La musica che fa da sottofondo al "Requiem per il CdS" è stata composta da Erik Satie (1866-1925)

Erick Satie in 1924. Photo by Man Ray.

E. Satie in 1924. Photo by Man Ray

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Gymnopédies (1888)
The title might mean "a dance accompanied by song and performed by naked Spartan girls" but the term Gymnopædia was an Apollonic celebration in ancient Sparta where men of all ages danced, not naked, but unarmed. It's not known exactly where Satie found his inspiration to these piano pieces. The works consist of a thin, ascetic, "naked" piano structure in which lonesome and singularly expressive melodies circle like falling autumn leaves; a monotonous, low bass line accompaniment, and against it softly dissonant chords in the middle register, constantly repeating the same iambic rhythm-pattern. Together this creates an atmosphere of vague melancholy, of mysticism and exoticism. Perhaps there is also a fin-de-siècle feeling, even some salon nostalgia.

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