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Polcanto (Firenze)

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20a.tif (155704 byte)Fiesole is a hill-top town above Florence much favoured by the Anglo-Florentines in the last century and today’s Florentines and tourists still flock up the hillside on a hot summer evening to eat an ice cream at one of the pavement cafés. With its Roman theatre which holds a film and music festival every summer and its incomparable view of Florence from the convent of San Francesco, Fiesole has the charm of hill top towns in Tuscany everywhere.
At 8 km from Fiesole and sixteen from Florence, Casa Palmira is an old hay barn which has been expertly restored. It is part of a rural complex, with an old tower dating back to the XI century which once stood guard over a thoroughfare that led from medieval Florence to the Apennines.
The house is surrounded by green fields and woodland, while the garden with its wide lawn and shady pergola also has a vegetable garden where Assunta, your hostess, finds inspiration for her excellent meals. She will also prepare picnic baskets for guests planning excursions further afield.
Assunta and Stefano have restored and decorated their house with engaging simplicity. There is a large sitting room/kitchen with a fireplace for the use of guests.
Rooms: there are six rooms, two doubles, one single and three with twin beds. A third bed can be added on request. All have a private bath and are furnished with old fashioned charm and crisp and cheerful curtains and bedspreads. Minimum stay 3 nights.
Options: dinner can be served on request and guests can also barbecue in the garden. There are mountain bikes at their disposal. Private parking. Children under the age of two are free of charge; pets are regretfully not allowed. A laundry service is available. English and French are spoken.
Where: the nearest airport is in Florence at 22 km, while the Florence railway station is 15 km away.
Prices: 4candles.gif (1526 byte)


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Via di Marciola, 23 - 50020 San Vincenzo a Torri- Florence -Italy-
Tel. +39 055 7309145 - Fax +39 055 768121