





by Mario Rizzi

and traslated by Fabio C.  Filosa

Two of the four hillside districts of Minturno are medieval. The most antique is Tremensuoli which stands upon the ruins of the ancient “Trimonsoli, Triminsoli or Triminzulo” (945 AD). Settled on a pleasant hillside it faces the horizon. The purity of the area and the topographical position give this district a sense of tranquility. In the centre of the town stands the monument in memoriam of war victims, a bronze sculpture by Giuseppe Conte. A few meters nearby the statue the ancient greek-crossed church gives a beautiful display of itself, dedicated to S.Nicandro, the patron saint of Tremensuoli. It is the oldest church in “Traetto” and it was built just after the “Battle of the Garigliano” of 915 or 916 AD. It was the main church of Scauri until 1941, because the district of Scauri was administered by the Church of S. Nicandro. In via Grotte you can visit a resevoir in “Opus cementicum” with three distinct strips divided by sheets of limestone, which confirms the traces, in this area, of pre-roman populations.

Per comunicazioni:


Mario RIZZI via Monte Ducale, 20
Tel: +39 (0) 771-65348 

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 03/11/01