In this deportment, both horizontal and vertical bundies of compressed and dissolved gas cylinders ore prepared using the following procedures:
- The cylinders are placed and secured to special frames;
- The blocks and valves on the cylinders are pointed as required;
- The cylinders are connected to each other using coils of high-pressure tubing in copper or stainless steel.
After installation has been completed, the connections and valves are subjected to a leak test using nitrogen at 200 bar (cylinders of compressed gas) or 600 bar (acetylene cylinders, also called cylinders containing dissolved gasses)

1) Department where vertical and
horizontal bundles of various
capacities are assembled
2) Bundle assembly station

3) Overall view of bundle assembly

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Direzione, Uffici e Unità Produttiva

20091 Bresso (MI) - Via Clerici, 342
Tel.+39.02.2404370 - 2423512 - 2409344 Fax +39.02.2401174