Home » Itcg/Luigi Einaudi


Luigi Einaudi (1874-1961) was a Italian economist of liberal tendencies. It taught sciences of the finances to the university in Turin. It developed journalistic activity collaborating to the "Corriere della Sera" and "La Stampa"; it developed the activity of manager of the "Riforma Sociale" (1908-35) and of the "Rivista di storia economica" (1936-43). In the first post-war period it developed political activity like senator up to the advent of the fascism. After the fall of this last he returned to public life becoming governor of the Bank of Italy (1945), member of the Constituent (1946), minister of the Budget (1947), and president of the Republic (1948-55).It effected a politics economic liberal, defending the stability of the lira and the principle of free competition. It opposed to the monopolistic privileges and the programs of planning trying to promote the post-war reconstruction through the free game of the strengths of market.

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