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Heavenly Music - An Interview with Iasos

by Annalisa & Giampiero Cara

A New Age music pioneer and innovator talks about his art as a profound spiritual experience, "channeled" from a non-physical entity called Vista. His stated purpose? To create music that can help us achieve an enhanced connection with the Grander part of who we really Are.

(To know what are Iasos' CDs recommended by BLISS - New Age and Beyond, click here and read our reviews.)

- Your interest in music began at a very early age. But when did you first perceive the connection between music and spirituality?

"I had two pivotal experiences in this regard. One was when I listened to some music by others in the early 60s, that just for a few fleeting seconds transported me to heavenly realms, but then immediately shot me back to earthly rock music. Just a few seconds. It’s almost as if they accomplished this by accident! I thought: 'Wow! If music can do this, wouldn’t it be great to create music that can put you there, and then keep you there for an extended period of time!'

And the other experience was when I began to spontaneously 'hear' heavenly music in my mind (as if I were wearing headphones, but without any headphones). This music intuitively felt like it must be coming from heavenly realms, so it did feel 'spiritual', but 'spiritual' in a loving/fun sense, not in the sense of 'religious discipline' or 'religious obligation'.

"I believe it was Spinoza who said that if you study any field of reality deeply enough, you will eventually find God. And so with my continued intense focus on music, it became progressively more and more obvious to me that there is an immense potential for music to induce spiritual states of consciousness.

"Now I don’t think this is the 'purpose' of music, since I do not believe music has any inherent obligatory purpose. But I do believe this is a potent potential 'use' of music - to induce spiritual states of being.

"In my particular case, my biggest fascination with music is the idea that music is capable of creating a 'vibrational gateway' that can allow the listener to access higher realms of existence. The music functions as a 'channel tuner' to get you there. And of course, once the listener becomes familiar with these realms, then he/she can get there without the music. So I am personally fascinated by the use of music to 'introduce' people to exalted states of being, heavenly dimensions of reality. This is the central driving force behind my continuous music creating."

- We've read about Vista, the entity who communicates his musical visions to you. Would you accept the definition of "channeled music" for your music?

"In some ways, yes. In some ways, no. Channeling 'presumes' an altered state of consciousness, where the channeler is basically gone 'somewhere else' and is not that aware of what is happening during the channeling. With respect to this, no, I don’t quite channel, since, in my case, 'Iasos' is totally present and aware the whole time, although I am 'influenced' and 'receive ideas' from Vista.

"But if you use a looser definition of channeling, that is, 'receiving ideas from another consciousness', then yes, I channel Vista. The distinction between Iasos and Vista is in many cases blurred, since when I intuitively make artistic decisions about 'how' to create this music, my intuitive decision is often influenced by Vista.

"Furthermore, I receive a tremendous amount of inspiration from Vista while sleeping at night, and I am later in my 'normal consciousness' while creating this music. And to top it all off, I was 'thoroughly trained' for the job, by Vista, long before I incarnated, so I 'landed' with a rather extensive amount of 'musical know-how' already encoded within me, from this advance preparation. You might say that when 'they' want to get a job done here on earth, they don’t mess around. They thoroughly prepare for it.

"So perhaps the clearest picture of what’s happening is this: Iasos’ consciousness, intuitively influenced by Vista, so we are working together, and within my musical intuition, we blur into one artistic creator. I certainly don’t take any credit for this music. I easily give all the credit to Vista. Should a telephone take credit for the message that the listener hears through the telephone?"

- And by the way, what do you think about the spreading channeling phenomenon in general?

"As the vibrations of the planet are raising faster and faster (at an exponential rate), we are all gradually opening up our psychic centers. So everyone is gradually opening up to being more psychic - even animals are experiencing increased psychic powers. So all this channeling is a natural outgrowth of these increased powers.

"However, I personal suspect than less than 4% of all channeling is accurate, and probably more than 50% of it is some combination of channeled information + distortions coming from the personal consciousness-perspective of the channel. So we must all exercise 'discernment' in this field, and the best way to 'discern' the accuracy of any channeling, is to ask your Heart (not your Mind, but your Heart),

"How does this make me feel?"
"Does this ring true in my inner-most being?"

And just trust the answer you receive."

- Does Vista communicate to you also things which need a verbal more than a musical expression?

"There is a funny story about this. Once I was getting 'envious' of so many other people channeling words and thoughts, and I was channeling 'only music', so I asked Vista if he would channel words and ideas to me. His response was hysterically funny. In a comically-exaggerated attitude of disdain and contempt, his response was: 'Words? Words? You want me to drop all the way DOWN to the level of mere words?' His response was 'acting' as if he were insulted by such an idea. It was extremely funny! But I got the message.

"His focus with me is sharply clearly focused on music+visuals, which (unlike words), totally by-pass the intellect and the intellectual 'censor' and totally saturate one’s feelings and intuitive/spiritual Being. You could say, our work is 'right brain only', not 'left brain'. And since one of Vista’s prime 'specialties' (Divine Virtues) is Concentration, he certainly has no problem staying focused on the music and visuals."

- Listening to your music, we felt is as modern in its electronic form but ancient, almost ancestral, in its essence. Do you see yourself as a contemporary musician with an ancient heart?

"Well, you are trying to label me with respect to Time, but I see my music as outside of Time. You see, I think of my music as Universal Music, and if the universe is eternal, then what time period can you pin on the universe? I am using contemporary sound equipment (equipment of this era) to create Universal Music - music that hints at the universal music that is always eternally going on, and is not native to any particular time period.

"You see, there are universal broadcasts of music, like a radio station broadcasting the 'Music of the Spheres'. But this universal radio station is always going on! It’s hard for humans to think of something as never having had a beginning, but nevertheless, this is the case. The universe has always been here. It never "began". And universal music has always been here - an eternal broadcast - and it also never began. In fact, you could think of Vista as a DJ on some of these universal broadcast radio stations, pumping out the 'latest' in eternal heavenly music. And I am a humble 'branch office' for this cosmic DJ.

"So, to summarize, the sound equipment is contemporary. But the music is Universal and so outside of time. Nevertheless, your question reminds me of one of the types of events I occasionally do, which is entitled: High Tech Audio for Ancient Temple Music"

- You had a vision of "paradise music" before the means to express it (modern electronic instruments) even existed. Do you think the music you actually produced so far lived up to that vision?

" Well, I’m getting progressively closer and closer to externally manifesting what I’m inwardly experiencing. As the technology continues to improve, and as the technology that I can afford to own continuously improves, and as my mastery of my sound equipment continues to improve, the difference between what I hear inside and what I deliver outside, is getting less and less.

"So I am gradually improving in 'living up to that vision'. You could say that I have progressed from 37% accurate up to, perhaps, 92% accurate."

- And has your music already found its ideal means of expression or do you think further technological advancements in electronic instruments will allow an even more accurate translation of your (or Vista's) musical visions?

"The mind is the limit, and the mind is unlimited. So, there is no such thing as finding the 'ideal' or the 'ultimate' expression, since there is always an infinite potential for further improving things. And this applies to every field of reality, not just my music. So as engineers continue to creatively produce even better sound equipment, and I continue to master such improved equipment, my capabilities will continue to improve.

"A funny thing about this. Once my father asked me: 'Well, when will you have enough sound equipment? You are always buying more!'

"But there is always room for more and better. In fact, electronic musicians jokingly refer to this continuous desire for more/better sound equipment as 'techno-lust'.

"The nature of divinity is expansiveness, so we all have this innate desire to further our abilities, no matter what field of expertise we are focused in. Better equipment = increased capabilities. No matter what your specialized field, who would not want increased capabilities?"

- Are there still sounds you hear inside yourself that cannot be expressed by contemporary musical instruments?

" The attitude with which I work is:
No matter how little or how much sound equipment I have at any particular period in my life, I work on the premise that:

Anything that I can imagine, I can create.
If I could not create it, I would not even be able to imagine it in the first place!

Creating with this conviction is immensely freeing to your creative juices! Try it! Creating with the knowingness that
'If I can imagine it, I can create it!'"

- In your perception, has the expression you give to the musical visions inside yourself ever been affected by "outside influences", like other musician (not necessarily New Age ones) you particularly admire?

"They say that geniuses are the best "copy-cats". They effectively copy so many different styles, that they end up coming up with a totally unique style of their own, which includes all the styles they copied.

"I went through a period in my life where I studied and analyzed music from around the world - Balinese, African, classical music, Jimi Hendrix, Santana, Martin Denny, all over the place. And I learned a lot by analyzing all these styles. But then I began hearing this totally-other-worldly music inside my head, and this music captivated me so much, that from that moment on, I desired only to copy this music. So you could say I’ve had 'inside influences', rather than 'outside influences'.

"The classical composers I have learned the most from and that I most admire are: Claude Debussy, Ravel, and Resphigi. But then, you must understand that musical preferences are really emotional preferences, since all musicians are really just merchants selling emotions, which are served on the platter of sound. There are other classical composers that I respect but do not enjoy, because I do not personally resonate with the emotions of their music."

- Speaking ofpossible influences, you and Vangelis are both pioneers in your musical fields, and you both come from Greece. Do you think you have anything in common, apart from your origins? Have you ever met, personally and/or artistically?

" I have never met him, though I consider Vangelis to be one of the very few 'New Age' musicians that really understands chords and harmonies. Vangelis has thoroughly mastered his trade. He knows sound equipment, he knows music, and he knows how to effectively translate emotions into music. But the emotions he chooses to translate into music, are the main difference between his music and mine."

- Your music has a spiritual meaning, and what you say in your articles and interviews is very interesting also from a philosophical standpoint. Do you feel you've been influenced by a particular New Age philosophy?

"Well, though most people think of me as a musician, I think of myself as a physicist with a burning curiosity to understand - 'How does Reality really Work?' (After all, music is really just emotionally-applied physics.) And so, this driving burning curiosity has led me through the years to absorb many philosophical, religious, and metaphysical perspectives. I have an immense appetite to understand."

- Is there a New Age author whose ideas you feel particularly close to yours?

"As a matter of fact, yes! About 2 years ago, I came across a particular understanding of 'how reality works", that is so profound, that it made all my previous understandings quite obsolete by comparison. Just like 'Newtonian physics' became just a 'special case' within the broader understanding of 'Einsteinian physics', likewise, everything I previously understood became just a 'special case' within this broader understanding. And the amazing thing is that this understanding can be empirically proven in your daily life! You don’t have to 'believe' it, or trust it on 'blind faith'. You can actually test-drive these concepts empirically in your daily life, to see if they work for you. And they do work - to such a startling degree that, the first few times I 'tried' these concepts, I was startled and 'shocked' by how quickly and effectively they worked!

"And the amusing thing is that this information is from an extraterrestrial race existing on a higher dimension and existing 300 years in our future. (From their point of view, we are 300 years in their 'past'.) This race is called the Essassani, and I am aware of 2 beings from this culture that transmit their ideas to their earthly channels: Bashar channels through Darryl Anka, and
Elan channels through Andrew.

The physicist in me is deeply satisfied by what I’ve been learning from their cultural perspective on 'how reality works', and, happily, this wisdom is extremely test-able, practical and applicable in one’s daily life!"

- You say you could give an entire lecture on the details of what your music is designed to do. What about a brief introduction?

"When Vista transmits a 'musical vision' to me, I simultaneously receive 3 things:
1. the music (chords, melodies, harmonies)
2. technical ideas (how to create those special effects and how to create those special sounds)
3. the effects this music will have on people. So I know the effects each piece will have before I even begin recording it! And Vista’s information on these effects is always totally accurate.

"I could specifically mention the effects of any one piece, or I can give a general answer on the effects of my music in general. So, for a "brief introduction", let me mention the Intended Effects of this music in general:

* To create and make available music that can help a Soul achieve an enhanced resonance-connection with the Grander part of who they really Are.

* Music that can function as a vibrational-gateway into celestial dimensions of Light & Love & Awareness.

* Music that can facilitate body energetics fine-tuning themselves into a higher more refined resonant Coherency.

* Music that can help bridge the connection and merging with one's Light Body.

* Music that can directly nourish the Soul through a continuous stream of concentrated Beauty Patterns."

- More specifically, how do you think music can help in transforming the listener's limiting thoughts and raising his consciousness?

"Since each person is the absolute creator of their reality, music can do nothing at all to someone, unless they intend, desire, or want, or "allow" it to do something. So Intention is pivotal, to what music can do.

"And then there is Resonance: Each person’s energy field makes them more or less susceptible to particular musical influences. For example, if a person is usually angry and seldom happy, then they will have a low resonance with happy music. That means it would take a lot for music to induce them into a happy state. If another person if frequently happy, they will have a high resonance with happy music. For them, it would take very little for music to induce them into a happy state. So the unique resonances of each person’s energy fields will determine the degree to which they can be influenced by any particular music.

"So, if we take Personal Intention and Personal Resonance into consideration, then, with the right conditions, music is an immensely Powerful tool for raising consciousness into the unlimited infinite realms.

To further explain this,

Music is capable of inducing Divine Emotions.
Visuals are capable of inducing Divine Thought-Forms.

For example, the visionary paintings of Gilbert Williams have been a tremendous influence in opening up people’s minds into more unlimited states and realms of Light. In fact, I have a whole section of my website dedicated to visionary artists who are doing such a magnificent service to the planet.

 "When you incorporate both of these together - Music and Visuals - (such as videos or multi-media concerts), then you have an immensely powerful means of inducing heightened states of consciousness, through both Divine Emotions and Divine Thought-Forms. In fact, that is the main focus of my video Crystal Vista, and the video Illumination by my colleague Ken Jenkins. And also the wonderful new video Merkabah Voyage of a Star Seed, by Jean-Luc Bozzoli.

- G.I Gurdjieff said that music (as any other form of artistic expression) could be "objective art", in the sense that it could have precise effects on listeners. You also say that the intent of the musician can be transmitted if the listener is receptive to the music. Do you think the listener can also have a more "active" role, in the sense that he can enrich the music with something that the author didn't even think about, or didn't want to convey, at least consciously? After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say...

"Yes, absolutely, because Intent is everything! So the listener can 'superimpose' any Intent of their choosing on any music they are listening to! It works like this: If you look at the slow waves on a lake, and then throw a small rock in the water, you will see the small waves of the rock riding on top of the bigger slower waves of the lake. Just as small waves can be superimposed on top of bigger waves, likewise, Intent can be superimposed on top of Music. The music is the big waves, and the intent is the small waves "riding on top of" the bigger waves.

"For this reason, in my seminars, I always encourage the people to get very clear on their Intention with the music and then to crank up the intensity of their Intention to maximum, when using music! It makes a profound difference. Intention is actually how you 'steer' your reality."

- When you write your music, do you already know what its purpose or function will be, or you just write it and play it and then think about what effects it can have on the listener? Or do you measure its effects on the effect it has on yourself while you play and listen to it?

Iasos: "As I mentioned earlier, Vista lets me know what the effects will be, long before I create the music. But then it’s always interesting and fun to get feed-back from users, and to hear about their experiences with the music, and the effects it produced in them. The feedback further enriches the understanding I am given in advance. It’s also very gratifying to receive such loving feedback of beneficial effects."

- With Sacred Sonic Tools (by the way, is it your latest CD?) and the book that accompanies it you tried something different from the rest of your musical production, in the sense that you offered music or sounds as tools to specific purposes, more than something to just listen to and feel good. How did people react to this concept and to the product itself?

Iasos: "Yes, Sacred Sonic Tools is my latest cd, though I am now nearing the completion of my next one. You are correct about this difference: Whereas my other CDs are 'music', this CD is 'sounds' - sounds specifically designed to tune-up your energy fields in particular ways. Each cut on the CD is a different sound, or a different 'tool', so the entire CD becomes a "tool-box of sounds" for fine-tuning your energy fields. The reason a booklet is enclosed with it, is to provide Application Notes so the user understands what each sound is designed to do, and how it works.

"The reactions vary, as you might expect, depending on how 'open' people’s minds are to the idea of using sound for such purposes. So the responses vary from neutral to wildly praising! As I expected in advance, the greatest use and appreciation of this product is from those in 3 these fields:
* light-workers
* body-workers
* religious or metaphysical leaders

"On the page in my website devoted to this product
I have a section devoted to Quotes about this product from very famous people. But at home I have an ever-growing file of feedback from enthusiastic users that is just GLOWING with praise! Not only are they appreciative of this product, but they are also appreciative that I even thought up the concept of this product, since it seems to be the beginning of a whole new genre - a 'tool-box of sounds' on a CD. Whereas with a music CD, you would normally play the cd straight through, this one is designed so that you only play the cut needed for the current application. It is not designed to be played straight through, just as a carpenter would not use all the tools in his tool-box if what he really needed was only a screw-driver. Using your cd player, you just go "straight" for the sound tool that is most appropriate for your current application.

"Also, since most CD decks are 'programmable', you can even program your CD player to play any unique sequence of cuts. For example, your current application might be best served by playing the 3rd tool, then the 7th tool, and finally the 2nd tool twice. You could easily program your CD player to do this!

"So it’s a new concept, and people do need to have this new concept "explained" to them, in order to really "get it’. But, once explained, they catch on fast very fast."

- Inevitable (but nevertheless interesting) question: What are your future projects?

Iasos: "I am currently nearing completion of my next album of celestial music. This will continue in the tradition of my Elixir CD - music for travelling in consciousness to higher-dimensional realms of Light and Love and tremendous Beauty. However, this one continues where Elixir left-off."

- Are you planning more records and/or multimedia concerts?

"I am always doing more recordings. This never changes. As long as I’m alive, I will continue to record. You see, it takes very little time to receive a piece of music. But it takes a long time to fully manifest it. So I have many more compositions than I will ever have time to fully record. Creating this celestial music is my Reason for Being! I can’t imagine ever "retiring" and no longer creating such music. It is my passion and my joy.

"As far as multi-media concerts, doing these is very gratifying because I know in advance how blissed-out the audience will be by the end of the concert (it never fails, it’s always this way). So this is also a great joy. At the moment I have no concerts planned, but I am always ready and willing to travel anywhere in the world, to do such concerts, if the event is organized in a practical manner. Some of the fun places I’ve done concerts are Egypt and Brazil and Hawaii and Mount Shasta.

- Will you come to Europe?

Iasos: "I would just love to! You invite me, and I’ll be there - FULL FORCE!"

Copyright © 2000 Annalisa & Giampiero Cara

Born in Greece in 1947, Iasos has been living in the United States since he was 4 years old. He studied piano and flute until he finished high school, then, at age 20, a new type of music, which he then called "paradise music" began to form in his mind.

Therefore, after getting a BA degree in Cultural Anthropology at Cornell University, he decided to become a full-time musician. He settled in California in 1968 and, after five years of composing, teaching and giving concerts, his electronic and ethereal "heavenly music" began to become known as one of the pioneering branches of New Age music.

Since then, Iasos released a great deal of "heavenly music" albums, and also combined sounds and images in a series of videos. One of his most successful titles, Angelic Music, even received the highest rating for being "most like the heavenly music" heard by people who had undergone a near-death experience.

His music, generally well-suited for relaxing mind, body and spirit, can be used to create a "sacred space" for meditation, bodywork, visualization and emotional healing, and also for tuning into angels and other non-physical entities.

Some Iasos albums you can order now through by just clicking on their titles (If you want to read our reviews first, then click here)

Sacred Sonic Tools

Bora Bora 2000

Angelic Music


Timeless Sounds


You can find other information about Iasos and his music at his website


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