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Gaiole in Chianti (Siena)

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097a.tif (218788 byte)An avenue of cypresses leads up to the little medieval hamlet of Argenina, so called because of its position on the "argine" or border between the wine-growing regions of Chianti and Berardenga.
The origins of Argenina go back as far as the year 998 when it belonged to the famous Ricasoli Firidolfi family of wine makers. It was then partly donated to the monks of the Abbey of Coltibuono (today another famous wine estate) in the XII century. The houses of Argenina, after long years of neglect, have been bought by a Neapolitan designer who has moved to Tuscany from the North and has restored them to their former glory. Some of these houses are today available for guests and have been furnished in a Provençal style in perfect harmony with the little village and the woodland, the vines and the olive trees in the surrounding countryside.
Gaiole is in the heart of what the British call Chiantishire and many claim that the best Chianti, with a bouquet reminiscent of violets, is grown here. The Castle of Brolio, since centuries the seat of the Ricasoli family, is open to the public who can walk along the castle walls and admire the criss-cross patchwork of vines and olives all around. There are many small trattorias in the area where Chianti tastes at its best as does the new olive oil in the autumn months seeping into the toasted peasant bread.
Gaiole is on the beautiful winding Chiantigiana road between Florence and Siena and at a perfect distance for visiting both
Rooms: seven double rooms each with private bath, telephone and its own refrigerator. All have a magnificent view.
Options: English and French are spoken. Dinner can be served on request. There are a riding school and thermal baths nearby. Children under the age of twelve are regretfully not welcome. A laundry service is available. Parking in the village.
Where: the Florence airport is at 65 km., while the nearest railway station is Siena 15 km. away.
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