Dancing Sculptures


franca forming in atelier

Romeo and Juliet - Coloured bronze resin - real measure



Romeo and Juliet - Coloured bronze resin real measure


Carolin Carlson

real measure coloured resin


Blue Woman - real measure - coloured resin



Romeo and Juliet - Coloured bronze resin


The flying woman

real measure - coloured resin


Bolero - Real Measure - Coloured resin


Real measure - coloured resin


..... è interessante ,al fine di spiegare come la danza è fatta rivivere in questa mostra ,ciò che osserva il filosofo Hegel, il quale ,comparando la danza e la forma plastica , osserva che la prima " vivifica la fredda e quieta scultorea " Hegel, Estetica,Trad.it.p.1374 .

......................It is interesting as the dance is lived again in this vernissage, what the philosopher Hegel observes, comparing the dance and the plastic form, that the first vivifies the cold and quiet sculpture .....

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