o3find - Full Text Search Utility for StarOffice and OpenOffice.org

This program can find text in many StarOffice / OpenOffice.org documents. You can look for a word or phrase in multiple files and directories.
You can also search other types of documents (e.g. plain text, Microsoft Office, etc.)
Latest Version: 0.8.2 (May 28th, 2005)

o3find WinGUI

o3find Console

This Windows application displays a dialog box where you can specify search criteria (it's like the old-style "Find Files and Folders" box in Windows 98...)

Installation Instructions in English
Istruzioni di installazione in italiano

Download o3find WinGUI (Self-installer, 144 KB)
Download o3find WinGUI (ZIP archive, 83 KB)

View Screenshot

This is a simple console (command-line) tool for Windows (you can call it from a DOS-like command prompt).

Instructions in English
Istruzioni in Italiano

Download o3find Console (ZIP archive, 78 KB)

View Screenshot


The program o3find (formerly known as OOO-Finder) is free software (free as in freedom) and is freely redistributable under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Support o3find !

o3find is distributed free of charge, but if you want to support it, you can...

To report bugs and suggestions, . To distinguish your message, put "[o3find]" in the Subject.

If you contribute to o3find and you want to be in the Contributors List, you must explicitly allow me to do that. If you want to be informed when a new version is released, write me! Your e-mail address will be treated confidentially

Source and Old versions

C++ Source Code (ZIP archive, 395 KB) Old versions...


What will you find in the next release? I don't know yet, but these are the most requested features:

What is OpenOffice.org? (english) - Cos'è OpenOffice.org? (italiano)

If you want to put a link to this page on your website, the correct address is http://web.tiscali.it/fanelia/sw/o3find
(if you see a "no-redirect-tiscali", it has been added by our provider - you don't need to write it).

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