Computerized monitoring of dialysis remote sites and follow-up of patients using smart-phones

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This paper briefly describes a possible structure for a complete dialysis monitoring system currently being developed at CSELT with the aim of eventually satisfying the needs of nephrology for telemonitoring.

Of importance is the subsystem related to data acquisition and follow-up of patients undergoing domiciliary Chronic Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (C.A.P.D.) which allows patients themselves to forward, from their home, essential treatment data. Symptoms, accidents or consumption of drugs unrelated to therapy can also be monitored. Additional services, such as mailing and remote changing of therapy by the physician, are facilitated. The choice of a suitably programmed smart-phone as the home platform, has demonstrated its potential for telemedicine applications, with a simplification of the patient/user interface.

A trial of this sub-system, called TELEDIAL, is in progress at the G. Bosco hospital in Turin (I).


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