Compagnia de Peon

Terrae Coneglani

13th Cent. Italian Communal Militia Reenactment Group

For a perfect view you must use the Font AGATA.TTF (cod. NewFont) created by the "Cavalieri del Tau" Historic Society from Altopascio (LU), based on an original character of the 13th cent.

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Vedi Testo Italiano

The Peon)s MiddleAge


What does " peon " means ?
Is it Spanish ?
Has it something to do with Mexico?

Certainly not !! This "vulgar" word was used in the XIII and XIV century by the Venetian area people to indicate a foot-soldier of the feudal peasant levy or communal militia. This is what we re-enact, not professional soldiers,but simple town people (burgenses) that weekly leave their all-day occupation ,dress in privately purchased military garments according to their economical possibilities, and serve their own town as guards with various duties. Our idea is to involve the public, trying to explain a bit about every-day medieval history in Italy, the one we call "little history", or history of the common people, as well as trying to bring to life something that most people studied only passingly in school books. This type of group, for the Italian public, is new, because medieval events in Italy are almost all XV-XVI century noble courtesans that gives an imaginary and distorted idea of the later "middle ages". Very few Italian associations re-enact the "common people" and their life. However we have seen, with great satisfaction, that our brand of "little history" is greatly appreciated by the general public.

This is what we are trying to do !!
The " Compagnia de' peon " displays a square tent ( 2,50x 2,50 ), three shelter tents , wooden tables and benches were we eat and drink as in use in the middle ages (Italian public seem to appreciate this performance in particularly way..!!!),then our women give demonstration of medieval cooking , we also have a small display of offensive and defensive personal weapons (reproductions) in use to the communal militia or feudal levy in the XIII century ; here we give to the public all kind of informations on these medieval weapons.

If you are intrested to know something more on our group feel free to contact us with the following e-mail

Compagnia de' Peon >

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