Da: "coalit" A: "amici coalit" Oggetto: [listacoalit] Fw: EMERGENCY Data: giovedì 13 dicembre 2001 18.46 THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!! Please sign ASAP? "Stop violation of human rights for women on death row within Mountain > View Unit, Gatesville, Texas" http://www.PetitionOnline.com/ECADP3/ > > > > I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might > > agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider > > signing yourself. I realize that many of you recieving this already realize the inhumane conditions inside Texas prisons, but for the ones who don't..... it is an indescribeable, unbelieveable situation. I do not know how any human being can be treated as prisoners are treated. Many of these women killed their husbands in self defense, but I am NOT condoning the killing of anyone but we also have to try and understand what we might do if we was in the same situation. Killing any human is wrong but even if they are in group 3 of killers........they do not deserve to be hurt by another human being but they are on a daily basis. Please help by signing this petition? Thank you all, Brenda Pitts Bennett Texas Prison Advocates