Prima Convention nazionale



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Martedi, 6 febbraio, Ore 18

Centro Culturale Svizzero,

Via Vecchio Politecnico 1/3, Milano


Inaugurazione della mostra sull'incisione contemporanea L'ALTRO

Otto artiste della CISI - Compagnia Incisori della Svizzera Italiana





PROGETTO INCISORI  l'altro con la collaborazione di Esther Flückiger.

Durante l'inaugurazione della mostra la pianista svizzera Esther Flückiger suonerà brani di Alexander Scriabin, Alexander Tscherepnin, e composizioni appositamente creati da lei stessa dal titolo la mano colorata:l'armonia dei sensi.



La riunificazione delle arti è un'idea formulata fin dall'inizio del secolo passato e da anni rappresenta il "Leitmotiv" della pianista. Quando suono il pianoforte, dice, dipingo, dipingo suoni o disegno forme astratte, colorate, bianco-nere o ritmiche, mi muovo nel buio o nella chiara luce con la consapevolezza, il pensiero e l'obiettivo di creare tutta l'unità della perfezione. Ne la mano colorata la musica diventa un'unità tridimensionale con l'arte contrapposta. Un gioco tra musica e immagini: colore - luce – forma/movimento. Un altro aspetto che accompagna questa unificazione è il gioco della percezione sensoriale: udire - vedere - odorare - sentire - respirare - odori - toccare. Per lei ogni tonalità ha un

carattere cromatico e allo stesso modo reagisco alle immagini; diventano armonia colorata. A questo si aggiunge la forma (movimento lineare-tema-ritmo- polso), che rappresenta il concreto del suo modo creativo e del suo linguaggio musicale personale. La luce sono le pause, il silenzio, il respiro, gli odori, i cambiamenti armonici e le modulazioni delle tonalità maggiore e minore. L'obiettivo è che tutte le arti - ognuna arrivata a una grande evoluzione - potessero trasmettere la sensazione di un impulso euforico unite in un'unica opera. L'altro e la mano colorata sono un tentativo di questo sogno di riunificazione con l'intento di avvicinarvisi il più possibile.


 Composition Competition for European Women Composers


Chard Festival of Women in Music of the United Kingdom and The Musik Fabrik Association of France are proud to announce a competition for European women composers in association with their project"A New World of Music for Youth", funded by the European Community's CONNECT programme. The competitionis open to all women composers without age limitation who reside in the European Community and to European Community Nationals who reside outside of the European community.

As our project is geared towards underlining the contribution of European women in the field of music for schools and young ensembles, suitability for use of the works in this sort of setting will be an important criteria in the selection process. The works should be from five to eight minutes in length and should be scored for open instrumentation (i.e. parts playable by any sort of instrumental combination of strings, winds and brass) and with chorus which may be performed by either SATB or SSAA chorus. The level of difficulty should be from very easy to moderate.If possible, the work should allow participation both by beginners and more able players.The works must be previously unperformed and unpublished. However, before submission, all works must be registered by the composer with their local Performing Rights Organization (SACEM, GEMA, SIAS etc).

As the judging will be completely anonymous, candidates are asked not to put their names or any personal marks on the scores sent. Instead, the candidate should mark the score with a non-specific combination of at least seven letters and numbers which will then become their identification code. The scores, which can either be in the form of a diskette in FINALE format (in any format up to Finale 2000) or in manuscript form, should be placed in an envelope which should also be marked with the composers identification code. The composer should then place in a second envelope a sheet of paper with their name, address, telephone, fax, and email if possible. This envelope, which will not be opened until the winning works are chosen, should be sealed and also marked with the composers identification code. These materials should be posted to Angela Willes, 3 Howards Row, Chard, Somerset, UK TA20 1 PH no later than February 1st, 2001 at midnight (the postmark being the proof of having met the deadline). There is no entry fee for this competition.

The committee of judges will include Angela Willes and Richard Barrell of the Chard Festival of Women in Music, Jean-Thierry Boisseau of Musik Fabrik and Eivire De Rudder. The winning works will be announced via the internet at and and also by post to all candidates by February 21st 2001.

There will be four winning works which will be selected from the works received. Each winning work will be performed at one of the concerts which we are organizing in Germany, France, Italy and the United Kingdom. The composer's travel costs and expenses will be paid to attend the concert at which her work will be performed. The works will be recorded and given special promotion through our online database of works for schools written by women composers. If desired, the works may also be published by Musik Fabrik Music Publishing, although this is entirely the choice of the composer and not a condition of entry. Works which are not selected for performance may also be considered for publication and entry into the online database.

For further information contact:

Richard Barrell, Festival Archivist

Chard Festival of Women in Music

3 Howards Row


SomersetTA20 1PH

Tel: 01460 66115

Chard Festival's website at