
5. Technology

In this chapter, the processing flow and the technological procedures involved in the fabrication of planar Gunn devices, are presented in detail. The first technological stage, the epitaxial growth of the device structure, has been already described in chapter 3, referring to MBE and MOVPE systems. After the epitaxial growth, the 2-inch wafers were cleaved or sawed. The complete processing was carried out on $ 1 \times 1
\thickspace cm$ samples. The next sections deal with the steps required for the device fabrication:
  1. mesa definition and etching;
  2. self aligned ohmic contacts deposition and annealing;
  3. diode electrical isolation etching down to the semi-isolating substrate;
  4. diode planarization / passivation;
  5. bond-pads, low-pass filter and resonant circuit deposition;
  6. plated air-bridge fabrication (optional).
The air-bridge interconnection (step 6) represents an alternative to the device planarization (step 4). In the last case, the top diode contact is electrically connected making a ramp with an isolating material (polyamid planarization); in the first case, a thick gold bridge is fabricated. The higher effort in the case of air-bridges, is balanced by a better cooling of the device from the top side (see section 2.4) and by a lower fault rate due to the thicker interconnection lines.

Depending on the compound semiconductor type (GaAs and GaN), each step requires a particular approach. The differences between the adopted solutions for GaAs and GaN will be discussed. A detailed list of the process parameters can be found in appendix C.

5.1 Mesa etching

The Gunn diode mesa etching is the first step of the developed processes. Three semiconductor layers are removed around the mesa: top contact, injector (if available) and active region. After the etching, the semiconductor surface is supposed to be $ 200\thickspace nm$ inside the bottom contact layer. A detailed description of the considered layer structures is given in chapter 3. Including $ 100\thickspace nm$ tolerance, the required mesas heights are between 2.3 and $ 2.8 \thickspace \mu

For the mesa etching of a Gunn diode, two possibilities are available: dry Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) and wet chemical etching. Dry etching has been chosen, because it allows an exact definition of the mesa5.1, prevents unwanted under-etch and provides smooth and nearly vertical side-walls. For both GaAs and GaN mesas, a chlorine based gas mixture is preferable. The demand of deep mesas requires high etch rates. Chlorine based plasmas are highly aggressive for Ga-based III-V semiconductor, because the chloride $ Ga_2Cl_6$ is highly volatile [PRA94]. The use of methan is not indicated for two reasons: the $ CH_4/H_2$ process presents low etch rates and there is the risk of formation of solid gallium carbide. The considered etching process ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) -RIE was proposed by Kaindl at al. [KSF95] and by Franz et al. [Fra94,FR99]. The ECR-RIE has been carried out in a Oxford Plasmalab System 90 equipment. The working principle of ECR is based on the electron cyclotron frequency:

$\displaystyle \omega_c=\frac{eB}{m_e}.$ (5.1)

Figure 5.1: SEM pictures of the GaAs Gunn diode mesas after ECR-RIE etching in $ Cl_2/H_2/Ar$ Plasma.
Image tech-mesaetch

In the ECR chamber, the gas mixture is situated between two magnets, providing a static magnetic field B. In Eq. (5.1) $ e$ is the electron charge and $ m_e$ is the electron mass. The plasma is excited by a microwave field in the presence of the magnetic field of the correct magnitude to cause the electrons to spiral at the microwave frequency $ \omega_c$, thus increasing the probability of ionization. The current flowing in the upper magnet is $ 185\thickspace A$, while the one flowing in the lower magnet is $ 25\thickspace A$. The both magnets contribute to realize the resonance condition; tuning the lower magnet current the thickness of the ECR layer (accelerating layer) can be changed: the corresponding the plasma density influences the etch rate and uniformity [PRA94]. Once the plasma is stable under a constant pressure of $ 2\thickspace \mu bar$, the etching process begins applying a R.F. power of 50-60 W. The RF signal causes a bias difference between the top and the bottom part of the ECR chamber and directs the plasma towards the lower part, where the etching takes place. The main advantage of ECR-RIE is the separation of the plasma generation region from the one where the sample is etched. In this way, the sample can be etched smoothly, reducing the crystal defects induced by the process.

5.1.1 ECR-RIE of GaAs/AlGaAs mesa.

Before starting the real etching, the ECR chamber is cleaned with $ O_2$ plasma for 30 minutes and with $ H_2/Ar$ plasma for 10 minute. The oxygen based process removes the eventual polymers in the chamber and the hydrogen one neutralizes the oxygen residuum.

The chosen conditions for the GaAs dry etching are listed in appendix C.4 and are inspired from the optimization work of Stock [Sto03]. The mesa area is defined evaporating Ti patterns as etching masks. After the Ti lift-off, an oxygen plasma treatment removes possible resist traces. Now, it is possible to start the ECR-RIE with a $ Cl_2/H_2/Ar_2$ gas mixture. The etch-rate is between 350 and $ 450\thickspace nm/min$, depending on the sample temperature, gas pressure and RF power. The etch-rate has been monitored sampling the etched thickness with a Dektak profilometer. The selectivity of the plasma process between the Ti masks and the GaAs sample is 1:8.

In Fig. 5.1, SEM pictures of the etched GaAs samples are presented. A typical mesa of a graded gap injector Gunn diode and an alignment mark pattern are shown in Fig. 5.1A and B, respectively. The shape of the Ti mask is perfectly reproduced, no under-etch is present and the sidewalls are smooth and vertical. After the plasma process, the Ti mask is easily removed in a hydrofluoric acid (HF) buffered solution (AF91). HF is not aggressive for GaAs or AlGaAs if the Al concentration is under 35%. In Fig. 5.1C and D, a thin horizontal line can be noticed in the sidewalls. The diodes in pictures C and D, in fact, have a double AlAs thin layer (resonant tunneling injector). The thin line originates from the under-etch of the two AlAs layers, during the Ti removal. The under-etch does not represent a serious threat for the device: considering a under-etch of about $ 30\thickspace nm$ and a diode area of about $ 400\thickspace \mu m^2$, the estimated change in the current is lower than 0.1% .

5.1.2 ECR-RIE of GaN mesa

Figure 5.2: SEM pictures of the GaN Gunn diode mesas after ECR-RIE etching in $ Cl_2/Ar$ Plasma and nanocolumns appearance.
Image tech-mesaetch-nc

Before the mesa-etching, the ECR-RIE chamber is cleaned, as described in section 5.1.1. Then, to the GaN sample, a gas mixture of $ Cl_2/Ar$ is applied. In comparison with the GaAs process, here hydrogen is not used. For GaAs, hydrogen plays a moderator role, it reduces the etch-rate and provides smooth surfaces [vH95]. However, for GaN, the etch-rate is considerably lower and there is no need of hydrogen. Concerning the GaN surface morphology, the effect of hydrogen can not be noticed. Hydrogen is still used to start the plasma, but it is not present anymore during the etching process.

The mask choice for the GaN ECR-RIE was a difficult task. It has already been shown that using a thin Ti mask and etching with $ Ar/CH_4/ H_2/ Cl_2$ plasma result in an inhomogeneous etch profile, with spikes [Jav03]. In our test with $ Cl_2/Ar$ gas mixture, the selectivity between Ti and GaN was low and significant redeposition next to the mesas has been observed. Resist and $ Si_3N_4$ masks have been tried without much success. Good results appeared, only, with a mask of evaporated nickel. Figure 5.2A shows an etched GaN mesa before the Ni removal. The walls are perfectly vertical and smooth. The morphology of the etched surface is not regular: GaN spikes cover the whole etched surface. Figure 5.2B presents a better morphology obtained after tuning the etch-process: the chamber pressure has been decreased and the proportions between argon and chlorine have been modified. The remaining spikes can be eliminated by argon sputtering.

5.1.3 GaN nanocolumns: a topdown approach.

During our early tests, it was discovered that Ti could favor the spikes and support the generations of nanocolumns on GaN. The 350 Ti mask is etched in circa 6-7 minutes with a rate of 50-60 nm/min. The Ti micro-masking effect has been amplified by changing the gas relations between argon and chlorine and the microwave power.
Figure 5.3: Lithographical control of the nanocolumns location (with topdown approach). The nanocolumns pattern are defined by optical and E-Beam lithography (A and B respectively).
Image tech-mesaetch-nc-lit

Figure 5.2C and D illustrate GaN nanocolumns fabricated by ECR-RIE etching. The nanocolumns have diameters from 30 to 80 nm and heights from 1.4 to 2 $ \mu m$. The etching is clearly anisotropic and the sidewalls are notably smooth. The nanocolumns are homogenously distributed on the sample with a density of $ 2-3\times 10^9$ cm$ ^{-2}$ and reproduce the Ti patterns deposited before etching. If we compare the column density with the estimated dislocation density of the original GaN wafer ($ < 10^8$ cm$ ^{-2}$), no correlation can be found. In addition, we have observed a decreasing density of nanocolumns in the areas without Ti micro-masking of the same etched samples (Figure 5.3A). In those areas, the nanocolumns density decreases dramatically, which indicates a masking effect of different origin, probably due to Ga droplets not removed before the processing. We can therefore suggest that, unlike photoelectro-chemical (PEC) nanocolumn etching [VRJ+01], the Ti ECR-RIE nanocolumns process is not dominated by the influence of dislocations. Even if we cannot explain completely the influence of the process parameters on the nanocolumn formation, we have observed a good reproducibility of the columns. Concerning the stability of the etching in relation to the process parameters, further detailed structural investigations are planned.

In connection to the spatial control of the nanocolumns, some attempts have been performed using thin patterns realized by means of electron beam lithography. Despite the successful result shown in Fig. 5.3B, two problems need to be solved in this approach.

5.2 Ohmic contacts

After the mesa etching, emitter (top) and collector (bottom) contacts are deposited. The electrical quality and the mechanical stability of the metal-semiconductor contacts play a determinant role concerning the efficiency and the lifetime of the Gunn diode. The special geometry and the vertical walls of the etched mesas allow a self-aligned approach, which means that both contacts are deposited at the same time and the division between emitter and collector is defined by the diode sidewall and not by a resist pattern. The self-aligned approach reduces the collector series resistance, minimizing the distance, which electrons have to drift in the bottom contact layer before entering in the metal conductor. Moreover, the process is simple and reliable, because it provides a high tolerance to lithography misalignment.

The considered contact technology produces an annealed ohmic contact (see also chapter 2.2.1). Thanks to the high doping at the interface metal-semiconductor, after the thermal treatment, the typical interface Schottky barrier becomes extremely thin. The barrier height is determined in both GaAs and GaN by the Fermi level pinning at the metal-semiconductor interface [Lüt95,IL03]. The thinner the barrier, the higher is the tunneling probability of the electrons crossing it.

The contact process flow is divided in three steps. At the beginning, the semiconductor surface has to be cleaned: the native oxide (about 1 nm) is removed from the surface by wet-chemical etching. Immediately after the cleaning, before the semiconductor oxidizes again, the metal is evaporated5.2. Then, the liftoff process is followed by the thermal annealing.

The chosen metal layer sequence for GaAs ohmic contacts is Ge/Ni/Au. After the deposition, the sample is alloyed at 400 $ \thinspace$  $ ^\circ$C for $ 75 \thickspace s$. For GaN Ti/Al/Ni/Au ohmic contacts have been deposited and annealed at 900 $ \thinspace$  $ ^\circ$C for $ 30 \thickspace s$. More details on the parameters of the two processes can be found in appendix C.5 and in [Lep97,Jav03].

Figure 5.4: SEM pictures of the GaAs Gunn diode ohmic top and bottom contact. After the annealing process, the contacts present a relative flat surface and well defined edges.
Image tech-contacts

Figures 5.4A and B illustrate two ohmic contacts layouts, which are realized on GaAs, for the planar oscillator integration (two port configuration) and for the S-parameters measurements (one port configuration). The surface after the annealing is relatively flat and the contact edges are well-defined. It can be noticed that there is practically no separation between the mesa wall and the edge of the bottom metal contact (self-aligned lithography).

5.3 Electrical isolation of the single Gunn diodes

The insulation of the Gunn diodes consists in a single etch process, removing the remaining electrical path between the diodes: the bottom contact semiconductor layer. In this way, the coplanar bond-pads and the oscillator components lay on the insulating material.

The GaAs diodes are covered with a positive thick resist pattern. After the optical lithography, the sample is baked for about 20 minutes, in order to harden the resist and improve the adhesion. Then, the open semiconductor material is removed down to the semi-insulating substrate. About $ 600\hspace{1mm} nm$ of GaAs is etched with a sulfuric acid and oxygen peroxide solution. After the wet-chemical etching, the hard resist mask can not be removed simply with acetone and propanol, but it requires 30 minutes of $ O_2$ plasma oven process. In Fig. 5.5, a GaAs Gunn diode after the isolation treatment is presented. It is interesting to notice the oblique slope provided by this etching; the soft angle, in fact, acts as a ramp and it will be perfectly covered by the metal pads, avoiding the connection breaks.

Figure 5.5: SEM picture of the GaAs Gunn diode after the wet-chemical etching for the device electrical isolation. On the left, a schematic view of the isolation step is shown.
Image tech-isolation

Unfortunately, the GaAs process can not be directly transferred to the GaN one. Due to the strong bond energies, which distinguishing group III-nitrides from other compound semiconductors, it is difficult to find suitable etching techniques. Wet chemical etching is not applicable to GaN because of the low etch rates and the problem to find an appropriate mask. The solution is coming from argon ion sputtering. After protecting the GaN diodes with thick resist, as described for GaAs, the sample is bombarded by argon ions. The incident angle determines different etching profiles. Too small incident angle leads to very steep sidewalls and too high angle causes redeposition of etched material on sidewalls. An angle of 30 $ \thinspace$  $ ^\circ$C represents a good compromise [Jav03].

5.4 Polyimide planarization / passivation

In this process step, the Gunn diode mesa is covered with Duramide, a photoimageable polyimide precursor. The aim of this process step is to protect/passivate the Gunn diode mesa and to provide a basis for the electrical connection of the top contact, to the bond-pads. The sample is coated with a thick Duramide layer. A negative lithographic process defines rectangular patterns around the mesas (Fig. 5.6A). The lithographic process parameters (described in detail in appendix C.2) provide oblique walls of the patterns. These walls will support the connections to the bond-pads and for this reason, they should have an angle with the substrate as low as possible.

Figure 5.6: Schematic view of the planarization with polyimide: (a) the diode mesa is covered with polyimide, (b) the polyimide is etched up to the top contact level.
Image tech-planarization

After the Duramide developing, the sample is baked in vacuum at 350 $ \thinspace$  $ ^\circ$C for one hour. During the hardening, Duramide undergo a final polymerization and should not come in contact with oxygen. The Duramide thickness is now measured with a profilometer: typical values are between 5.6 and $ 5.9\thickspace \mu m$. Then, the cured Duramide film is etched using a RIE process based on a gas mixture of $ O_2$ and $ CF_4$ [Sto99]. Figure 5.6B, shows schematically the principle behind the etching: the RIE process is stopped just after the opening of the top contacts. Taking into account, that the Duramide is not perfectly uniform on the sample (it is thicker at the borders), an over-etch of $ 200\thickspace nm$ is necessary.

5.5 Deposition of the bond-pads and of the oscillator passive elements

Figure 5.7: Optical microscope picture and schematic view of the bond-pads deposition after the polyimide planarization.
Image tech-bonpads-poly
In this section, the processing of the coplanar-waveguide (CPW) pads is considered. At the same time, the passive components of the planar oscillators (low-pass filters, HF coupler and resonators) are deposited, as well. As explained before, two techniques have been developed for the top contact connection. Depending on the case, the bond-pads are combined with a polyimide planarization or with air-bridges.

Figure 5.7, illustrates how the polyimide acts as a fundament for the connections. Unluckily, the polyimide is not a perfect ramp: some discontinuities could appear at the interface between the top contacts and the polyimide. For this reason, a special attention has been payed to the metal layers to be deposited. Also, the use of the rotating evaporation allows different incident angles for the incoming metal and a better coating of steep walls.

A special sequence of titan and gold (Ti/Au/Ti/Au, 50nm/50nm/50nm/650nm) has demonstrated excellent mechanical properties regarding the discontinuity between the polyimide layer and diode top contact. In Fig. 5.8, two SEM pictures of the finished GaAs Gunn diodes are presented. In one case, the diode is used for the S-parameters measurements (one port configuration) and in the other one, it is part of the integrated planar oscillator (two port configuration). The dimensions of the CPW layouts are matched to $ 50 \thickspace
\Omega$ lines.

In Fig. 5.9, pictures of the GaAs MMIC Gunn diode oscillators are shown. The oscillators are composed of three parts: the periodic slow-wave low-pass filter (Fig. 5.9A), the interdigitated capacitor HF coupler (next to the Gunn diode Fig. 5.9B) and the different planar resonators (Fig. 5.9C).

Figure 5.8: SEM pictures of the finished GaAs Gunn diode with coplanar pads: (a) the diode is designed in a one port configuration (S-parameter measurements), (b) the diode is designed in a two port configuration (integrated planar oscillator).
Image tech-bonpads-1-2port

Figure 5.9: SEM pictures of the monolithic planar Gunn oscillator: (a) low-pass filters (DC input), (b) HF coupler (microwave output), (c) different resonators.
Image tech-bonpads-passive

For the air-bridge solution, the geometries and layout remain the same, except for the top contact connection, which is missing. Concerning the metal deposition, a simpler sequence (Ti/Au, 30nm/650nm) has been chosen. An alternative to the titanium layer could be chromium. Both metals exhibit a good adhesion to the substrate and once they are covered by gold, they do not oxidize. Ti/Au is a better option from the point of view of the lift-off process.

5.6 Air-bridge interconnection (optional step).

After CPW pads deposition, the top contact (emitter) is connected via air-bridges to the middle pads. This final process step represents a better alternative to the planarization with polyimide; in fact, air-bridges have several advantages over dielectric crossovers. In chapter 2.4, it has been suggested to exploit the good heat conductivity of gold in combination with thick air-bridges for cooling the Gunn diodes. Moreover, the bridge thickness permits device operations at high current densities and reduces the series inductances. Last but not least, the parasitic capacitance between the bridge and any metallization layer beneath is very low because of the height of the bridges and the low dielectric constant of the air.

Figure 5.10: Air-bridge fabrication using gold plating process: (a) first lithographic process to open windows on interconnecting metal areas, (b) thin seed gold layer deposition for the plating current conduction, (c) second lithographic process to delimitate the plating areas, (d) plating of the gold bridges, (e) removing of the resist and of the seed gold layer [Lep97].
Image tech-airbridges-schema

The fabrication of airbridges involves many steps (see Fig. 5.10). Two resist patterns are required to define the plated gold layer; the preplate and plate patterns work together to define the electroplated gold-metal level. Openings in the preplate resist are defined in the places that necessitate interconection (Fig. 5.10A). After the resist development, a prolonged bake has been performed (see appendix C.2). This postbake ensures a perfect dryness of the resist layer and prevents the process compromise during the next softbake step.

After the preplate pattern is processed, the sample is covered with a thin intermediate Cr/Au/Cr seed layer, which serves to carry the electroplating current (Fig. 5.10B). Alternatives are Au/Ti5.3 or only Au. Au/Ti prevents under-plating and Cr/Au/Cr provides a very good adhesion between the seed layer and the resist patterns. On the other hand, using only gold simplifies its removal later on. On top of the intermediate metal layer, a second resist is patterned to define the horizontal extent of any plated geometry, whether it is part of an air bridge or in contact with underlying metal (Fig. 5.10C).

For plating, a gold-bath from Enthone-Omi has been used. The bath, which is based on a gold cyanide complex, is kept at a temperature of 60 $ \thinspace$  $ ^\circ$C during plating. For more details on the plating step, see appendix C.5.

After plating the intermediate metal, the two resist layers have to be removed (Fig. 5.10E). The second resist layer receives a long flood exposure and then is developed away. 30 minutes of $ O_2$ plasma etching cleans eventual remaining traces. The intermediate seed metal from not plated areas is etched with $ (KI+I_2):H_2O$ solution or sputtered with argon ions. Finally, the preplate resist is removed through boiling acetone and 30min of $ O_2$ plasma etching.

The fabricated gold airbridges, realized during the processing of the graded gap injector GaAs Gunn diodes, are shown in Fig. 5.11. Two typical layouts are presented: two port configuration for integrated planar oscillator (A and B) and one port configuration for S-parameter measurements (C and D).

Figure 5.11: SEM pictures of the gold airbridges on GaAs Gunn diodes: in (a) and (b) the diodes are designed in a two port configuration (integrated planar oscillator), in (c) and (d) the diodes are designed in a one port configuration (S-parameter measurements)
Image tech-air1
simone montanari 2005-08-02