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Associazione Emigranti nel Mondo
"L'Associazione Emigranti nel Mondo (A.E.N.M.) si è costituita a Corsano, in occasione della locale festa dell'emigrante e in altri incontri avuti con gli emigranti dai quali è emerso il desiderio di avere un'informazione locale per sentirsi più vicini e partecipi della vita del paese."

Association of Italian Correspondents in North America
Corrispondenti, giornalisti, collaboratori, produttori TV, fotografi, cameramen...
L'ACINA rappresenta la comunità dei professionisti italiani della comunicazione che lavorano negli Stati Uniti e in Canada.
Il sito non appare aggiornato

Circolo Italiano
Il Circolo Italiano, forte di una serie di varie sezioni sia su New York che su altre aree degli Stati Uniti, è la tribuna nella quale si realizza il potenziale della eredità culturale italiana in USA

CTIM - Comitato Tricolore Italiani nel Mondo
Il Comitato Tricolore per gli Italiani nel Mondo (C.T.I.M) è una libera associazione di lavoratori italiani residenti in Patria ed emigrati all'estero e di cittadini di origine italiana. Il C.T.I.M. ha come scopo il rafforzamento dei legami fra le varie comunità italiane nel mondo e la Madrepatria, rendendosi portavoce delle esigenze dei nostri connazionali, tutelandone gli interessi.

Comunity of Italo-Americans
"Originally founded as a vehicle to keep Italian-Americans informed about local and national developments affecting their social and economic welfare, the Coalition of Italo-American Associations has since emerged as an important force, impacting on virtually every imaginable area of civic and social endeavor."

"An Organization of Young Italian Americans Working Towards A Better Tomorrow."

Italian American Heritage Foundation
"The Italian American Heritage Foundation was founded in 1975 when a group of successful Italian Americans came together to help celebrate the United States Bicentennial. They dedicated themselves to preserve and promote the Italian Culture and its many contributions in America. We welcome anyone who is interested in preserving and promoting the Italian heritage and culture."

"ITconnect is one of the fastest growing ISPs in Michigan, as well as The Home Page for Italian Americans."

Order Sons of Italy in America
"The Sons of Italy Foundation is a private operating and grant-making philanthropic institution established to support significant programs to preserve Italian-American culture, encourage educational excellence, and support transatlantic initiatives for diplomatic, economic, and educational exchanges.
Established in 1959 by the Order Sons of Italy in America, the SIF's current areas of programming include a national scholarship program, medical research on genetic diseases, the preservation of Italian-American culture, and special projects of recognized significance that transcend the organization's official areas of concern. The SIF has played an important role in developing OSIA's philanthropic activities, which have ranged from providing a total of $25 million in scholarships to owning and operating the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum on Staten Island, N.Y."

Italian American Club of Lansing
Club Italo-americano del Michigan.

Italian American Cultural Society
"The Italian American Cultural Society was founded on December 10, 1957, by a small group of dedicated Italian-Americans. The purpose of the Society is to preserve and share the profoundly rich legacy of Italian culture, language, and arts. Over the years, the Society has grown and expanded to include a Cultural and Community Center to house its activities."

UNICO National, Inc.
Italian American service club

Italian Heritage Society of Indiana
"The Italian Heritage Society of Indiana is a non-profit organization for those who wish the thrill of learning, interacting, and experiencing, Italian heritage, in a new way. Members can acquaint themselves with the Italian language. There are courses at the basic and intermediary levels. Italian cooking classes and travels to Italy will soon be available. For those who wish the thrill and excitement of Italian bocce ball, music, dancing, fun and laughter, traditional and contemporary Italian cuisine, we welcome you to join us."

Italian American Political Coalition (IAPC)
"The IAPC was founded in 1994 as a means of providing a political voice for the citizen within the State of Illinois and to screen and endorse Italian-American candidates and others who represent our values and interests."

NIAF National Italian American Foundation
"La Fondazione Nazionale Italo Americana (NIAF), fondata nel '75, con sede centrale a Washington D.C., è la maggior rappresentante dei circa 15 milioni di cittadini italo americani negli Stati Uniti. La Fondazione si propone di aiutare la comunita' a mantenerne vivi i valori e le tradizioni, assicurandosi che anche il pubblico e i mass media siano al corrente dei contributi apportati dagli italiani ed i loro discendenti alla storia degli Stati Uniti. A questo fine, collabora attivamente con il Congresso e la Casa Bianca su questioni riguardanti gli italo americani."

Cultural Italian American Organization - CIAO
"The Cultural Italian American Organization is a student group that brings together all people on campus interested in Italy or in any aspects of Italian culture. Students and others with an interest in Italian art, music, film, language, fashion, or food, people who have been to Italy or who would like to go, people from Italy or of Italian descent are all welcome to join."

Italian Study Group of Troy
"We are a non-profit educational organization. Our purpose is to promote and preserve the Italian-American heritage through language, culture, music, and social events. Since 1974, our members and their families have been celebrating their heritage through a variety of social and cultural activities which they share with the entire community."

Fieri North Jersey Chapter
Promozione dei rapporti culturali tra l’Italia e gli italo-americani

National Italian American Bar Association
"The National American Italian American Bar Association is a nonprofit, nonpartisan corporation, founded in 1983 to advance the interests of the Italian-American legal community and to improve the administration of justice. NIABA members include judges, law professors, law students, as well as attorneys in both private and public sectors."

Italian American Bar Association of Michigan

The Italian American Police Society of New Jersey
"The Italian American Police Society of New Jersey is a social, fraternal organization of more than 4,000 Italian American Law Enforcement Officers in the state. We are also a charter member in the The National Coalition of Italian American Law Enforcement Organizations"

The National Coalition of Italian American Law Enforcement Organizations
"The object of this Coalition shall be to provide a close union for its members, to be part of an ethnic group of Professional Law Enforcement Officers who cherish the spirit of brotherhood and remembrance of their roots. This coalition does not and will not take the place of any Union/Benevolent Association or any other bargaining agent that our members currently belong We emphatically state that our ethnic policies will not interfere with any municipal negotiations in any way.We will purely be an ethnic group to provide National membership so that our Italian Heritage will not be forgotten and will receive the respect that it is due. This coalition will be aptly represented not only in Washington but throughout our great country."

Wonderful World of Bocce Association
"The W.W.O.B.A. is an association which has been formed in Springfield, Massachusetts to support the organization of Bocce leagues and promote the game to the public, in parks, playgrounds, and schools."

Italian American Lawyers Assn. (IALA)

Justinian Society of Lawyers

Augustus Society
"The Augustus Society is a non-profit organization founded in 1983 as an Italian American Professionals and Executives Association. The Augustus Society is limited to the persons of Italian American descent who seek to further objectives of the Society."

Center for Italian Studies
"The Center has three specific purposes: first, to stimulate interdisciplinary research on the part of the local academic community on issues that bring about a better understanding of Italy and Italian Americans; second, to become a national and international focus for Italian and Italian American affairs; third, to promote a better understanding of Italy and of Italian Americans by bringing to the general public the latest scholarly findings on Italy and Italian Americans and by organizing cultural activities of general interest."

Italian Historical Society of America
"The Italian Historical Society of America was founded by John N. LaCorte at a meeting organized by him at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York in 1949. The Society was created at a time when the public perception of the Italian culture had been greatly overshadowed by the notoriety of a number of celebrated criminal personalities of Italian descent. It was John N. LaCorte's belief that these negative stereotypes could be overcome by popularizing the lives of the many Italians who have made significant contributions to Western Civilization. He also believed that Americans of Italian decent, as well as people of all other ethnic backgrounds, could be inspired by the great achievements of those who have preceded them. Inspiratio per Exemplum, "Inspiration through Example", was the theme that became the motto of the Society, and which is proudly included in its logo to this day."

L’Unione Italiana
"The mission of L’Unione Italiana is to preserve and honor the culture, traditions and heritage of the Italian Community (Tampa – Florida) and to maintain the historical facility as a functioning memorial to the working class immigrants."

National Organization of Italian- American Women

"The National Organization of Italian American Women (NOIAW), founded in 1980, is the only national membership organization for women of Italian ancestry. NOIAW serves to promote ethnic pride through cultural and educational programs and scholarships."

PIE Genealogy - National Italian-American Federation
Genealogia Italiana, Eredità, Cultura e Database di nomi.

The American Immigrant Wall of Honor
La diaspora italiana in America sotto la statua della Libertà

Italian American Police Association
Fondata nel ’63, l’Associazione si propone di promuovere amicizia e cooperazione per il miglioramento della Comunità italo-americana

Italian American Heritage Foundation (IAHF)
"The Italian American Heritage Foundation of San Jose is dedicated to strengthen and enhance the local Italian Culture. In the attempt to heighten Italian cultural awareness, IAFH organizes events for its members such as Opera nights, musical shows, film festivals, concerts and cultural exchanges."

Italian-American Social Club
"I couldn't get information about this club because, it's a "men only" club. They wouldn't rentrun my calls, or even send me information about it because I am a woman. I can't recommend this, because I don't know anything about it, but I think the way they treated my inquiry speaks for itself."

Italian Catholic Federation
"Beginning in 1924 the Italian Catholic Federation (ICF), a family-oriented lay apostolate organization, has been dedicated to serving the Catholic Church and the Italian-American community. With more than 220 parish branches in the states of California, Nevada and Illinois, the 17,000 member organization has been a major fund-raising and charitable force in many Catholic parishes. The ICF sponsors a variety of religious, cultural, and social programs that encourage Catholic faith, Italian heritage, scholarship and family unity. Our goals for ICF Online are to introduce you to the Italian Catholic Federation and help you link to related organizations worldwide."

Peninsula Social Club
Club di attività sociali

Italian American Brotherhood Club
"Italian American Brotherhood Club, Cleveland Ohio (history-heritage-scholarships)."

RuthAnns' Italian Genealogy
Italian Genealogy

Italian American Cultural Society of El Paso, Texas
Associazione socio-culturale

Italian Folk Art Federation of America, Inc. - Federazione delle Arti Folcloristiche Italiane d'America
La Federazione delle Arti Folcloristiche Italiane d'America (IFAFA) è il risultato di un Progetto delle Arti Folcloristiche Italiane (Italian Folk Art Project) iniziato nel 1977 al Centro per Servizi Nazionalità (Nationalities Service Center - "NSC") a Philadelphia. Con l'aiuto del NSC e la direzione e la devozione del Cav. Elba Farabegoli Gurzau, l'IFAFA fu incorporata il 7 maggio del 1979 nello stato della Pennsylvania come organizzazione culturale ed educativa senza scopo di lucro.

Italian Sons and Daughters of America

National Council

Italy Boys
All of the culture, fine gifts & novelties of Little Italy

Italian Genealogical Group

Italian Genealogical Society of America

Italian Genealogy

Italy at St.

Societá Unione e Fratellanza Italiana

Sicilian Cultural Association of Saint Louis
"Our primary purpose is the preservation and promotion of our Sicilian and Italian culture.
We encourage knowledge in every facet of our Sicilian, Italian and Italian American heritage,
both historical and contemporary."

Misericordia Society
Società di Mutuo Soccorso Maria SS. della Misericordia

UNICO National St. Louis Chapter


Hill 2000

St. Louis Italian Open


San Francisco's North Beach

"This site is all about San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood, a neighborhood settled by Italians in the last century and still reflecting Italian culture. This site has historical pictures and current information."

The Association of European Migration Institutions


Association Italian Canadian Writers

"The Association was founded in 1986 in Vancouver, British Columbia, after most of us had met in Rome, Italy, in 1984, at the Canadian Cultural Institue. For your information, past presidents have been Joseph Pivato and Caterina Edwards. The Association's main purpose is to publicize the work of Italian Canadian authors, and to provide a forum for the discussion of issues pertinent andrelevant to the membership. This is done through a bi-annual conference that has taken placein Vancouver, York, Winnipeg, Montreal and Toronto…."

Movimento Politico Italiani Nel Mondo

Associazione politica

Associazione Nazionale Emigrati ex Emigrati Australia e Americhe (A.N.E.A.)


Italian Leadership

The Virtual Bridge to Italy

Fondazione Migrantes

Sito Ufficiale della Fondazione Migrantes


Sito Ufficiale del Patronato INAS della CISL il quale ha una rete di uffici all’estero al servizio dei cittadini italiani oltre confine


Sito Ufficiale della CGIL sul quale si appoggia il Patronato INCA il quale ha una rete di uffici all’estero al servizio dei cittadini italiani oltre confine


Sito Ufficiale del Patronato ITAL della UIL il quale ha una rete di uffici all’estero al servizio dei cittadini italiani oltre confine

Italiani nel Mondo



Sito ufficiale dell’Unione degli Italiani nel Mondo

Associazione Culturale Famiglie Agnonesi Di Montreal

Associazione rivolta specificatamente agli agnonesi a Montreal

Associazione Italiani del Perù

L’associazione realizza anche un bollettino