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Angel Stories

by Donna M. Rainwater, W.B Kimbrell and Jim (reprinted with permission by Spiritual Awakenings)

Have you ever encountered an angel in your life, directly or indirectly? Well, many people have, especially now that the veil of illusion which separates different dimensions is beginning to be lifted from our eyes. To help this process, here are some inpiring stories of "common people" who had their life enriched by angelic encounters.


Angels saved my life twice! by D.M. Rainwater

I know I have a very important purpose here on this earth... this trip! My life has been saved twice by unseen hands.

The first time was about 20 years ago. While working in Washington, D.C., I was crossing a one-way street. All traffic should have been coming from my right. As I began to cross a very wide avenue the pedestrian light began to flash "Don't Walk" so I hurried along, suddenly, a voice said, "Look Left!". When I did, I saw a pinto station wagon backing up so fast it was too late to get out of the way!!! The driver was making a mad dash for a parking space on the corner.

As quickly as I realized my predicament, I felt two unseen hands, one on each elbow, lift me high in the air....and place me gently back down on the street corner....perfectly safe!!! In those few moments, I felt as if all time had stood still!!

I just stood there for a few seconds waiting to see anyones reaction to this miraculous event but oddly enough no one reacted at all! It was as if nothing had happened! I finally composed myself, looked skyward, and said a very heartfelt prayer of thanks to my wonderful angels for saving my life. It is a moment in this life I will never forget!

And now the second story. There is a wooden deck attached to our home that my husband had treated with a coating to protect the wood. When it rained, the deck became very slick and slippery. One morning, not long ago, I let our dogs out in the yard via the deck which has a long set of stairs to the backyard. I was being very cautious as to my footing on the deck, wearing only house slippers.

One dog kept hesitating, like he was determined he wasn't going into the I very tightly gripped the top of the hand rails to the stairs and shot a foot gently towards the tip of the dogs tail...playing and laughing as I did this. Suddenly, both feet came out from under me and in that split second....feeling the fear of the situation, I said, "Please angels, help me!"

In what seemed like two seconds..or less, I felt a large pressure in my stomach area and then found myself sitting safely on the top step!!! It was as if a hand had pushed me gently back onto the step!! I thought about how awful it would have been for my husband to wake up and find me in a puddle at the bottom of these stairs!!

Again, I looked upward and inward, and thanked my angels for their wonderful love and overseeing!! I have no doubt that we are never alone! I only hope that I can measure up to God's expectations for whatever reason my life was spared not once but twice!


An Angel Came to Visit by W.B. Kimbrell

About 30 yrs. ago, my cousin, Brenda, who was about 3 at the time, managed to get into my aunt's kitchen where she began pulling out the cutlery drawers. She would step in one drawer and pull out the next step up in the next drawer and so forth until she managed to reach the top of the cabinets.

On one particular day she had once again managed to reach the kitchen and began doing this, when she slipped and fell slamming her head on the floor. She was in bad shape, her skull was shattered, her brain was bruised and she went into a coma.

When my uncle arrived at the hospital, he checked in at the nurses station, and was told that a friend of his had come to visit and had stayed with Brenda all day and that he should still be in the room. My uncle went to the room and no one was there. He spent the night at the hospital and left for work the next morning.

That evening he came back and the same thing happened. The nurse said, "Oh that friend of yours was here again today". My uncle asked if by chance they had gotten a name from this visitor, they said no, they didn't think about it but he should still be in the room. He ran down to the room once again to find no one there.

This went on for over a month until one day Brenda's condition worsened. Her brain had swollen and they were going to have to perform surgery. My aunt and uncle, along with their pastor went to the hospital chapel, talked and said a prayer. After the surgery, they returned to her room to sit and wait.

All of a sudden they heard her talking, they all jumped up and ran over to her. She was awake looking right at the door saying, "bye man."

Everyone asked her who she was talking to? She described a man, said his name, and described him in detail including the clothes he was wearing! When the description was given to the nurses, they confirmed that this was the man they had seen also!

Brenda survived into adulthood with minor brain dammage. But to this day, she tells the story of her angel and no one doubts her!


Angels in Daily Life by Jim

I am a firefighter of 23 years. I worked as a paramedic for 16 years and I have seen some strange spiritual things. Especially people seeing angels coming for them and then "Boom" the people die! We used to laugh it off but as we were around it more and more, when people say they see the angels coming for them, we really believe them now! Strange but true!

I bet if you asked emergency workers, they could tell you tales of people seeing light and angels all the time. I have been working on a full arrest (complete cardiac standstill) and the people around are singing and praying and oddly, someone will touch the patient while this is going on and you will hear in the background "Here they come, can you see the light? The angels are coming!" I never saw anything as I was really busy but the people were certain that the Spirit was taken by the angels. Who knows, at least the people were satisfied! Also, sometimes the family will say things like "Daddy said he's been talking to the Angels for weeks now and he said they were coming soon." This is usually right after the patient has died. When people say they are going to die, believe them!

Copyright © 2000 Spiritual Awakenings

Angels by Govert Flinck

The wondeful angels painted by Govert Flinck (1615-1660)


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