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What is a forcola?
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Evolution of the Forcola

The craftsmen who made forcole were, and still are, the same who make oars: remèri. They formed a corporation in 1307 and, as their name indicates, they were more important for the construction of the thousands of oars required by the Serene Republic, than for the construction of fórcole. These were obtained from pieces of wood left over from boatbuilding and were very simple: in the XVI century the fórcola was a a flat board with one or two semicircular cuts (morsi) on which the oars rested.


Vittore Carpaccio
Detail of  Miracolo della croce (Miracle of the Cross)
Venice Accademia Galleries

In the following cetury the fórcole, although remaining flat, began to increase in thickness and lean forwards; the thickness allowing the oar to row more efficiently and the fórcole to obtain its sculptural form.


Girolamo Forabosco
Detail of  Salvataggio Miracoloso (Miraculous Rescue) Malamocco Parish Church

In the XVIII century we have the first testimony of the sanca: the sharp outward curve which greatly increases the maneuverability of the boat. The form becomes increasingly complicated and three-dimensional so that it becomes the point of union between the boat and the ergonomic requirements of the oarsman.

Giandomenico Tiepolo
Il Burchiello
Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Musem

Today the principal resting point of the oar, the morso, is positioned so as to optimize rowing, whatever the shape of the boat. The organic form of the fórcola can 'reach out' so that the morso is moved away from the side of the boat thus increasing leverage and therefore propulsion. The evolution in rowing techniques means that the weight carried by the boat has shifted towards the bow, so now fórcole used for regattas 'stretch' forwards. 



Bow Fórcola for regatta for mascàreta. Photo: Sergio Sutto.

Saverio Pastor, Dorsoduro 341, Fondamenta Soranzo, 30123 Venezia, Italy - tel: ++39 041 5225699 e-mail: