
è What does faq mean ?

faq means frequently asked questions: you'd problably know what it means !

è Why a personal site ?

internet is just another way to express yourself, (feelings, ideas and expectations) as well as when I'm walking along the street or I'm dancing on the cube (actually I don't dance at all), or when I sit on the bench, I shout for my team at stadium, I write a letter to a newspaper or to a friend

è Why Tiscali ?

by now many providers offer free access to the internet and a lot of megabyte of free space to build a personal site, so the choice is not easy. I chose Tiscali because it gives me an url which is easy to remind and share, it has no restriction on using banners, links, code (counters, guestbook, mailing list, chat room, etc.), it allows commercial use of my space, it has been one of the first provider (probably the first in Italy) to give free connection to the internet (even if in a limited area, at beginning)

èWhy so many photos ?

in most of the personal web sites I have been visiting, I didn't see even a photo of the owner, even if someone puts a portrait or a photo from the infancy . In this pages I'm going to express myself, including my phisical look. Besides I think that it's essential to describe facts and opinions by any means and the internet is fit for collecting text, images, sound: it only lacks in smell and touch (for the moment)

è What about this english version ?

english is the most popular language in the internet, and (one of) the most important in business and in communication worldwide, so it's absolutely essential to speak, write and understand english. Of course if, by chance, a non-italian will enter my home page, he/she will probably speak english (or spanish, and I'm going to translate my site in castellano, too) and he/she will know how poor my english is

è How can we contact you ?

you'd better ask yourself why you wish to contact me


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