ECOGESTIONI s.c.r.l. - Servizi Ambientali - Palermo
"Leonardo da Vinci" Programme - Project D/98/1/52105PI/III.3.a./FPC
"Entrepreneurship of women - An EU-labour market requirement - Multiplication of experiences and results from NOW-projects"

Friday, 6th October 2000

Cefalù (Palermo, Italy)
Hotel Santa Lucia


Enterprises of women in environmental fields: experiences and ideas
Imprenditoria femminile: esperienze ed idee con particolare riguardo al settore ambientale


15.30 - Mr. Gianluigi Pirrera (Ecogestioni scrl - Palermo, Italy): Welcome and Introduction: Environment in the Now (New Opportunities for woman) project

15.45 - Ms. Nathalie Bendt (Gardening designer - Lipari, Italy): Working experiences of a young English woman in Sicily

16.05 - Ms. Marja Leena Haataja (Kajaaani Centre for Development and Education, University of Oulu - Oulu, Finland): Women of rural areas and co-operative in Finland: how to selfemploy? - The Berta project

16.45 - Ms. Matilde Pajno (Lipari Municipality - Lipari, Italy): Sicilian minor islands and the environment: the “Eolife99” project

17.10 Coffee break

17.30 - Ms. Ines Groebe (B&S gmbh - Leipzig, Germany): Experience from working with female business starters and business foundations in environmental fields

18.10 - Ms. Hillevi Lonn (Vantaa Institute for Continuing Education, University of Helsinky - Helsinki, Finland): Environmental problems in Finland and the woman’s role

18.35 - Mr. Pawlowski (PSK Polska Spolka Konsulingowa - Poland): Business foundation in the region Lubin, especially considering the chances for employment and self-employment of women

18.50 - Ms. Ivana Calabrese (AREA srl - Palermo, Italy): New female enterprise: the European projects

19.10 - Ms. Carmela Intravaia (“Socially Helpful Worker” - Palermo, Italy): “Socially helpful works” & the precariousness

19.30 - Ms. Maria Cimino (WWF Italia): Woman in environmental volountary service

19.50 - Ms. Valeria Calandra (Department for Cultural and Environmental Properties, Regione Siciliana - Palermo, Italy): Agritouristic enterprise and enviromental educational problems

20.00 - Mr. Gianluigi Pirrera (Ecogestioni scrl - Palermo, Italy): End of the workshop

Palermo, October 6th, 2000 - Visit of Leonardo partners to "Arcidonna"

Cefalù (Palermo), October 6th, 2000 - Workshop "Enterprises of women in environmental fields - experiences and ideas"