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DMLR - Banner and link exchange: the Web promotion

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Roberto Dondi
Word processing, html programming and the ropes. 
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The online promotion: advertising banner.

The purpose of the reciprocal links exchange is to obtain a wider audience - number of visitors - for both sites, offering to frequently web surfers the opportunity to know about a new location on the Internet right now. The proposal is as more effective as the partnership is more respectful of the partner's interest. The banner is the main advertising tool over the WWW: a graphic image (static or animated) which opens the door to another Web, because of the linking to its own site to achieve trade, promotional and/or informative purposes. One-click access to the Web site of the world's most popular internet online service is possible by a 120(w) x 60(h) pixel banner as follows, that is the electronic graphic image defined by AOL as 'Promo':

Try AOL FREE!  500 Hours

The banner placed onto a Web site makes a privileged link particularly when associated with an affiliate program. In this case, the linked graphics are operational tools of a contract by means of the affiliate lets at affiliating's disposal a space for advertising its Web site, which the banner is promoting as a direct link. Below is a 'seasonal' banner, used on sites joining the associates program offered by Amazon.com.

Shop at Amazon.com!

Both AOL and Amazon.com are rotating the banners or promos above, so that every week or month you can see different graphics and messages about seasonal sales and offerings. One of the banners offered by the two Internet giants within their marketing programs (AOL Affiliate Network and Amazon.com Associates) and displayed online may be viewed by up to 2-3 million users per month, according to Nielsen//NetRatings reports!

Banner exchange program.
DMLR.ORG provides areas for free banner ads on its main pages [in English or Italian]:
Banner square-format 60x60 or 100x100 pixel (WxH)
Banner rectangular-format 234x60 or 468x60 pixel (WxH)

To exchange banners, write to DonRo.

Importing the DMLR banner

NEW Banner DMLR Logo/ Text: EN/ Pixel: 100x100.
Add it into your site by putting down the following HTML code:
<P><A HREF="http://www.dmlr.org/square1.htm">
<IMG SRC="http://www.dmlr.org/banner/Logo100.gif" ALT="dmlr.org" HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=100 BORDER=0></A></P>

M1 Banner DMLR News/ Text: EN/ Pixel: 468x60.
Add it into your site by putting down the following HTML code:
<P><A HREF="http://www.dmlr.org/square1.htm">
<IMG SRC="http://www.dmlr.org/banner/e-creamB.gif" ALT="dmlr.org" HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=468 BORDER=0></A></P>

M3 Banner DMLR Web/ Text: EN/ Pixel: 236x60.
Add it into your site by putting down the following HTML code:
<P><A HREF="http://www.dmlr.org/square1.htm">
<IMG SRC="http://www.dmlr.org/banner/e-cream.gif" ALT="dmlr.org" HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=234 BORDER=0></A></P>

This is how the banner looks (234x60)

Link exchange program.
DMLR.ORG provides available areas for free links exchange on its GUIDE for websites related to Marketing stuff.
To exchange links put the main DMLR's url (http://www.dmlr.org/square1.htm) on your web pages. Meanwhile email to DonRo the address of the website to be listed on the WWW Guide of DMLR web site.

"Link popularity is the total number of web sites that link to your site", as from LinkPopularity.com.
Now a practical question: who's pointing to DMLRdotORG?
Among many website owners and managers who agreed to have a link to my website, I would list here the following along with special thanks to:

  • Margrethe Saxegaard {from www.fedma.org
  • Bruno Patrito-Silva {from www.directchannel.it
  • Jennifer Stewart {from www.write101.com
  • Claire Koch {from explode.to
  • Ray Jutkins {from RayJutkins.com
  • and YOU {from ...
And money don't matter in these cases.
Your consideration is priceless!

©1997-2001 DMLR. Updated on 3.Sep.2001.