: Deciphering the Novels of Philip K. Dick. The Non-Science Fiction Novels of Philip K. Dick 1928-1982", Critical Wave # 22.

Gillis, Ryan

1998. “Dick on the Human: From Wubs to Bounty Hunters to Bishops”, Extrapolation, 39: 3, pp. 264-71.

Golumbia, D.

1996. “Resisting 'The World': Philip K. Dick, Cultural Studies, and Metaphysical Realism”, Science Fiction Studies, 23:1, pp. 83-102.

Goodridge, John

2002. “The Electric Shepherd and the Marvellous Boy: Literary Evocations of  Thomas Chatterton’s ‘Suicide’ in Philip K. Dick’s A Scanner Darkly”, Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, 6:2, pp. 115-32.

Green, Terence M.

1976. "Philip K. Dick: A Parallax View", Science Fiction Review # 17, 5:2 (May), pp. 12-5.


Hardesty, William H. III

1980. “Science-Fiction and the American Dream”, Essays in Arts and Sciences # 9, pp. 203-15.

Hartman, Geoffrey

2010. "Notes toward a supreme addiction: The theology fiction of William Blake and Philip K. Dick." In Mark Knight and Louise Lee, eds., Religion, Literature, and the Imagination: Sacred Worlds. London and New York: Continuum, pp. 8-22.

Hayles, N. Katherine

1997. "Schizoid Android: Cybernetics and the Mid-Sixties Novels of Philip K. Dick." Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, 8.4,  pp. 419-442.

2009. “RFID: Human Agency and Meaning in Information-Intensive Environments”, Theory Culture Society, # 26, pp. 47-72.

Hebdige, Dick

1986/7. "A Report on the Western Front: Postmodernism and the 'Politics' of style", Block Winter, pp. 4-26.



Jameson, Fredric

1975.After Armageddon: Character Systems in Dr Bloodmoney”, Science-Fiction Studies, #5, 2:1, March, pp. 31-42.

1982.Futuristic Visions That Tell Us About Right Now”, In These Times IV (23), May 17th, pp. 5-11.

1989.Nostalgia for the Present”, South Atlantic Quarterly, #38, no. 2, (Spring), pp. 517-37.


Kosub, Nathan

2006.Clearly, Clearly, Dark-Eyed Donna: Time and A Scanner Darkly”, Senses of Cinema: An Online Film Journal Devoted to the Serious and Eclectic Discussion of Cinema, October-December; 41: [no pagination].

Krabbenhoft, Kenneth

2000. "Uses of Madness in Cervantes and Philip K. Dick", Science-Fiction Studies # 81, pp. 216-234.


Lake, Ken

1991. Letter on Gillespie 1991, Critical Wave # 23.

Le Guin, Ursula K.

1975. "Science Fiction as Prophecy: Philip K. Dick", New Republic # 175, 30 October, pp. 33-34.

1983. "On Philip K. Dick" [Letter], Foundation # 27.

Lem, Stanislaw

1972. "Science-Fiction: ein hoffnugsloser Fall—mit Ausnahmen”, Quarber Merkur, 10.1, January, pp. 11-39.

1975. "Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans", Science-Fiction Studies # 5, 2:1, pp. 54-67.


Mackey, Douglas A.

1984. "Science Fiction and Gnosticism", The Missouri Review 7:2, pp. 112-120.

Magome, Kikoyo

2004. "The Player Piano and Musico-Cybernetic Science Fiction Between the 1950s and the 1980s: Kurt Vonnegut and Philip K. Dick” Extrapolation, Winter, 45:4, pp. 370-87.

Markovic, Igor

2000. "U vrtlogu stvarnosti - Philip K. Dick citan Flusserom" [In the Maelstrom of Reality - Philip K. Dick by way of Vilem Flusser], Monolith #003, ed. Horak, Davorin, Zagreb: Zagrebacka naklada.

Martins Rosa, Jorge

2008. A Misreading Gone Too Far? Baudrillard Meets Philip K. Dick” Science Fiction Studies, March; 35 (1 [104]): pp. 60-71.

Mathieson, Kenneth

1985. "The Influence of Science-Fiction in the Contemporary American Novel", Science-Fiction Studies # 35, 12:1, pp. 22-32.

Maxwell, Anne

2009. "Eugenics and the Classical Ideal of Beauty in Philip K. Dick’s ‘The Golden Man’", Science-Fiction Studies # 107, 36:1, pp. 87-100.

McCarthy, Patrick A.

1999-2000. "Do Androids Dream of Magic Flutes?" Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres, 5:13-14, pp. 344-52.

McKee, Gabriel

2001. Mckee, Gabriel. "Empathy and Evil: Philip K. Dick and Martin Buber on the Nature of Humanity." Macrocosm #1 (Spring), 24-29.

McNelly, Willis E. and R.D. Mullen

1975. “Philip K. Dick: Manuscripts and Books”, Science-Fiction Studies # 2, pp. 4-8.

McNamara, Kevin R.

1997. "Blade Runner's Post-Individual Worldspace", Contemporary Literature 38:3, pp. 422-46.

Meskys, Ed et. al.

1964. “Philip K. Dick and the Germans” [Responses to "Naziism and the High Castle"], Niekas # 10, pp. 28-32.

Milne, Tom

1982. "Blade Runner", Monthly Film Bulletin # 49, 584.

Morrison, Rachela

1990. "Casablanca meets Star Wars: The Blakean Dialectics of Blade Runner", Literature Film Quarterly, 18:1, pp. 2-10.


Nicholls, Peter

1982. "Philip K. Dick: A Cowardly Memoir", Foundation # 26, pp. 5-10.



Pagetti, Carlo

1975. "Dick and Meta-SF", Science-Fiction Studies # 5, 2:1, pp. 24-31.

1985. "La città delle illusioni." La città e le stelle # 3, pp. 25-31.

1990. "In the Year of Our Lord Hitler 720: Katharine Burdekin's Swastika Night". Science-Fiction Studies # 52, 17:3: 360-369.

Palmer, Christopher

1991a. "Critique and Fantasy in Two Novels by Philip K. Dick", Extrapolation 32:3, pp. 222-34.

1991b. "Postmodernism and the Birth of the Author in Philip K. Dick's VALIS", Science-Fiction Studies # 55, 18:3, pp. 330-42.

Palumbo, Donald E.

1991. "Inspired... by Philip K. Dick: Ambiguitiy, Deception, and Illusion in Total Recall", Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts # 19, 4:1, pp. 69-80.

Philmus, Robert

1991. "The Two Faces of Philip K. Dick", Science-Fiction Studies # 53, 18:1, pp. 91-103.

Picot, Jean-Pierre

1998. Œil mémoire et regard de verre chez Chesterton, Philip K. Dick et E.A. Poe”, Marigny, Jean (Introd.) Images fantastiques du corps. GERF (Groupe d'études et de Recherches sur le Fantastique) n° 5. Grenoble: Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3, pp. 153-71

Platt, Charles                    

1982a. "Philip K. Dick" [Obituary], The Patchin Review # 4 (April - June), p. 57.

1982b. "The Lucky Dog Award", The Patchin Review # 5 (October - December), pp. 7-8.

1982c. “Do Androids Dream of Philip K. Dick”, Horizon, July/August, pp. 38-43.

1983. Letter replying to Nichols 1982, Science Fiction Review # 48, 12: 3 (Fall) p. 4.

Potin, Yves

1998. “Four Levels of Reality in Philip K. Dick's Time Out of Joint”, Extrapolation 39:2, pp. 148-165.

Price, Michael J.

2002. “Cultural Myth in Philip K. Dick’s The World Jones Made”, American Studies in Scandinavia, 34:1, pp. 65-83.

Proietti, Salvatore

2002. “Philip K. Dick Arrives in Italy" [review of Rispoli 2001], Science-Fiction Studies # 86, 29:1, pp. 142-4.


Rabkin, Eric S.

1988. "Irrational Expectations; Or, How Economics and the Post-Industrial World Failed Philip K. Dick". Science-Fiction Studies # 45, 15.2: 161-72.

Ricci, Elena

2003. "Dai sotterranei ai simulacri: La penultima verità", Bérénice: Rivista quadrimestrale di studi comparati e ricerche sulle avanguardie, # 28, XI, pp. 117-28.

Rickels, Laurence A.

2007. “Endopsychic Allegories”, Postmodern Culture: An Electronic Journal of Interdisciplinary Criticism, September; 18 (1): [no pagination].

Rickman, Gregg

1991. "Dick, Deception, and Dissociation: A Comment on The Two Faces of Philip K. Dick", Science-Fiction Studies # 54, 18:2, pp. 290-3.

1992. "The Nature of Dick's Fantasies", Science-Fiction Studies # 58, 19:3, pp. 105-8.

1993. "On Forty Essays", Science-Fiction Studies # 59, 20:1, pp. 139-40.

1996.Umland and Csicsery-Ronay on Rickman”, Science-Fiction Studies # 69, pp. 312-313.

Rieder, John

1988. "The Metafictive World of The Man in the High Castle: Hermeneutics, Ethics, and Political Ideology", Science-Fiction Studies # 45, 15.2: 214-25.

Robinson, Kim Stanley

1987. "Whose Failure of Scholarship?" [response to Abrash 1985], Science-Fiction Studies # 41, 14:1, pp. 121-3.

Rogeiro, Nuno

1983. "As ruinas espelhadas: Notas sobre a ficção de Philip K. Dick", Futuro presente: Revista de nova cultura, #15/16, Autumn 1983, pp. 47-57.

Rossi, Umberto

1996. "Just a Bunch of Words: The Image of the Secluded Family and the Problem of logos in P.K. Dick's Time out of Joint", Extrapolation, 37:3, pp. 195-211.

2001a. Letter "Umberto Rossi on Lorenzo di Tommasso [sic]", Extrapolation, 42:1, pp. 88-93.

2001b. “Puttering About in an Italian Town” [report on the Macerata conference], Science-Fiction Studies # 83, 28:1, pp. 155-56.

2002a. "From Dick to Lethem: The Dickian Legacy, Postmodernism, and Avant-Pop in Jonathan Lethem's Amnesia Moon", Science-Fiction Studies # 86, 29:1, pp. 15-33.

2002b. Fourfold Symmetry: L’interazione dei livelli di realtà in tre romanzi di Philip K. Dick”, Acoma # 23 [Primavera], pp. 100-13.

2002c. “Fourfold Symmetry: The Interplay of Fictional Levels in Five More or Less Prestigious Novels by Philip K. Dick”, Extrapolation, 43: 4 (Winter), pp. 398-419. [English version of Rossi 2002c, expanded]

2003. “The Harmless Yank Hobby: Maps, Games, Missiles and Sundry Paranoias in Time Out of Joint and Gravity’s Rainbow”, Pynchon Notes #52-53, Spring-Fall, pp. 106-23.

2004a. “The Game of the Rat: A.E. Van Vogt’s 800-Word Rule and P.K. Dick’s The Game-Players of Titan”, Science-Fiction Studies #93, 31:2, pp. 207-26.

2004b. “The Great National Disaster: The Destruction of Imperial America in P.K. Dick’s The Simulacra”, RSA: Rivista di Studi Nord Americani #13/2002, pp. 22-39.

2009. “Acousmatic Presences: From DJs to Talk-Radio Hosts in American Fiction, Cinema, and Drama”, Mosaic, 42:1, March 2009, pp. 83-98.

2010. “Radio Free PKD”, Foundation, 37:106, Summer 2009, pp. 10-28.

Rottensteiner, Franz

1996. “To Set the Record Straight” [Comments concerning the controversy with Stanislaw Lem and PKD], Science-Fiction Studies # 69, p. 310.


Saint Gelais, Richard

1997. Le réel attrape par l’imaginaire: Philip Dick et la science-fictionnalisation de la réalité” Etudes Littéraires, Autumn; 30:1, pp. 81-94.

Schäfer, Gerd

2007. Paranoides Genie: Zum Werk von Philip K. Dick”, Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Europäisches Denken May; 61 (5 [697]): pp. 449-53.

Schmid, Georg

1987. "The Apocryphal Judaic Traditions as Historic Repertoire: An Analysis of The Divine Invasion by Philip K. Dick", Degres: Revue de Synthèse à Orientation Semiologique 51, F1-F11.

Seidel, Kathryn Lee and Wang, Alvin Y.

2000. "Asians and Aliens in Cyberculture Film and Fiction", Hybridity: Journal of Cultures, Texts, and Identities, 1:1, pp. 17-29.

Shetley, Vernon and Ferguson, Alissa

2001. "Reflections in a Silver Eye: Lens and Mirror in Blade Runner", Science-Fiction Studies #83, 28:1, pp. 66-76.

Simons, John L.

1985. "The Power of Small Things in Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle". The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, 39:4, pp. 261-75.

Sims, Christopher

2009. "The Dangers of Individualism and the Human Relationship to Technology in Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”. Science-Fiction Studies, #107, 36:1, pp. 67-86.

Slade, Joseph W.

1990. "Romanticizing Cybernetics in Ridley Scott's Blade Runner", Literature Film Quarterly 18.1, pp. 11-18.

Slusser, George

1987. "On Scholars and Pedants" [Response to Abrash 1985 and Robinson 1987b.], Science-Fiction Studies # 42, 14:2, pp. 286-8.

1988. "History, Historicity, Story", Science-Fiction Studies # 45, 15:2, pp. 187-213

Sterle Miccoli, Amalia

1980. "I puritani e le radici americane dell'apocalisse", La collina # 1, pp. 83-90.

Stewart, Bhob

1982. “Do Replicants Dream of Philip K. Dick?”, Comics Journal # 76, pp. 121-34.

Stilling, Roger J.

1991. "Mystical Healing: Reading Philip K. Dick's VALIS and The Divine Invasion as Metapsychoanalytic Novels", South Atlantic Review 56: 2, pp. 91-106

Stoekl, Allan

1999. "Execution and the Human", Intertexts, Spring, 3:1, pp. 3-31.

Strick, Philip

1982a. "The Age of the Replicant", Sight and Sound 51:3, pp. 168-72.

1982b. "Philip K. Dick and the Movies" [revised version of Strick 1982a], Foundation # 26, pp. 15-21.

Sutton, Brian

2005. “Sophocles's Oedipus the King and Spielberg's Minority Report”, Explicator, Summer; 63 (4): pp. 194-97.

Suvin, Darko

2002. “Goodbye and Hello: Differentiating Within the Later P.K. Dick”, in Extrapolation, 43:4, Winter, pp. 368-97.


Taylor, Angus

1976. "The Politics of Space, Time and Entropy", Foundation 10: pp. 33-34.

Thomas, Pascal J.

1985. “French SF and the Legacy of Philip K. Dick”, Foundation #34, Autumn, pp. 22-35.


Umland, Samuel J.

1996. “A Rejoinder to Istvan Csicesery-Roany, Jr.”, Science-Fiction Studies # 68, pp. 149-152.


Vint, Sherryl

2007.Speciesism and Species Being in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, March; 40 (1): pp. 111-26.


Wagner, Jeff

1985. “"In the World He Was Writing About: The Life of Philip K. Dick", Foundation # 34 (Autumn), pp. 69-96.

1986. "Dans le monde qu'il decrivait: la vie de Philip K. Dick" [French translation of Wagner 1985], Science Fiction, November, Paris, Denoel, pp. 14-59.

Walters, F. Scott

1997. “The Final Trilogy of Philip K. Dick”, Extrapolation, 38: 3, pp. 222-235.

Ward, Paul

2006. “Shape-Shifting Realism”, Sight and Sound, August; 16 (8): p. 42.

Warren, Eugene

1977. “Philip K. Dick: Exile in Paradox”, Christianity Today 21:16, pp. 22-4.

Warrick, Patricia

1979. "The Labyrinthian Process of the Artificial: Philip K. Dick's Androids and Mechanical Constructs", Extrapolation #20, Summer, pp. 133-53.

1982. "In Memory of Philip K. Dick", Science-Fiction Studies 9:2 pp. 227-228.

Watson, Ian

1975. “Le Guin’s Lathe of Heaven and the Role of Dick: The False Reality as Mediator”, Science-Fiction Studies # 2, pp. 67-75.

Wheale, Nigel

1991. "Recognising a 'Human-Thing': Cyborgs, Robots and Replicants in Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and Ridley Scott's Blade Runner", Critical Survey 3:3, pp. 297-304.

Wingrove, David

1982. "Understanding the Grasshopper: Leitmotifs and the Moral Dilemma in the Novels of Philip K. Dick", Foundation # 26, pp. 21-40.

Wolfe, Gary K.

1988. "Not Quite Coming to Terms", Science-Fiction Studies # 45, 15:2, pp. 234-6.

Wolk, Anthony

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Zoreda, Margaret Lee

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