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Da: coalit
Oggetto: petizione
Data: venerdì 22 giugno 2001 23.21

Ciao a tutti.
Ecco il testo della nuova campagna coalit, la petizione riguarda le nuove restrizioni a Terrell.
Mi raccomando spedite quante piu' lettere e' possibile e non dimenticate di firmare col VOSTRO nome e Cognome


Petizione contro la decisione di sospendere le visite speciali per i detenuti condannati a morte di livello 2 e 3.
Si tratta di una decisione arbitraria unicamente a scopo punitivo e non contemplata dal regolamento del TDCJ.
Inoltrare la lettera ai seguenti destinatari:

To: Gary Johnson
PO Box 99
HUNTSVILLE, TX 77320-0099
Fax 001 936/437.21.23

cc: Arthur Adams
Obudsman Office Coordinator
PO Box 99
Huntsville, TX 77342
Fax 936 435 17 47

Warden James Zeller
Terrell Unit
12002 FM 350 South
Livingston, TX 77351-9630
Fax 936 967 84 37

June 2001

Dear Mr. Johnson,
we have been informed about new restrictions applied to the visitation rules at the Terrell Unit in Livingston.
Warden Zeller has apparently decided to restrict the visits for level 2 and 3 death row prisoners to one single monthly regular visit and to suspend al special visits for those prisoners until they make level 1.
According to our sources, this is against current visitation rules of TDCJ; in addition TDCJ was apparently not aware of Warden Zeller's decision.
It's clear that Warden Zeller's decision as to whether they are to be suspended or not is totally arbitrary. As a matter of fact he is making up these rules without any authority nor necessity to do so. Therefore he should be urged to follow the correct procedures for visitation which have already been defined by the prison system itself and give up imposing rules of his own that have no legal basis within the system and no actual justification. Which we do hope that you will soon demand Warden Zeller to.
Respectfully yours,

aggiungete il vostro nome e cognome e l'indirizzo completo

Inoltrare la lettera anche a:
Governor Rick Perry
PO Box 12428
Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711
Fax 512-463 18 49

Attorney General John Cornyn
PO Box 12548
TX 78711-2548
Fax 512 - 494 80 17

Da: coalit coalit@sorrento.argosid.it
Data: mercoledì 17 ottobre 2001 22.08
Per fare in modo che i detenuti abbiano sempre meno cose in cella alla Polunsky Unit sta per entrare in vigore una nuova ASSURDA regola. Le cosidette "properties" proprietà dei detenuti, dai vestiti al cibo, alle bibite, ai libri e quant'altro devono poter essere contenute in due borse della misura di un cuscino. Altrimenti vengono confiscate.
Con questa Urgentissima Campagna di invio lettere di protesta, intendiamo chiedere alle autorita' competenti di evitare che questa inutile e distruttiva regola venga applicata.
Vi preghiamo quindi di partecipare in massa e di inoltrare il testo della lettera a tutti i vostri conoscenti, diffonderla tramite i vostri siti internet, etc...
Ricordate quindi di stamparla, firmarla con il vostro nome, cognome ed indirizzo completo, ed inviarla ai recapiti dai noi forniti, via fax, o con affrancatura di posta prioritaria (1 francobollo da 1200 lire + un francobollo da 300 lire) per un totale di
Vi preghiamo inoltre di tenerci informati qualora doveste ricevere delle risposte.
Grazie per la collaborazione.
Michela Mancini
Vicepresidente Coalit


To: Gary Johnson
PO Box 99
HUNTSVILLE, TX 77320-0099
Fax 001 936/437.21.23

Arthur Adams
PO Box 99
Huntsville, TX 77342
Fax 936 435 17 47

Warden James Zeller
Terrell Unit
12002 FM 350 South Livingston,
TX 77351-9630
Fax 936 967 84 37

From: The Italian Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

Dear Mr. Johnson,
we have been informed about new restrictions imposed to inmates on death row at the Polunsky Unit in Livingston.
We have been personally contacted by some inmates denouncing further limitations with regards to their own properties.
According to our sources, they are now cutting the inmatesıproperty down again, in order to make it fit into basically two standard pillow cases.
Which means that commissary, envelopes, books, under clothes, winter clothes, letters, included large sized items as laundry soap in big boxes, and cokes, all that is supposed to be contained in two standard pillow cases.
It is simply absurd, for anyone canıt help realizing itıs not possible. In our opinion, this restriction is nothing but a further harassment inflicted to the inmates, because it wonıt allow them to have anything to keep themselves occupied.
That is going to affect their mental health by adding up to the isolation and the privations they are already forced to. Besides, itıs going to make their life conditions only more inhumane.
DR inmates had been previously given the permission of having the extra space for books and little art supplies as well as all kinds of items allowed by the regulation itself. There is apparently no reason why they should be denied it again, now.
Hopefully you will want to courtesly give us some explanations, because to us itıs hard to estimate this restriction other than unfair and totally unjustified.
In fact, we urge you to please think over the actual need of effects it will have on DR population.
We sincerely hope you will prevent it from being applied.
Awaiting your kind reply
Respectfully yours,