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This week's pick from Salon.com:
A conversation with John Hiatt.
Lovely interview...

"The music industry needs a triple bypass, and the web's performing the surgery."
Recommended Stuff

Here are some of the author's bookmarks for your perusal.

Tough Stuff

Use with caution: some of this may be offensive to some people, and if your boss monitors your internet traffic you'd better not view certain stuff while you're at work - it might get you fired.

Net art - not to be confused with eToys.

Screw the corporations before they screw you. Here's how.

Federation of Random Action
Culture Jamming - The Information War

News of the World - the other way round.

Electronic Civil Disobedience.
Just That.

Official Site of 2600 - The Hacker Quarterly magazine.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation
A non-profit organization for the defense of the web-citizen's right to freedom of expression.


Interesting web & computer-related info, and more.

Refresh Daily
Dave Fiedler's column on Webdeveloper.com. Witty comments on all things web, and a few other things as well. The site contains a bunch of useful info and goodies for webdevelopers, no matter if you're a beginner or a veteran.

Home of the Arachnophilia freeware web editor, this site by Paul Lutus contains a nice handful of programs that can be downloades free of charge, and a number of very interesting articles on various subjects, not limited to computer topics.

Gibson Research
Steve Gibson is one of the most brilliant programmers around, and specialized in security issues. If you're looking for information about security, file recovery & such, go take a peek here. Highly recommended reading.

More to come.
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