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IngrandisciBresca Dorada, golden beehive, a small, very precious object, such as honey was for Sardinian peasants: a name which encloses within itself the history of an enterprise born out of the respect and love for nature, tradition and genuineness, which prompted its founding partners, Enrico Diana and Paolo Melis, to establish their activity at Monte Liuru, in an area at that time almost inaccessible, in the Muravera countryside, approximately 50 km from Cagliari. The surrounding landscape, marked by pastureland and citrus fruit orchards, is rich in wild plant species typical of the Mediterranean area; this unspoilt environment offered itself as the ideal site for setting up a beehive farm and honey production plant. The choice proved indeed to be a very apt one: so much so that over a short period, the farm came to comprise over 800 modern beehives, and acquired a prominent standing among other honey producers in the region.