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The rocks of Mount Lerno

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Other view of Mount Lerno

Some geological outlines

The whole territory of the Commune is part of the enormous granitic complex of the so-called "Hercynian" cycle of Northern
Sardinia. Particularly around the mountain Lerno, on its northern side there are microgranitic and leucogranitic structures as
predominant lithologic elements. This represents a strong conditioning of the type of soil: there is dark-brown earth,
above all in the plain parts and the most rocky surfaces, with rocks that come out of the soil at the highest parts. Altogether the
territory is prevalently mountainous, with Mount Lerno reaching a height of almost 1,100 metres above sea-level, and
most of the rest having a height of about 1,000 metres. The main river is the "Riu Mannu" which becomes, after it has passed the
territory of Oschiri, an affluent of the river "Coghinas". The mounts Unturzu, Molimentos, Sedda Ottimera, Su Corriadore, Sa Ucca 'e su
Truncu, Sa Muzzere, Filu del su Telalzu on the southern side, are the natural borders of the river "Rio Mulinu".

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