Dopo un'accurata ricerca di tematiche ha la conferma, peraltro supportata dalla critica, di prediligere una pittura immediata, paesaggistico-figurativa che riesce a cogliere soprattutto negli scorci e nelle atmosfere liguri accostando colori ora intensi ora sfumati in cui il blu domina sempre in tutte le sue gradazioni.

Si propone dal 1990 con le sue mostre personali a Camogli, nell'Abbazia di S. Fruttuoso, a Rapallo, a Santa Margherita Ligure, Portofino, a Vitaasaari in Finlandia.


A painting is a perception, a reflection turned out in colours, a piece of magic. In Gino Arcidiacono's paintings such feelings are displayed in the tender, transparent hues of serenity: by a clever matching of colours, now intense, now mid-toned, he attracts our looks to scenes full of tranquillity and surrounded by a light which spreads through the soul. His painting is a window open onto reality, a perspective from which the eye lingers over peaceful corners wh ere re i gns a suspended time, where the spectator slips into an untroubled calma....

Stepping into Gino Arcidiacono's world, I felt envy for this sensation of quiet and peace it arouses in us. I thought: he must be a man in peace with himself. One has almost the impression of being out of place, of disturbing.This word of light, sweet, therapeutic colours seems to exclude every human presence: no need for it.The views, the windows which, from inside a room, show us sunny, idle sea towns. Windows, plants of wistaria, the chirping of crickets. Just a regret: when we have to come back to our reality and face the present time


GINO ARCIDIACONO - Via Tripoli, 6-39 c - 16143 GENOA (ITALY)