Presentation of the exhibiton "The Colour, the Mask, the Anatomy
at the Gallery - Bookshop "Il Secondo Rinascimento" in Bologna

…Fernando Macchiato's research concerns the image, the spirituality, the introspection, the research of colours - beginning with the choise of materials - and the use of the medium, particularly the engraving one ...
... above all the faces express sentiments, never taken for granted things: there is always something unexpected that surprises...

... this young, but firm, artist has a traditional formulation; his materials are the usual ones of the painting: pencil, charcoal, engraving, collage are the materials which have done picture's history...
... (He) faces a very difficult tradition. He bets on it. and I would say for the most part he wins it ...
... he takes into account the tradition, but you perceive there is innovation too ... 


Macchiato and Bergamini in ehxibition at the "Centro Artistico"
by Eutizio Cosimi
La Nuova Ferrara - Culture & Entraitement - Page 29
Saturday May 13th 2000

The today opened exhibition, at the "Centro Artistico Ferrarese", is a reply of the past year successful show at the gallery "Il Secondo Rinascimento" in Bologna. Even if the two young artists of Bologna, Fernando Macchiato and Gabriele Bergamini, are good friends, they are completely different in their artistic creativity.
They are opposed either in the technique or in the choice of materials but they share the devotion to art not as hobby or bet, but as priority research of spiritual formation.
Fernando Macchiato had State Art Institute's Diploma then has attended and finished a restoration's course in Florence, he has given himself to graphic and engraving's arts; he has a web site where you can admire his works (
His formation is traditional, aesthetically recognizable; his materials are the usual ones of the painting: pencil, charcoal, engraving, collage.
His research concerns the image, the spirituality, the introspection, the research of colours and chromatic values and the use of the medium, particularly the engraving one.
Form's style and static expression, above all the faces, are never taken for granted things but an expression of sentiments, emotions, personality.
His works are the proof of a notable skill, of a formative maturity, of a deep interpretation of art's history, of an artistic classic technique but at the same time innovative and original ...


Macchiato's Personal Ehxibition
Il Resto del Carlino - Modena Province - Page 11
Sunday 16 luglio 2000

ZOCCA - On Tuesday July 18th at 20 o'clock it will be opened the Fernando Macchiato's personal exhibition by the Council Room at Zocca Townhall - Via del Mercato, 104. For a long time Fernando Macchiato, young artist living in Bologna, gives himself up to graphic arts and has attended painting and engravings courses. 
Opening hours are the following: from Tuesday 18th till Thursday August 3rd daily from 10.30 a.m. to 12 a.m. and from 17 p.m. to 22 p.m..