
Pubblicazioni di CHELON

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Pubblicazioni di CHELON

Margaritoulis, D., Argano, R., Baran, I., Bentivegna, F., Bradai, M.N., Caminas, J.A., Casale, P., De Metrio, G., Demetropoulos, A., Gerosa, G., Godley, B.J., Haddoud, D.A., Houghton, J., Laurent & L., Lazar, B. (in press). LOGGERHEAD TURTLES IN THE MEDITERRANEAN: Present Knowledge and Conservation Perspectives. In: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Gerosa, G., Aureggi, M., Montinaro, G. & Cotroneo, V. (in press). Identification of three Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) nests along coasts of Ionian Calabria. In: Proceeding of 4th Convegno Nazionale sui Cetacei. 11-12 November 1999, Milano, Italy.

Lazar, B, Tvrtkovic, N., Gerosa, G., Holcer, D. and Grbac, I. (in press). Potential loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting beaches along the Southern coast of Croatia. In: Proceeding 19th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, South Padre Island (Texas, USA), 2-5 March 1999.

Aureggi, M. Gerosa, G., Yerli, S.V. 2000. Five years of research at Akyatan Beach (Turkey): one of the main nesting sites for green turtle, Chelonia mydas, in the Mediterranean. In: Proceeding XXXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Biogeografia. Roma, 29-31 ottobre 1998. Biogeographia Vol.XXI: 555-560.

Casale, P., Gerosa, G. and Yerli, S.V. 2000. Female-biased primary sex ratio of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas, estimated through sand temperatures at Akyatan, Turkey. Zool. in the Middle East 20:37-46.

Gerosa, G., Aureggi, M. and Yerli, S.V. 2000. Preliminary study on predator clues to discover a nest: marks of camouflaging as an attraction to predators. In: Proceeding 18th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Mazatlan (Mexico), 3-7 March 1998:191.

Aureggi, M., Gerosa, G. and Yerli, S.V. 2000. Canids predation of Marine Turtle nests at Akyatan, Turkey, Eastern Mediterranean. In: Proceeding 18th Inernational Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, 3-7 March 1998:70-72.

Gerosa, G. and Casale, P. 1999. Interaction of marine turtles with fisheries in the Mediterranean. UNEP (RAC/SPA), ISBN 9973-9926-6-0: 59pp.

Aureggi, M., Gerosa, G. and Chantrapornsyl, S. 1999. Marine Turtle survey at Phra Thong Island, South Thailand. Marine Turtle Newsletter 85:4-5.

Aureggi, M., Gerosa. G. and Yerli, S.V. 1999. Observations on predation of marine turtle nests at Akyatan, Turkey, Eastern Mediterranean. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 3 (3): 487-489.

Gerosa, G., Aureggi, M. and Yerli, S.V. 1998. Akyatan Beach (Turkey): one of the main nesting site for green turtle, Chelonia mydas, in the Mediterranean. Meeting of expert on the implementation of the Action Plan for the conservation of Mediterranean marine turtles adopted within MAP. Arta, Greece, 27-29 October 1998.

Laurent, L., Casale, P., Bradai, M.N., Godley, B.J., Gerosa, G., Broberick, A.C., Schroth, W., Schierwater, B., Levy, A.M., Freggi, D., ABD El-Mawla, E.M., Hadoud, D.A., Gomati, H.E., Domingo, M., Hadjichristophorou, M., Kornaraky, L., Demirayak, F. and Gautier, CH. 1998. Molecular resolution of marine turtle stock composition in fishery by catch: a case study in the Mediterranean. Molecular Ecology, 7: 1529-1542

Gerosa, G., Daelli, E., Aureggi, M. and Mazzella, F. 1998. Marine Turtle Survey at Rhodes Island, Greece, 1997-1998. Meeting of expert on the implementation of the Action Plan for the conservation of Mediterranean marine turtles adopted within MAP. Arta, Greece, 27-29 October 1998.

Gerosa, G., Aureggi, M., Casale, P. and Yerli, S.V. 1998. Green Turtle nesting at Akyatan Beach, Turkey, 1994 – 1997. Marine Turtle Newsletter, 81:4-5.

Casale, P., G. Gerosa, R. Argano, S. Barbaro and G. Fontana 1998. Testosterone Titers of Immature Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) Incidentally Caught in the Central Mediterranean: A Preliminary Sex Ratio Study. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3 (1):90-93.

Scaravelli D., M. Affronte, A. Bortolotto, G. Gavanelli, 1998. Studi e attività di conservazione sui Cheloni in Romagna. Atti del Convegno Tutela Fauna Minore, Sasso Marconi (BO), 25.8.1998: 74-75

Scaravelli D., Gavanelli G. & M. Delogu, 1998. Analisi delle cause di morte in un campione di Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) nord adriatiche. 1° convegno SIVSANC, Società Italiana Veterinaria Studio Animali Non Convenzionali "Aspetti veterinari dell'interazione tra ambiente e animali non convenzionali", Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria, Università di Bologna, Ozzano Emilia, 2.10.1998.

Scaravelli D., Affronte M., Bonomi L., Bortolotto A., Gavanelli G., Meotti C., 1998. Contributo alle conoscenze sulla presenza di Caretta caretta in Alto Adriatico. Riassunti 2° Cong. Nazionale S.H.I., Praia a mare (Cosenza), 6-10 ottobre 1998: 27-28.

Gerosa, G., Yerli, S.V., Aureggi, M and Conti, C. 1997. Report on a sea turtle nesting beach study (Akyatan, Turkey), 1997. CHELON Marine Turtle Conservation and Research Program, Tethys Research Institute, V.le Val Padana, 134/B, 00141 Rome, Italy. 9 pp.

Lazar, B., Tvrtkovic, N., Gerosa G., Holcer, D. and Grbac, I. 1997. Adriatic Marine Turtle Program: Potential loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting beaches along the southern coast of Croatia. RAC/SPA (UNEP/MAP) Rep. Agreement 5/97. 96pp.

Gerosa, G. 1996. Manual on marine turtle tagging in the Mediterranean. RAC/SPA (UNEP), Tunis, Tunisia. 48 pp.

Gerosa, G., Yerli, S.V., Mazzella, F. and Lapis, S. 1996. Report on a sea turtle nesting beach study (Akyatan, Turkey), 1996. CHELON Marine Turtle Conservation and Research Program, Tethys Research Institute, V.le Val Padana, 134/B, 00141 Rome, Italy. 7 pp.

Gavanelli, G. Gerosa, G. & Scaravelli, D. 1995. Protection and care activities for chelonians in Romagna, Italy. International Congress of Chelonian Conservation (SOPTOM Ed.). 6-10July 1995. Gonfaron, France: 325-327.

Gerosa, G., Casale, P. and Yerli, S.V. 1995. Report on a sea turtle nesting beach study (Akyatan, Turkey), 1994. International Congress of Chelonian Conservation (SOPTOM Ed.). 6-10 July 1995. Gonfaron, France: 173-180.

Gavanelli, G., Gerosa, G. & Scaravelli, D. 1995. "The turtle and the man": a research and teaching laboratory at Imola (Italy). International Congress of Chelonian Conservation (SOPTOM Ed.). 6-10July 1995. Gonfaron, France: 328.

Gerosa, G., Yerli, S.V, Aureggi, M. 1995 - Report on a sea turtle nesting beach study (Akyatan, Turkey), 1995. CHELON Marine Turtle Conservation and Research Program, Tethys Research Institute, V.le Val Padana, 134/B, 00141 Rome, Italy. 9 pp.

Gerosa, G., Lino, L. and Insacco, G. 1995. Progetto finalizzato allo studio delle deposizioni della tartaruga marina (Caretta caretta) in Sicilia sudorientale. (Estate 1994). CHELON Marine Turtle Conservation and Research Program, Tethys Research Institute, Fondo Siciliano per la Natura, Roma Italy. (Unpub. Report)

Gerosa, G. and Casale, P. 1994. Relazione tecnica relativa al "Campo di sorveglianza e studio delle tartarughe marine" svoltosi a Lampedusa (AG) dal 22 giugno al 11 settembre 1993. Dip. B.A.U. Università di Roma "La Sapienza, CHELON, WWF-Italia, Roma, Italy. (Unpub. Report)


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