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The Angelic Kingdom and How to Tune into It

by Iasos

In this inpiring but also very practical article (taken from a longer article called The differences between Angels, Humans and Elementals, which you can read in its entirety by clicking here), the author explains the true nature of the Angelic Kingdom and reveals some secrets for allowing angels to help us in our lives.

The beings of the Angelic Kingdom have the function of administering to the spiritual needs and the emotional needs of both the Human Kingdom and the Elemental Kingdom. They "take care" of us.

Angels work primarily on the emotional plane. Just as an electric heater radiates heat waves, angels radiate unique beneficial energies, with many different wonderful effects.

Each type of angel is a specialist in radiating one particular "quality" or "virtue", which typically has its own unique color, sound, fragrance, and flame.

"Specialized" Angels

The angels that work with Archangel Michael specialize in Faith and Protection. The angels that work with Archangel Zadkiel focus on The Violet Flame of Transmutation. The angels that work with Archangel Raphael specialize in Healing and Consecration. Those with Chamuel focus on Divine Love and The Adoration Flame. The angels under Jophiel specialize in Illumination and Enlightened Understanding.

And of course there are innumerable other qualities that angels specialize in - Divine Will, Happiness, Hope, Purity, Opulence, Stillness, Comfort, Ceremony, Divine Power, Peace, Science, Beauty, Ministration, Music ... The list just keeps going!

Angels are like rechargeable batteries. Just by hanging out within the aura of their "leader", their auras "soak up" and absorb that quality for which their leader has become an expert. This master angel is like a fountain, producing a continuous stream of this particular quality, and consequently his or her force field is a powerful reservoir of this quality.

For example, the angels working with Archangel Uriel absorb by proximity his special quality of Peace, and then, like a rechargeable battery, when they become totally "full" with this quality, they get sent out somewhere to administer and radiate out this quality.

They radiate their quality primarily through their feelings. Once they reach "empty", they return to their leader and once again "fill up" with that quality, to once again be sent out.

Angels' Functions

As angels evolve, they become continously improving experts at holding more and more of this specialized quality, and holding it for a longer time, and holding it without contamination from adverse external conditions (usually generated by humans). As they continue to specialize in this quality, with time they too become a fountain-head of this quality, to which many lesser angels come to drink in and absorb this essence.

Their role is to radiate the aura of God to humans and elementals, to help them and comfort them on their path, and to remind them of their celestial source and heritage.

In doing their service to life of radiating energies, angels are typically experts at creating multi-angel force-fields, using sacred geometry and symmetric patterns to create forcefields much more powerful and effective than if they worked independently. Like a good football team, they know just the "play" to implement, to optimally nourish and nurture each situation.

Angels also function as an inter-dimensional UPS service, carrying energies both up and down between dimensions. In the "up" direction, they gather all the hopes, aspirations, wishes and prayers of humanity and then deliver them up to the appropriate beings on the higher subtler planes.

In the "down" direction, when these celestial Light Beings choose to send particular beneficial energies to particular places on the planet, it is the angels that deliver these celestial energies to their earthly destinations.

Calling your Personal Angels

There are of course, also personal angels, or guardian angels,focusing on the spiritual and emotional well-being of one particular human. Every human has at least one of them. Many light workers have a number of them.

If you want your personal angels to work even more closely with you, you can first of all, acknowledge them and thank them from your Heart, for their undying (and usually unappreciated) service to you. Then you can do your best to make your personal aura as sweet, harmonious, and loving as you can.

Remember - the sweeter your energies, the closer your angels will want to "hang-out" in your aura. Angels just LOVE environments that are harmonious, sweet, and peaceful. It gives them a momentary sanctuary amidst the imperfections on earth that are continously being generated by humanity-at-large. Angels can grow weary from this, and so they just flock to a sweet-pure-energy-zone. Just like a humming-bird feeder attracts humming-birds, a beautiful backyard, with flowers, streams, LOVE, and sweet peaceful energies, will attract angels from all around, as they come to bask in your angelic oasis on the physical dimension.

By the way, if you want your personal angels to work extra hard for you, you can bribe them! How? With their form of currency, of course! No, it's not dollars, it's not credit cards, but it is something that is as valuable to them as hundred dollar bills are to us - LOVE! Love is their form of currency. They value it, they cherish it, they even evolve through receiving more of it!

So whereas your personal angels may have already done an exquisite job of serving you, without receiving one drop of Love or Gratitude from you, if you turn up the throttle and flood them with your love and appreciation, then just hang on for the heavenly acceleration you are about to receive! Elementals can perceive angels and so always send them love and gratitude. But angels are not used to receiving very much appreciation from humans - so far!

Learning to Receive from Angels

There is the universal law that Beings in one dimension can not assist beings on another dimension unless the request or invitation comes from the dimension wishing to receive the assistance. To a great extent this leaves many angels with their "hands tied", with respect to helping humans.

They live but to serve. They love to serve. They evolve by serving. It makes them happy to serve. But you have to invoke them. That means, you have to invite and request their assistance. The instant you do, you've created an inter-dimensional doorway through which they can pour in and literally flood you with their endless divine qualities.

As a matter of fact, from their point of view, humans are not really that good at receiving. Even the humans that consciously request and absorb these healing qualities from the angels, are really only letting in just a tiny fraction of the benefits they really could absorb. Like letting in a tiny brook, when you could really let in a Niagara Falls of "manna from heaven".

So remember - the angels are always encouraging you: EXPAND how much you can receive and absorb beneficial radiations from us! Just know that they will always be there - eager and enthusiastic to give you as much as you can handle!

Why not test them right now, while you read this? Think of some divine quality that you really need or would like more of. Then silently in the depths of your Heart, request and invite the appropriate angels to administer this quality to you.

You can even make your request more specific: Ask for a "heart-beam" - with one angel in front of you facing you, and another angel behind you, also facing you. Sense them create a pillar of Light connecting their Hearts, with this Light Beam passing directly through your Heart! Feel this for just a few moments... Then you have a sense of the magical assistance that is always lovingly available to you - just a thought away.

When angels "appear" to humans, so as not to scare them, they usually appear in the form that those humans "expect" angels to look like. But this may be nothing at all like the form they normally take (if any!) Remember - the higher you go in dimensions, the more "optional" form becomes.

And of course, angels are famous for their angelic choirs. It is not uncommon to have 50,000 angels singing in exquisite unison. Why do angels have such beautiful voices? Simple - because they have beautiful feelings.

When you pick up the phone, you can immediately tell how the other person is feeling from their tone of voice. The tone of the voice always has encoded within it the emotional state of that person in that instant. This is true of humans, elementals, and of course angels.

If you wish to have a more beautiful voice, rather than taking voice lessons - get to the source, the cause - just focus on cultivating more beautiful feelings! When angels greet each other, it is a triumphant and ecstatic symphony of gorgeous colors, music, fragrances, and feelings.

Angels want to serve you! They also want to play with you! They even want to worship with you! Enjoy your Angelic Friends!

Copyright © 1998 Iasos

Detail from "Annunciation" by Edward Reginald Frampton (1872-1923)


The author

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Meanwhile, let's introduce him. He is


Iasos, the New Age musician and author

Born in Greece, Iasos has been living in the United States since he was 4 years old. After getting a BA degree in Cultural Anthropology at Cornell University, he decided to become a full-time musician.

He settled in California and, in the early Seventies, his electronic and ethereal "heavenly music" began to become known as one of the pioneering branches of New Age music.

Angels have inspired much of Iasos' music, which can be used also for tuning into them.

One of his most successful titles, Angelic Music, even received the highest rating for being "most like the heavenly music" heard by people who had undergone a near-death experience.

Here are some of Iasos albums recommended by BLISS - New Age and Beyond that you can order now through by just clicking on their titles (If you want to read our reviews first, then click here)

Angelic Music

Sacred Sonic Tools

Bora Bora 2000


Timeless Sounds

You can find other information about Iasos and his music at his website

BLISS - New Age and Beyond has also interviewed him, and you can read our Interview with Iasos by just clicking here.

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