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The Magnetorgon

We noticed sometimes that the occasional presence of a magnet set nearby the Rotorgon induced an immediate reaction on the device. Hence, based on this experience, we supplied the instrument with a permanent magnetic field by setting one or more magnets in its internal side.
Immediately, we saw an increase of the device's sensitivity with a faster reaction to the external stresses and, more important, a higher average velocity of the rotor.
This important performance suggested us to call the new instrument Magnetorgon (Magnet + Orgone) so that to distinguish it from the previous devices. The magnets to be used can be made of ferrite or neodymium-based. The former material is to be preferred, since in presence of a weak magnetic field, secondary phenomena, hereafter explained, are not detected. The size of the magnets can be 26 x 12 x 4 mm and 35 x 10 x 4 mm for ferrite and neodymium-based, respectively. The two magnets can be applied to the Rotorgon's box, in correspondence with the jambs on the edge lined with the same iron sheet, used to line the internal surface of the semi box. The magnets can also be located on the external surface of the box, still in correspondence with the jambs, in such a way to create a magnetic field inside. We experienced that a weak constant and permanent magnetic field establishes inside the box even after the removal of the magnets. This is due to the property of the iron sheet to maintain for quite a time a residual magnetisation after being magnetised for contact. This weak magnetic field, present in the orgone accumulator semi box, is strong enough to confer practically permanent and lively motion to the rotor.
However, the most effective set up is the one shown in figures 1 and 2. In this case the aim is to establish a magnetic field inside the semi box with vertical direction. A magnet can be set on the base of the semi box and the other one, with opposite charge, above the rotor, on the inner wall or on an appropriate cross bar. It is suggested to find the best distance to set the two magnets by trial and error method.
A strong magnetic field, such as that formed by two magnets of neodymium-based, results in polarizing the rotor. In this way, instead of freely rotating, the rotor tends having a clockwise and counterclockwise oscillatory motion.
Before formulating a theory explaining the functioning of the Magnetorgon, it is opportune to report hereafter experimental results of tests that can enlighten some its properties, unforeseeable for some aspects.


Electrical experiments

1) Hereafter some considerations on a test performed on the Rotorgon, before the introduction in the device of the magnets, are reported. In this experiment we are referring to the fact that, in the case the borders of the semi box are lined with electrodes (such as two small metallic strips insulated from the iron sheet) and connected to the electrodes of a tester, a small difference of potential, of some tenth of mVolt, is found. The order of the potential difference is 0.4-0.8 mVolt. Also, we noticed the two borders are polarised, and the sign + usually is located to the north-oriented border. Besides, if we rotate the box of 180°, the direction of the rotor rotation immediately reverses.
Comparative tests, using the electrodes without the box, were performed. When they are set on a table, at a distance equal to the one of the borders, no difference of potential was found. Of course, this type of electrisation measured to the borders can be also found on the Magnetorgon.
2) Figure 4 shows the measurements of the potential difference between the central small column and the internal iron sheet of the accumulator when an additional battery is set on.
3) Figures 5 through 7 report the test set up of the Rotorgon when charging a condenser.
4) A small strip of paper, hang to its barycentric point by means of a thin nylon wire (thickness 0,06 mm, length 100 mm), when approaching the borders, aligns itself along the horizontal direction in such a way to connect them and show evidence of probable line forces of an electrostatic field going from a border to the other.
The small strip, when pushed to the centre of the box, tends assuming a rotational motion, in the same way the rotor does. This motion is obstacled by the torsion of the wire. As already reported, this phenomenon has found practical application in conceiving and building the Orgonometer.


5) It was noticed, all the time we needed to take out the rotor from its support and to re-put it on again, or to do an analogue manoeuvre with the magnets or, in general, anytime we had to touch the various parts of the device, that the rotor firstly starts rotating with an accelerate motion, keeps this quite high velocity for some rounds and then goes back to the original rotational velocity, it had before the manoeuvre.
It seems that, after the contact by the hands, an additional amount of energy (bioplasma) is supplied, implying a sort of charge followed then by a discharge.
6) We saw, in addition to the direct contact of the hands, that also the simple nearness of the operator can be responsible of the increase of the rotor workload. For instance, an increase in the rotational velocity of the rotor can be noticed after few seconds the operator approaches the device. It seems the device detects an energy field emitted by the physical body of one or more people standing close to it. Sometimes the only presence of the operator is enough to put in motion the still rotor. Of course these facts can be observed at constant values of all the other variables and parameters.
7) Coming near the fingers to the rotating rotor, either above or below the paper ring, we can notice the rotor tends oscillating around a diameter line. It's like the rotor is attracted or repulsed by a sort of charge emitted by the fingers.
8) A similar situation, to what reported in the above point 7, was seen when we approach a magnet, through a hand, to the rotating rotor of the Magnetorgon. The paper ring raises or lowers, while rotating, behaving like a weakly magnetic material. In other words, the magnet seems to attract or repulse the paper ring.



9) Another positive effect is exerted by the light. Both direct or indirect solar light and the incandescent lamp lights, under the form of diffused light or intermittent rays, promptly activate the motion of the rotor. One can't avoid thinking to the photons properties that induce, in some materials and under certain conditions, a state of electrisation.


The theory

The orgonic wave, flowing from west to east, conveys vital energy that, due to the special shape of the box, is thought to generate inside the box a field of static electricity. In other words, the orgone energy undergoes a change into electrostatic energy (see the above point 1, 3 and 4). Now, let's consider that in 1 cm^3 of sufficiently clean air, both indoor and outdoor, between 100 and 500 ions can be found. This air ionisation is mainly due to the cosmic rays and the radioactivity produced by the radioactive content of the earth. In this way, in the lowest part of the atmosphere, in which we are living, between 10 and 20 new couple of ions can be produced per second and per 1 cm^3 of air. It happens that, when an electron is ejected from a molecule of oxygen, a couple electron-positive ion can be formed. The free electron, after quite a number of collisions in a very short time, finds a neutral oxygen molecule, joining it. This new molecule that now has an additional negative charge, is called negative ion. So, you find two ions, one positive and the other negative. However, this phenomenon does not last for a long time, otherwise all the oxygen contained in the air, after some times, would become ionised. Instead, it happens the ions, after continuing collisions, neutralise each other: the negative ion give the positive ion its exceeding electron. This phenomenon is called recombination.
In the volume delimited by the box showed in figure 1 (about 1600 cm^3) between 160.000 and 800.000 ions would be in (see also the above point 9). Now, a gas in which the majority of the molecules is ionised is called plasma. In our case, due to the fact the air at standard temperature has a low grade of ionisation, formed by a mix of neutral molecules, ions, and electrons (see the above point 10), we could speak of cold micro plasma. In addition to, we have to consider the effect of the bioplasmic energy, emitted by the living beings (see the above points 5, 6 and 7) that is discussed separately hereafter because of the peculiar sensitivity of the Magnetorgon to this type of energy.


The motion of charged particles in a magnetic field

Now, let's see what happens when ions and electrons are moving in a magnetic field. Let's suppose a charged particle at velocity v in a uniform magnetic field H. The magnetic field exerts a force F on the moving particle (Lorentz force). This force is function of the velocity v and the angle formed by the particle velocity and the lines of the field. This force acts only on moving charges and is always perpendicular both to the magnetic field and the velocity v (see figure 2). Particularly, when the particle is moving in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field, the Lorentz force deflects the particle trajectory making it to follow a circular orbit.
Let's do now a more general hypothesis considering a charged particle moving in an uniform magnetic field and following a generic direction. We can decompose the particle velocity in one component perpendicular and one parallel to the lines of the field. In this case the particle will follow a direction resulting by the sum of an uniform rotation and an uniform spontaneous translation. The trajectory becomes a cylindrical helix, whose axis is directed into the same direction of the magnetic field (see figure 3). Now, the moving charges inside the Magnetorgon, driven by the presence of the magnetic field, act on the paper ring of the rotor for electrostatic induction and put it on rotation, the sense of depends on the sign of the charged particles.
It's like the rotor is led by a vortex of rotating charged particles.


Hypotheses and researches on bioplasmic energy

Because of the analogy, evidenced by some authors, between orgone and bioplasma we'd think opportune to briefly recall few historical references, and report some information concerning the researches carried out and the discoveries made in this field.
The Russian VS Grishenko (1944) was the first to introduce this word, with the purpose to extend the concept of plasma to the biological world. This term in the modern physics defines a high density and macroscopically neutral ionised gas.
If we heat a solid substance, slightly increasing the temperature, at a certain time we can observe it starts melting and assuming a liquid state. Then, at higher temperatures, the substance evaporates forming a gas. Until to this point the supplied heat has been used to break the intermolecular links. When the temperature reaches a value high enough, the molecules of the gas break in single atoms. If we take the gas, at the atomic state, at higher temperatures, such as 3.000-4.000 °K, we can observe the first effects of the atoms dissociation. We know the atoms consist of a nucleus, positively charged, and of electrons rotating around it, the well-known cloud of electrons.
At very high temperatures the gas stops being neutral and the average velocity of the chaotic thermal motion of the atoms is in such a way that, across the collisions among the atom and the faster particles, the electrons of the outer layer of the cloud are taken away from the atom, turning in this way into a positive ion. At temperatures around 10.000-20.000 °K the gas is composed only of positive ions and free electrons. For instance, at 30.000 °K in a cubic centimetre of hydrogen, the ionisation is as much developed as having only one neutral atom. A gas in which the majority of the atoms is ionised, is called plasma. It is also called "fourth state of the matter", and was firstly observed in the discharge of gas at low pressure. The plasma is the most common state of the matter in natural condition and forms 99.9% of all the matter in the universe. The sun and all the stars are nothing else that huge masses of plasma at high temperatures. Even the upper layer of the earthly atmosphere, the ionosphere, is composed of plasma.
But why, even being the ordinary state of the matter in the universe, you can hardly find it around the surface of the earth? In fact, substances at solid, liquid, and gas state are an exception, and unusual condition of the matter. On the basis of the most recent studies in biophysics, it would have been proven all living beings, that developed just in this very small portion of matter, the only one in non ionised condition, are provided of a body of cold plasma.
Since 1968, biologists and physics of the Kazakhstan University at Alma Ata in Siberia, carried out researches on the hidden part of the human body. The results they obtained confirm the Grishenko's hypothesis that a bioplasmic body would be responsible for the energetic structure of the physical body. How can a human body, whose internal temperature is only 37 °C, have such a body of plasma? The answer of the Russian scientists can be simplified making the analogy with the plasma of electrons existing in the solid body of semiconductors.
Physics speak about a gas of electrons inside the semiconductors at standard temperature. Now, also in the biological processes you can find such free electrons and this can induce thinking the several parts of the human body behave like semiconductors. Hungarian-American Nobel prize Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1937) was the first to put ahead a theory concerning the fact the cells and other parts of the human body can have properties semiconductors-like. From then on, many functions, characteristics of the semiconductors, were also identified in the living tissues and quite a few today think the DNA helix works like a "biolaser" emitting coherent radiation.
We saw the ionisation process of the matter, namely the formation of free electric charges, is associated to the absorption of radiant energy. The inverse process happens when the free particles go back to lower layers of energy, linking themselves with a lattice of atomic nuclei. In other words, the formation of the biological plasma is a reversible process, with absorption and emission of quanta of radiant energy.
According to Russian biophysics, the human cell is nothing else that an emitter of electromagnetic radiation. It would emit radio wave, visible and invisible frequencies of luminous waves, and infrasonic acoustic waves. The nucleus would emit UV invisible light, and the mitochondria, having high ions concentrations, would emit very weak visible red light, that can be detected with appropriate methods. Russian researchers say bioplasma is characterised by a high degree of order (low entropy level). This fact differentiates bioplasma from ordinary plasma of the physics and, being highly organised, we can speak about a bioplasmic body. This is one of the characteristics that make it orgone-like. Besides, bioplasma would be affected by the ionosphere, sunspots and other cosmobiological-like influx. Besides, they think it at work in the vital energy transfer process from the healer to the sick person (in the same way it happens for the orgone energy).
Moscow biophysics Victor Adamenko thinks it ought to speak about a "cold emission of electrons from living organism towards the atmosphere". The emission centres, located on the human body in some hundred points, seems to correspond to the points of the Chinese acupuncture.
Vladimir Inyushin, one of the experimenter of Alma Ata University, has come to conclusion that "out of any reasonable doubt each living organism is a system radiating energy and creating a field around it". Besides, he does not hesitate to identify the bioplasma body with the etheric body of the ancient Eastern philosophies and doctrines, often confused with the astral body. It is noteworthy to say, according to this concept, the bioplasma starts assuming a meaning of a type of biologic ether. At this point it could be spontaneous thinking the bioplasma like a particular aspect of orgone energy.